Finding the Central Force Given the Orbit

In summary, you can use the second equation to eliminate theta from the first equation. Then, you need to find r double dot and theta dot from the equation for r. If you substitute in r=1/y, you get an even simpler formula for y: f= -(y''+y)r^2 m \dot \theta^2=-(y''+y) L^2/(mr^2). However, this result is incorrect because r' is the derivative of r with respect to angle and has units of length, not angle.
  • #1
phil ess

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

on image

The Attempt at a Solution

The first thing I did was use the second equation to get

Theta dot = L/mr2

Which I then subbed into the first equation to eliminate Theta dot.

Now I need everything in terms of r, and this is where I get stuck.

If I just find the second derivative of r (r double dot), then sub it back in, I am left with all kinds of Thetas, but I need f as a function of r.

How do I proceed here? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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  • #2
Derive the second equation: from that you get the second derivative of theta in terms of r and the first derivatives of both r and theta.
The first derivative of theta is just L/(mr^2).
And you have the equation of the orbit to find theta in terms of r.

  • #3
Thanks for the reply! But I am not sure what youre getting at.

When you say derive the second equation, I assume you mean differentiate it?

In that case, is this correct?

[tex]\dot{\theta} = L / mr\stackrel{2}{}[/tex]

[tex]\ddot{\theta} = -2L\dot{r} / mr\stackrel{3}{}[/tex]

Im a little unsure as to how to do the derivative..

In any case, I don't see how this helps me, since the equation for the force doesn't contain any Theta double dot terms.

What I then tried to do was just find r double dot frm the equation for r, and using the equation for r, cancel out the thetas that appear.

Then i get:

[tex]\ddot{r} = \frac{-A}{r\stackrel{2}{}}\left(1-\frac{r\stackrel{2}{}}{A\stackrel{4}{}}\right)\stackrel{-1/2}{}[/tex]

Which is a nice enough result I guess, and now I have r double dot and theta dot to use in equation 1, but I get a very wrong answer upon subbing them in..

If you can offer any more guidance I'd be very grateful!
  • #4
I can not check your work if you do not show it in detail. Do you know what result you should get?

This is quite a weird orbit as it has sense only between -pi/4 and pi/4, otherwise r^2 would be negative.

Anyway, the derivation for a central force
is a bit easier if you use the derivatives of r with respect to theta, (r', r''):

[tex]\dot r = r' \dot \theta [/tex]


[tex]\ddot r = r'' \dot \theta^2+r' \ddot \theta [/tex]

As you derived already

\ddot{\theta} =\frac {-2L\dot r} {mr^3}

this is equivalent to

\ddot{\theta} =\frac {-2L r' \dot \theta} {mr^3}=-\frac{2 r'}{r} \dot \theta^2


[tex]\ddot r = r'' \dot \theta^2- \frac{2 r'^2}{r} \dot \theta^2\rightarrow \ddot r =(r''-\frac{2r'^2}{r})\dot \theta^2[/tex]


[tex]f/m= (r''-\frac{2r'^2}{r}-r)\dot \theta^2[/tex]

If you substitute r=1/y, you get an even simpler formula for y:

[tex]f= -(y''+y)r^2 m \dot \theta^2=-(y''+y) L^2/(mr^2)[/tex]

Not long ago, there was a thread with similar topics:

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  • #5
Thanks so much for the help... this is really frustrating. Maybe I'm just making arithmetic errors, bu I just can't get the right answer. Using your method:

[tex]r=A cos^{1/2}(2\theta)[/tex]

[tex]r'=A cos^{-1/2}(2\theta)sin(2\theta)[/tex]

[tex]r'^{2}=A^{2}cos^{-1}(2\theta)sin^{2}(2\theta) = A^{2}cos^{-1}(2\theta)(1-cos^{2}(2\theta)) = \frac{A^{4}}{r^{3}} - r[/tex]

after substituting back in from the first line to get rid of theta

[tex]r" = \frac{1}{2}A cos^{-3/2}(2\theta)(-2sin(2\theta))sin(2\theta) - A cos^{1/2}(2\theta)(2 cos(2\theta))[/tex]

Then after a few lines of simplifying, just like for r'

[tex]r" = \frac{-A^{4}}{r^{4}}+1-2r[/tex]

Subbing into your equation for r double dot:


Which gives

[tex]f(r) = \frac{-LA^{4}(1+r)-L^{2}r^{3}}{mr^{6}}[/tex]

which again is wrong. the correct answer should be

[tex]f(r) = \frac{-3A^{4}L^{2}}{mr^{7}}[/tex]
  • #6
phil ess said:
Maybe I'm just making arithmetic errors
You are.

[tex]r'^{2}=A^{2}cos^{-1}(2\theta)sin^{2}(2\theta) = A^{2}cos^{-1}(2\theta)(1-cos^{2}(2\theta)) = \frac{A^{4}}{r^{3}} - r[/tex]
A quick test of the units shows this cannot be correct. r' is the derivative of r (units=length) with respect to angle (unitless). r' therefore has units of length, so r'2 has units of length2. Your result has units of length, so it cannot be correct. This invalid result makes everything else you did invalid.

Try differentiating [itex]r^2 = A^2\cos2\theta[/itex] to give you [itex]rr'[/itex]. What does squaring that result yield?
  • #7
I have found some errors at the beginning. The following is correct.

r'=-A cos^{-1/2}(2\theta)sin(2\theta)

r'^{2}=A^{2}cos^{-1}(2\theta)sin^{2}(2\theta) = A^{2}cos^{-1}(2\theta)(1-cos^{2}(2\theta)) = \frac{A^{4}}{r^{2}} - r^2


FAQ: Finding the Central Force Given the Orbit

What is a central force?

A central force is a type of force that acts on an object towards a fixed point. This fixed point is known as the center of force and the direction of the force is always towards or away from the center.

How is the orbit of an object affected by a central force?

The orbit of an object is determined by the strength and direction of the central force acting upon it. The object will follow a curved path around the center of force, known as an orbit, as long as the force is present.

What factors affect the central force given the orbit?

The main factors that affect the central force given the orbit are the mass of the object, the distance between the object and the center of force, and the angle at which the object is moving relative to the center of force. Other factors such as the shape of the orbit and the presence of other forces may also play a role.

What is the equation for finding the central force given an orbit?

The equation for finding the central force given an orbit is F = G(m1m2)/r², where F is the force, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between the two objects.

How is the central force given an orbit used in scientific studies?

The central force given an orbit is a fundamental concept in physics and is used in various scientific studies, such as in celestial mechanics to understand the motion of planets and other celestial bodies. It is also used in engineering and space exploration to calculate trajectories and orbits of spacecraft and satellites.
