Fluid Mechanics: Fluid Transfer Between Two Reservoirs at Different Heights

  • #1
Homework Statement
Fluid mechanics question
Relevant Equations
Bernoulli's Equation
A reservoir supply tunnel transfers water from a high level storage reservoir via a 200mm diameter pipe to a lower intermediate reservoir. The total height difference between the free surfaces of each reservoir is 76 m. The pipe is 700 m long and the coefficient of friction, Cf is 0.009. The loss factor at entry (k) is 0.5 and at exit is 1.0. Determine:
the head losses in metres
the mean fluid velocity and flow rate at the instant illustrated

I have done a full solution but not used Bernoulli's equation this is what i need help with.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
So show us what you've done so far please.
  • #3
please see attached my attempt


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  • #4
ShaunG123 said:
please see attached my attempt
Could you please convert it to a PDF file instead? Word files are problematic for sharing from non-trusted sources. You can use a free PDF writer like PrimoPDF to do the conversion, for example. Thanks. :smile:
  • #5


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  • #6
ShaunG123 said:
This looks mostly correct to me, but, in the simplification of the equations, I think there might be an algebra error. Please check it over.
  • #7
I also need help with this question if anyone has a solution using Bernoulli's equation.
  • #8
wtplowry said:
I also need help with this question if anyone has a solution using Bernoulli's equation.
Welcome to PF.

We do not give out solutions to homework/schoolwork questions. We can offer tutorial help if you show us your best efforts to work toward the solution yourself.

Please start a new thread in this forum, and fill out the sections of the Template for the Relevant Equations and your Attempt at the Solution. If you do that, you will get good help here. This old thread is now closed.
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