How can we use Euclid's proof to find infinitely many primes?

In summary, the author gives Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many primes by assuming there aren't infinitely many, and taking all the primes, multiplying them together (P1*P2...*Pn), and then adding 1 - showing that this is larger than the largest prime, but not divisible by any of the primes (because of the remainder of 1) thus contradicting the assumption. However, this does not necessarily give us a method of finding infinitely many primes, as we may miss some primes in the process.
  • #1
In What is Mathematics, the author gives Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many primes by assuming there aren't infinitely many, and taking all the primes, multiplying them together (P1*P2...*Pn), and then adding 1 - showing that this is larger than the largest prime, but not divisible by any of the primes (because of the remainder of 1) thus contradicting the assumption. Does this sexy reductio proof give us a method of find infinitely many primes? If we take all our known primes, multiply them together, and add one, do we always get a new prime and are thus able to find an infinitude of primes with a big enough calculator?
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  • #2
Pupil said:
In What is Mathematics, the author gives Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many primes by assuming there aren't infinitely many, and taking all the primes, multiplying them together (P1*P2...*Pn), and then adding 1 - showing that this is larger than the largest prime,

False. If their are infinite many primes greater then zero and the primers are integers then there is no largest prime. That is their are no infinite subsets of the naturals with an upper bound.
  • #3
John Creighto said:
False. If their are infinite many primes greater then zero and the primers are integers then there is no largest prime. That is their are no infinite subsets of the naturals with an upper bound.

Uhh... John, the proof's perfectly fine. I think you misread it

Pupil, the problem is you need to know ALL the primes. For example, we start off with 2 as a prime.

2+1=3. Great!

2*3+1 = 7 Great! (wait... we missed 5...)

2*3*7+1 = 43 Great! (wait... now we're missing a bunch of primes)

2*3*7*43+1 = 1807 = 13*139

You can see the problem here is that we missed some primes (most primes), and when we do the next step the result could be divisible by a prime we didn't include. Of course, we can try to extend this a bit, but if you start with any finite list of primes, after your first step it should intuitively be obvious you're going to start missing a lot of primes, and those could divide the new numbers you're generating
  • #4
Office_Shredder said:
Uhh... John, the proof's perfectly fine. I think you misread it

Pupil, the problem is you need to know ALL the primes. For example, we start off with 2 as a prime.

2+1=3. Great!

2*3+1 = 7 Great! (wait... we missed 5...)

2*3*7+1 = 43 Great! (wait... now we're missing a bunch of primes)

2*3*7*43+1 = 1807 = 13*139

You can see the problem here is that we missed some primes (most primes), and when we do the next step the result could be divisible by a prime we didn't include. Of course, we can try to extend this a bit, but if you start with any finite list of primes, after your first step it should intuitively be obvious you're going to start missing a lot of primes, and those could divide the new numbers you're generating

Ah, I see. So basically, if we should know all the primes on a given interval from 0 to n we could at best find one prime larger than n with certainty by this method. Fascinating. Damn these primes for being so elusive!
  • #5
Office_Shredder said:
Uhh... John, the proof's perfectly fine. I think you misread it

Pupil, the problem is you need to know ALL the primes. For example, we start off with 2 as a prime.

2+1=3. Great!

2*3+1 = 7 Great! (wait... we missed 5...)

2*3*7+1 = 43 Great! (wait... now we're missing a bunch of primes)

2*3*7*43+1 = 1807 = 13*139

You can see the problem here is that we missed some primes (most primes), and when we do the next step the result could be divisible by a prime we didn't include. Of course, we can try to extend this a bit, but if you start with any finite list of primes, after your first step it should intuitively be obvious you're going to start missing a lot of primes, and those could divide the new numbers you're generating

Oh, okay. Thanks.
  • #6
Pupil said:
In What is Mathematics, the author gives Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many primes by assuming there aren't infinitely many, and taking all the primes, multiplying them together (P1*P2...*Pn), and then adding 1 - showing that this is larger than the largest prime, but not divisible by any of the primes (because of the remainder of 1) thus contradicting the assumption. Does this sexy reductio proof give us a method of find infinitely many primes? If we take all our known primes, multiply them together, and add one, do we always get a new prime and are thus able to find an infinitude of primes with a big enough calculator?

No. Euclid's proof does not say or require that "P1*P2*...*Pn+ 1" must be prime. It says that, since it is not divisible by any of the primes P1, P2, ..., Pn, either it is prime or it is divisible by some prime larger than P1, P2, ..., Pn.
  • #7
I decided to Google it.
Suppose that p1=2 < p2 = 3 < ... < pr are all of the primes. Let P = and let p be a prime dividing P; then p can not be any of p1, p2, ..., pr, otherwise p would divide the difference, which is impossible. So this prime p is still another prime, and p1, p2, ..., pr would not be all of the primes.

Why can't p divide:
  • #9
John Creighto said:
I decided to Google it.

Why can't p divide:

If p divides 1, then p<1.

Ah, I see. So basically, if we should know all the primes on a given interval from 0 to n we could at best find one prime larger than n with certainty by this method. Fascinating. Damn these primes for being so elusive!

Maybe not even one step... for example, 2*3*5*7*11*13*17+1 is divisible by 19.

FAQ: How can we use Euclid's proof to find infinitely many primes?

1. What is the "Formula For the Primes"?

The "Formula For the Primes" is a mathematical equation that can be used to generate a list of prime numbers. It is a simple and efficient way to find all the prime numbers within a given range.

2. How does the "Formula For the Primes" work?

The formula involves a series of mathematical operations on a set of whole numbers. It identifies numbers that are divisible only by 1 and themselves, which are known as prime numbers. By following the formula, you can generate a list of all the prime numbers within a given range.

3. Is the "Formula For the Primes" always accurate?

Yes, the formula is always accurate. It has been extensively tested and verified by mathematicians. When used correctly, it will always generate a list of all the prime numbers within a given range.

4. What are the applications of the "Formula For the Primes"?

The formula has many practical applications, including cryptography, computer security, and data encryption. It is also used in various mathematical and scientific fields to identify patterns in prime numbers and understand their properties.

5. Can the "Formula For the Primes" be used to find large prime numbers?

Yes, the formula can be used to find large prime numbers. However, as the numbers get larger, the calculations become more complex and time-consuming. In these cases, other methods and algorithms are often used to efficiently find and verify large prime numbers.

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