Calculating Transverse Wave Propagation in a Semi-Infinite Beam

In summary, the conversation discusses the determination of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and strain at various points along a semi-infinite beam when a transversely directed transient force is applied at its free end. It also mentions the calculation of transverse acceleration using MATLAB for different positions, illustrating the propagation of the wave. The wave equation is mentioned as the simplest dynamic model for transverse motion of a beam, and a solution is provided for the displacement in terms of the applied force and a function of position and frequency.
  • #1
1. A transversely directed transient force F(t) acts at the free end of a semi-infinite beam.
a) Show how displacement, velocity, acceleration and strain at an arbitrary position along the beam can be determined.
b) Calculate (MATLAB) the transversal acceleration (or an other quantity) at an arbitrary position. Assume suitable parameters and a force history.
c) Make the calculation for several positions thus illustrating the propagation of the wave.

Homework Equations

##\hat{v} = Ae^{i\beta x} + Be^{-i\beta x} +Ce^{-\beta x} + De^{\beta x}##
##\hat{T} = -E I \hat{v}^{\prime \prime \prime} = -E I \frac{\partial^3 \hat{v}}{\partial x^3}##
##\hat{T} = -\frac{1}{2}\hat{F}##

## v = \sum_n \hat{v} e^{-i \omega t} ##

Where ##v## is the displacement
##T## transverse force in the beam (given from free body diagram)
##E## Youngs modulus
A,B,C,D is just constants

The Attempt at a Solution

What i know is that I can calculate the axial velocity and acceleration
##\dot{v} = \sum_n - \hat{v} \omega e^{-i \omega t}##
##\dot{v} = \sum_n \hat{v} \omega^2 e^{-i \omega t}##

Also, since it is a semi-infinite beam, there will only be a wave going in one direction.
therefore the
##\hat{v} = A e^{-\beta x} + B e^{- i \beta x}##

I need to relate this to the force acting on the beam and do not know how to proceed...
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  • #2
The wave equation which is the simplest dynamic model for transverse motion of a beam is displayed below if it helps.

## v^{\prime \prime \prime \prime} + \frac{\rho A}{E I} \ddot{v} =0 ##
  • #3
For those who have interest in this, I can give you the answer right away. Derivate the displacement with the boundary conditions, solve out all constants and you will get a very pretty expression that looks like this

\hat{v}(x,\omega) = \frac{\hat{F}(\omega)}{4(EI)^{\frac{1}{4}}i \omega^{\frac{3}{2}}(\rho A)^{\frac{3}{4}}}\left[ e^{-i\left[\omega^2 \frac{\rho A}{EI} \right]^{\frac{1}{4}}x} -ie^{-\left[\omega^2 \frac{\rho A}{EI} \right]^{\frac{1}{4}}x} \right]##
Which could be expressed
##\hat{v}(x,\omega) = \hat{F}(\omega) \cdot \hat{H}(x,\omega)##
  • #4
Hej Trevor, did you ever manage with the MATLAB script?
Im doing a similar asssignment, and I am not getting the script to behave properly.

FAQ: Calculating Transverse Wave Propagation in a Semi-Infinite Beam

1. What is the Fourier Problem?

The Fourier Problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding the coefficients of a trigonometric series that can represent a given function. This problem is named after French mathematician Joseph Fourier.

2. What is the Wave Problem?

The Wave Problem is a physical problem that involves understanding the behavior and properties of waves, such as sound, light, and water waves. It also involves finding solutions to wave equations that describe the motion of these waves.

3. How are the Fourier Problem and Wave Problem related?

The Fourier Problem is closely related to the Wave Problem because the Fourier series can be used to represent periodic waves. It is a useful tool for solving wave equations and understanding the behavior of waves.

4. What are some applications of the Fourier Problem and Wave Problem?

The Fourier Problem and Wave Problem have many practical applications in fields such as signal processing, image and sound compression, and seismology. They are also used in physics, engineering, and mathematics to study the properties of waves and solve related problems.

5. Are there any challenges associated with solving the Fourier Problem and Wave Problem?

Yes, there can be challenges in solving these problems, especially when dealing with complex functions or non-periodic waves. It requires a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques, as well as knowledge of the specific application area. Additionally, obtaining accurate and precise solutions can be difficult and may require advanced computational methods.
