Effect of Moon's Orbital Speed on Frequency of Solar Eclipses

In summary, the question from Chaisson & McMillan's "A Beginner's Guide to the Universe" asks what would happen to the frequency of solar eclipses if the Moon orbited Earth twice as fast in the same orbit. The answer key states that the frequency would stay the same, but the answer may depend on the interpretation of frequency. If it is the number of eclipses per number of Earth units, then the answer would be (a) that the frequency would double. However, if it is the number of eclipses per number of revolutions of the Moon, then the answer would be (c) that the frequency would stay the same. The question also raises the issue of whether the Moon could actually orbit twice as fast in
  • #1
A question from Chaisson & McMillan's "A Beginner's Guide to the Universe" is as follows:

If the Moon orbited Earth twice as fast, but in the same orbit, the frequency of solar eclipses would (a) double; (b) be cut in half; (c) stay the same.

The answer key states that the correct answer is (c), but I don't see how this can be correct. Setting aside the violation of Kepler's 3rd law in the statement above, the synodic month would be 14.8 days if the Moon orbited twice as fast. Under normal circumstances, at least two eclipses (solar or lunar) can occur during an eclipse season, which is a period of 31-37 days occurring every six months, where the Moon's orbit and Sun's path (differing by 5º) overlap. At least one new moon and one full moon will occur during an eclipse season, since a synodic month (29.5 days) is shorter than an eclipse season. This means that at least one solar eclipse (formed during a new moon) and one lunar eclipse (formed during a full moon) will occur during an eclipse season. Now, if the Moon orbits twice as fast, shouldn't there be twice as many eclipses? (There would be at least 2 full moons and 2 new moons occurring in 31-37 days). Am I missing something?
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  • #2
I guess I'll answer my own question. According to the authors of the textbook, they subcontract the review questions/conceptual self-test questions at the end of each chapter to other people. It looks likely that there may be an error in the solution set.
  • #3
No idea, sorry man.
  • #4
I assume it would depend upon what they mean by frequency.

You are using the frequency to mean the number of eclipses per number of Earth units ie days, and the answer would be a) if the moon revolved twice as fast.

If you calculate the number of eclipses per number of revolutions of the moon, then yes this frequency would stay the same and the answer is c)

A bit of a crappy question from the book, if they did not explain what interpretaion of frequency the reader is to use.
  • #5
Let's look at this another way - if the moon moved twice as fast, eclipses would last half as long, right? The total fraction of time the Earth spends in eclipse doesn't depend on the speed: that just depends on geometry. So if the duration is halved and the time is constant the frequency must double.
  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
Let's look at this another way - if the moon moved twice as fast, eclipses would last half as long, right? The total fraction of time the Earth spends in eclipse doesn't depend on the speed: that just depends on geometry. So if the duration is halved and the time is constant the frequency must double.

And another way in case someone is asking how the moon could rotate twice as fast while in the same orbit:
Go out in space with a camera and take a video of the moon orbiting the Earth for a set time frame, say a year. Count the number of eclipses.
Then replay the video at twice the speed. The moon revolves at twice the speed. Count the number of eclipses in the video. It will be the same as before.
  • #7
The moon cannot orbit twice as fast and stay in the same orbit. The orbital radius would have to be greatly reduced for the moon to stay in orbit at that velocity. So the effect on eclipses would greatly depend on the details of its new orbit.
  • #8
256bits said:
Then replay the video at twice the speed. The moon revolves at twice the speed. Count the number of eclipses in the video. It will be the same as before.

Yes, for half as long. Which means you need to play the video twice.
  • #9
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes, for half as long. Which means you need to play the video twice.

Which means there would be twice as many eclipses counted in twice as many revolutions so the frequency of eclpises per revolution remains constant.
  • #10
There are usually 2 solar eclipses per year, at least judging from the 2001-2010 occurrences shown http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEdecade/SEdecade2001.html" . The sun has to be within about 1/2 degree of the plane of the moon's orbit; it passes through this plane twice per year.

For the frequency of solar eclipses to increase, the moon would have to orbit fast enough to get in between the Earth and sun twice while the sun remains within 1/2 degree of this plane. Don't know offhand if halving the moon's orbital period would accomplish this; the problem authors apparently say that it wouldn't.
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  • #11
For a shorter 'lunar month', the Moon must orbit much nearer, and subtend a larger solid angle in sky. Not only will you get more total eclipses, but you will get a disproportionate increase in the number of partial eclipses...

This is the 'reverse problem' to exo-planet hunting by watching for transits...

FWIW, given tidal dissipation, the Moon is steadily retreating from Earth so, in distant future, Earth can only get partial solar eclipses...

FAQ: Effect of Moon's Orbital Speed on Frequency of Solar Eclipses

1. What causes the frequency of solar eclipses?

The frequency of solar eclipses is caused by the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. When the Moon's orbit intersects with the Earth's orbit around the Sun, a solar eclipse can occur.

2. How often do solar eclipses happen?

Solar eclipses happen approximately 2-5 times a year, but not all of them are visible from every location on Earth. Some areas may only experience a partial eclipse while others may have a total eclipse.

3. Why don't solar eclipses happen every month?

Solar eclipses do not happen every month because the Moon's orbit around the Earth is tilted at an angle, causing it to only align with the Sun's path on rare occasions.

4. Can you predict when a solar eclipse will happen?

Yes, scientists can predict when a solar eclipse will happen by using mathematical calculations and analyzing the movements of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. This allows them to determine the exact date and time of an eclipse.

5. How long does a solar eclipse last?

The duration of a solar eclipse can vary, but on average, a total solar eclipse can last for a few minutes. However, the entire event, including the partial phases, can last for several hours.

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