Freshman at BMCC: Is Success Possible Despite Remedial Courses?

In summary, the person is a freshman student at BMCC in New York, a community college, and is taking all remedial courses. They have failed the ACT, which is required before starting at the college. They are interested in being successful, possibly in a career related to physics or chemistry, but are not motivated. Suggestions are made to take up physics as a hobby and to try out different courses to see what interests them. They are also advised to complete their general education requirements before choosing a specific career path. They also ask about becoming a scholar, but are advised to focus on their studies and find a path that interests them before worrying about labels or titles.
  • #1
i am a freshman student at BMCC (cuny). in new york. its a community college. i just wanted to know if it is possible for me to be very successful also i am taking all remedial. yes i have failed the ACT that is needed to take before you start going there.
Physics news on
  • #2
Of course it is.

What do you define as "very successful"?
  • #3
well i define as it as a maybe a physicist? or a chemist a professional career with a high payment?

im not worried about the payment but I am not motivated much.
  • #4
Well if you're not motivated then why would you want to do physics or chemistry?
  • #5
You can start with remedial courses and later be successful; although you need to be motivated and need a sense of direction.
  • #6
Success is relative. For example, and teacher making $30k a year can be considered just as successful as a physicist making $100k+ a year. What is comes down to is what your passions are.

If you are wanting to get into a career field because of higher pay, I would say you need to take a step back and evaluate how much time you are willing to spend and how much effort you are willing to put into your studies. Physics and Chemistry require a high level of analytical skills and focus when studying.

I suggest you determine what you have a passion for and pursue it, even if you only make a median salary. Your success is only determined by you and how confident you are in the goals you acheive.
  • #7
i like science and how things work. i also like inventing things, but I am still not motivated at that! so i was wondering how can i start getting to be motivated and get to my career.

as i have spoken about payment i meant that successful people makes a lot of money! or well i think of that.

so I am really not sure about getting into a career. how can i start getting into something?
  • #8
demi0989 said:
i like science and how things work. i also like inventing things, but I am still not motivated at that! so i was wondering how can i start getting to be motivated and get to my career.

as i have spoken about payment i meant that successful people makes a lot of money! or well i think of that.

so I am really not sure about getting into a career. how can i start getting into something?

Take it up as a hobby.
  • #9
DaveC426913 said:
Take it up as a hobby.

what you mean by that?
also what if i like something but not familiar with it?
  • #10
demi0989 said:
what you mean by that?
also what if i like something but not familiar with it?

I mean: you've said you're not motivated. You should not invest in a career until you've experimented with it to be sure you want to go through with it.

So take up physics as a hobby. See if you like it.

demi0989 said:
also what if i like something but not familiar with it?
Uh, I dunno. Familiarize yourself with it? Read? Join an online forum?

What are you asking us?
  • #11
DaveC426913 said:
What are you asking us?

well i just wanted to know pretty much. how can i start on a career and be good with it? very confused really.
  • #12
demi0989 said:
well i just wanted to know pretty much. how can i start on a career and be good with it? very confused really.
Well, what I did was join this forum. I've been here five years because I like physics. Also, I've read every book I could get my hands on. I've surrounded myself with the trappings of my vocation of interest. I'm now looking at going back to school to take the maths I'll need.

In my experience, the things you will excel at are the things you'd do for free, the things you fill your "me" time with.
  • #13
If you are not motivated, I would say take a risk and find a job or a class relevant to the career you are interested in and see whether that motivates you. If you fail to become motivated, find a different path to take. For example: If you are interested in physics, take a course in physics. If you are not motivated after that, find a nother class in a field you have an interest in. There is no reason to waste 4 years of college and thousands of dollars if you have no mitivation or sense of direction.

You say you attend a community college. While you are trying to figure out what you want to do, spend your time completing your general education requirements (i.e. english, history, humanities, math, etc...). Hopefully at the end of two year, you will have an idea what you want to pursue.
  • #14
how would one become a scholar? what does a scholar do and can anyone name a scholar?
  • #15
demi0989 said:
how would one become a scholar? what does a scholar do and can anyone name a scholar?

Look in a dictionary and read the definition of "scholar". Is that what you want to be? You are maybe viewing "scholar" as a label. Someone just recently made some advice to you: study your required general education courses. You might or might not decide on a choice of what main field to study. Stop worrying about whether you should fit the label of scholar. Just study and find a path. Even school counselors may give less useful career-direction counseling than you can determine for yourself, until you make a choice and ask for more specific advice from people in that field.
  • #16
i am a freshman student at BMCC (cuny). in new york. its a community college. i just wanted to know if it is possible for me to be very successful also i am taking all remedial. yes i have failed the ACT that is needed to take before you start going there.
If you failed the ACT and they require it, how are you a freshman at the college?

Maybe you should start out a little smaller than thinking being a scholar or a physicist and go one step at a time. If the money is not too bad, try and stay in school until you get an associates degree in something, then transfer, get a job, or keep going for a bachelors at the same school.
  • #17
Mk said:
If you failed the ACT and they require it, how are you a freshman at the college?

Maybe you should start out a little smaller than thinking being a scholar or a physicist and go one step at a time. If the money is not too bad, try and stay in school until you get an associates degree in something, then transfer, get a job, or keep going for a bachelors at the same school.

thanks ill take small steps and also I am takeing those remedial of the failure to my ACT.

Related to Freshman at BMCC: Is Success Possible Despite Remedial Courses?

What are remedial courses?

Remedial courses are academic courses that are designed to help students who are not yet prepared for college-level work. These courses cover basic skills in math, reading, and writing to ensure that students have the necessary foundation to succeed in their college courses.

Do I have to take remedial courses as a freshman at BMCC?

It depends on your placement test scores. If your scores indicate that you need additional support in certain subjects, then you will be required to take remedial courses before enrolling in college-level courses. However, if you have already taken and passed these subjects in high school, you may be exempt from remedial courses.

How will remedial courses affect my GPA?

Remedial courses do not typically count towards your GPA. They are meant to provide you with the necessary skills to succeed in your college courses, but they are not considered college-level courses. Therefore, your GPA will not be affected by your performance in remedial courses.

Can I still graduate on time if I have to take remedial courses?

It is possible to graduate on time despite taking remedial courses, but it will depend on your individual circumstances. If you are able to complete your remedial courses and college-level courses within the expected time frame, then you can still graduate on time. However, if you need to take additional semesters or courses, it may delay your graduation.

How can I ensure success in my remedial courses at BMCC?

The best way to ensure success in your remedial courses is to attend all classes, complete assignments on time, and seek help from your instructors or tutoring services if needed. It is also important to stay motivated and have a positive attitude towards your coursework. Remember that remedial courses are designed to help you succeed, so don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.

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