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- TL;DR Summary
- Polarization-squeezed beams can be generating by interfering amplitude-squeezed beams of light with orthogonal polarizations on polarizing beam splitters
Stokes operator squeezed continuous variable polarization states
Polarization squeezing and continuous-variable polarization entanglement
https://arxiv.org/ftp/quant-ph/papers/0108/0108098.pdfI just found out from these sources that beams of light that are squeezed with less uncertainty in amplitude or phase than a coherent state, generated in nonlinear crystals, when overlapped on a polarizing beam splitter generate a polarization-squeezed beam.It is shown that a light beam formed by interference of two orthogonally-polarized quadrature-squeezed beams exhibits squeezing in some of the Stokes parameters. Passage of such a primary polarization-squeezed beam through suitable optical components generates a pair of polarization-entangled light beams with the nature of a two-mode squeezed state.
I thought interference between orthogonal polarizations was not possible?
"The two constituent orthogonal linearly polarized states of natural light cannot interfere to form a readily observable interference pattern, even if rotated into alignment (because they are incoherent)."
And what exactly does a polarization-squeezed beam mean?