Can Graphene Wire Coils Replace Copper in Generators?

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Graphene for use in coils
If I used a coil made from graphene wire I.e. exactly the same as if I used a coil made from copper wire. For use in a generator. Would the mechanical resistance caused by the effect from Lenz law be more, less or the same ?

Could I even use graphene in such a way , I'm assuming because it will carry a current the effects will all be the same because its the field from the current that causing the reaction not so much the material, obviously the material must be conductive.
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  • #2
It does not really matter what the wire is made from. If it has a similar resistance to copper, it will have similar magnetic interactions.
  • #3
Yes thank you.

I was thinking maybe because the electrical resistance is much lower than that of copper if there would be any difference.

It would be very interesting to make a wire from a superconductor and make a coil from that.
  • #5
Love it.
  • #6
Silver is a better conductor than copper. Why don't we use that in our circuits? If you can answer that question, you will understand why we don't use graphene.
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Likes russ_watters and berkeman
  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
Silver is a better conductor than copper. Why don't we use that in our circuits? If you can answer that question, you will understand why we don't use graphene.
Gold is used in many integrated circuits.
  • #8
bob012345 said:
Gold is used in many integrated circuits.

Find cost of copper in a typical transformer, find cost of gold in a typical IC, divide.
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Likes davenn, russ_watters, berkeman and 1 other person
  • #9
Copper, silver, gold are all elements taken as an ore mined from various places, graphene is only Currently expensive because of its production costs. It is an artificially made material (the highest quality sheets). It has potential to become much cheaper than Copper over time , research and development.
  • #10
Sure, maybe someday.
Maybe someday we will have small "Mr. Fusion" devices and won't need to transport electricity.
  • #11
Not to many years ago it was thought completely impossible to make a diamond without extreme HPHT environment. Now they can be grown at normal pressure and temperature.

It really not that far fetched to think in the not to distant future it will be easy to produce high quality sheets of graphene. Like any product it needs investment to develop. Unfortunately that's the way the world currently is. So the current material needs to be used in industry. I.e. Power production , electric vehicles, aircraft etc where they can claim very high efficiency.
  • #12
pete94857 said:
It really not that far fetched to think in the not to distant future it will be easy to produce high quality sheets of graphene. Like any product it needs investment to develop. Unfortunately that's the way the world currently is.
Platitudes sound good, but when that time comes, we can expect there to be other contenders besides graphene.

It is a given that we must use what we have now, or work in research to increase the available options for others in the future. If we wait for graphene, there will be no finance to invest in the development of graphene. Get real.
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Likes russ_watters and Vanadium 50
  • #13
It is very easy to say, "we'll have some great stuff, once somebody else does the hard work of developing it."

I'm still waiting on my flying car with anti-gravity paint.
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Likes russ_watters
  • #14
Baluncore said:
Platitudes sound good, but when that time comes, we can expect there to be other contenders besides graphene.

It is a given that we must use what we have now, or work in research to increase the available options for others in the future. If we wait for graphene, there will be no finance to invest in the development of graphene. Get real.
I am real. If we follow your guidance there'd be no advancement.
  • Skeptical
Likes russ_watters
  • #15
Vanadium 50 said:
It is very easy to say, "we'll have some great stuff, once somebody else does the hard work of developing it."

I'm still waiting on my flying car with anti-gravity paint.
Yes lots of people do lots of hard work to develop what you take for granted. Flying cars have existed for a long time.
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  • #16
Thread is done. Thanks folks.
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