What is Canadian Raising and How Does it Affect How Canadians Speak?

  • Thread starter Smurf
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In summary: Yeah, I'm not sure either. In summary, the author went to a Canada Day celebration and saw people dancing around a chocolate elk, playing hockey, getting drunk, and remining themselves to be good neighbors. There was also a fireworks display.
  • #1
Happy Canada Day Everyone!


And for those of you who don't know what Canada Day is, remember:
Wiki is your friend.
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  • #2
Bah, you people!

Fine, I'll celebrate on my own.
  • #3
So what does one do on Canada Day? Play hockey, get drunk, go moose-tipping, wear funny hats (like the RCMP), and make fun of Yanks? :biggrin: Sounds swell.
  • #4
Slurp up that maple syrup, boy, and remember, soon you'll get smarfed.
  • #5
Smurf said:
Fine, I'll celebrate on my own.

You might have to, it looks like Danger and JasonRox are too busy dancing naked around the giant chocolate elk.
  • #6
brewnog said:
You might have to, it looks like Danger and JasonRox are too busy dancing naked around the giant chocolate elk.
Drool, slaver, LOVE chocolate elks, yummy!
  • #7
Ahhh... Canada Day. Time for the ceremonial exchanging of gifts and feats of strength competition...oh wait. That was Festivus. Never mind.
  • #8
We had a GIANT fireworks display between Windsor and Detroit..and of course drank gallons of beer, and remined ourselfs to always be good neighbors...and then drank more beer.
  • #9
hypatia said:
We had a GIANT fireworks display between Windsor and Detroit..and of course drank gallons of beer, and remined ourselfs to always be good neighbors...and then drank more beer.
Really? Usually no one does any fireworks until the evening of the 1st. (so, tonight). Keep another look out tonight because maybe there'll be another one.
  • #10
hypatia said:
We had a GIANT fireworks display between Windsor and Detroit..and of course drank gallons of beer, and remined ourselfs to always be good neighbors...and then drank more beer.
Yeah. Eminem came back to Detroit and did 1 song for a bunch of corporate hacks that paid $150 a plate for a fundraiser for the company that hosts the fireworks. Detroit is so friggin' screwed up.
  • #11
What, no moose-tipping? I thought you guys knew how to party.
  • #12
We love you, Canada! (Especially Manitoba!) Thank you for opening your borders long enough for some of us to escape!

  • #13
happy Canada's day...RIBFEST!
  • #14
Happy Canada Day Smurf! Chocolate Elk, YUMMM! :biggrin:
  • #15
Evo said:
Happy Canada Day Smurf! Chocolate Elk, YUMMM! :biggrin:
Sorry, no elk left for you.
  • #16
arildno said:
Sorry, no elk left for you.

I'll bet Smurf saved me some...right Smurf? :frown:
  • #17
Yeah. Eminem came back to Detroit and did 1 song for a bunch of corporate hacks that paid $150 a plate for a fundraiser for the company that hosts the fireworks. Detroit is so friggin' screwed up.

2,500 people{not corp hacks, altho Ford's bought 125 tickets and donated them to the childrens hospital, and Saturn provided the transportation for the kids} paid $175.00 as a fund raiser for the Detroit Parade Company, which helps keep civic events in Detroits future. This city needs to maintain a sense of community.
The Parade Company is a not-for-profit organization with thousands of volunteers who work year-round to bring a wide variety of events to the city of Detroit each year.

The fireworks are jointly hosted by Windsor volunteers and Detroit volunteers, with Target corp.footing the majority of the bill. Eminem performed for free, and my son agreed, he only did one song, but that the song was 25 mins long.
  • #18
Evo said:

I'll bet Smurf saved me some...right Smurf? :frown:
I saw Danger trying to hide behind a haunch he grabbed from me.
You're welcome to go after that haunch (or was that hunk? :confused:)
  • #19
Evo said:

I'll bet Smurf saved me some...right Smurf? :frown:
Yeah.. Sure... http://www.only-in-canada.com/product_info.php?products_id=169

You know I'd never forget you Evo.
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  • #20
I went looking for chocolate elk and got Chocolate Moose Doppings and Chocolate Elk Droppings instead. )o; Are you guys talking about chocolate elk antlers or something else? The antlers sound good.
  • #21
Careful! Prongs have a tendency to get stuck in your throat..
  • #22
arildno said:
Careful! Prongs have a tendency to get stuck in your throat..
Yes, and arildno knows what it's like to get a prick in the throat. Sorry.
  • #23
That was thorn speaking again. What a naughty twin you've got.
  • #24
Smurf said:
Yeah.. Sure... http://www.only-in-canada.com/product_info.php?products_id=169

You know I'd never forget you Evo.
Oh dear, not exactly what I had in mind. But it's the thought that counts. Wait...
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  • #25
Evo said:
Oh dear, not exactly what I had in mind. But it's the thought that counts. Wait...
Didn't you find the haunch Danger had scampered off with?
  • #26
arildno said:
Didn't you find the haunch Danger had scampered off with?
After reading about that 26 year old moose in his freezer, I don't know if I'd feel safe going after danger. :bugeye:
  • #27
:smile: :smile:
  • #28
"Chocolate Moose Doppings and Chocolate Elk Droppings"

I'm sorry is that prairie province talk?
  • #29
neurocomp2003 said:
"Chocolate Moose Doppings and Chocolate Elk Droppings"

I'm sorry is that prairie province talk?
They're chocolate-covered raisins and almonds. I don't want to know which is which or why. :rolleyes:
  • #30
Happy Canada Day to the Canadians! So, really, what do you do for the day? Do you do BBQs and fireworks and stuff like the folks in the US do on July 4?
  • #31
Happy 138th birthday Canada!

As for what people do, I don't really know. Definitely not as much as people in the states do for the 4th. Here most of the young people go down to the Inner Harbour where the fireworks are and drink and drink and drink. I remember a few years ago I went to a friend's block party and we played roller hockey and there was a big bbq and stuff. That was fun.

I don't think I'm doing anything inparticular. Last year I went down and watched the fireworks with my gf, but that relationship has long since ended and right now I'm single soooo...I don't think I'll be doing anything. I'm not much of a drinker so I'll probably sit at home and play poker.

:eek: :blushing: :cry:
  • #34
canada day, eh? couldn't think of a better name?

little do they know that '4th of july' is tomorrow
  • #35
Well we wanted to be original you know, so many people have already taken 'independance day' we felt we should shake things up a tad.

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