Headphone Impedance: Can My Lloyd's Y691 Work with Victor JA-S11?

  • Thread starter raymil
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In summary, if you are using an old headphone with an audio power amp, be sure to connect the headphones to the headphone jack, and avoid connecting them to the amp's output. The impedance of the headphones is not important.
  • #1
I am a newbie in all this stuff, so I would appreciate any help on this. I have come to posses an old amplifier, a Victor JA-S11 Stereo Integrated Amplifier, it is working very well and excellent sound quality. It has Headphone output jack. Currently I don't have any speakers to use it, and I thought about using an old headphone, it is a LLoyd's Stereo Headphones MODEL Y691.
My question is, can I use this headphone with this amplifier without causing damage to the amplifier or the headphones? Also, how can I determine the headphones impedance?
I have tried to find this information on the web, but since these are very old equipment I couldn't find anything about neither of these two.
Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
Headphones won't hurt your amp. Don't worry about their input impedance.

When you start pushing several 100s of watts into the load from the main outputs of your amp, then the Zin of the speakers will be important.
  • #3
I think I will try then. Thanks a lot. :-)
  • #4
berkeman said:
Headphones won't hurt your amp. Don't worry about their input impedance.

When you start pushing several 100s of watts into the load from the main outputs of your amp, then the Zin of the speakers will be important.
Actually, I should clarify my statement a bit. As long as you plug your headphones into the headphone jack, they won't hurt your amp. If you connect them to the output of the amp and turn up the volume, you'll blow the headphones obviously, and maybe hurt the output stage of the amp. At high output power levels, audio power amps generally need to have their rated load/speaker impedance connected. If you turn up the "volume" with no speakers attached, you can hurt the output stage of the amp with an overvoltage condition (if the amp wasn't designed to run safely without speakers connected).

FAQ: Headphone Impedance: Can My Lloyd's Y691 Work with Victor JA-S11?

1. What is headphone impedance?

Headphone impedance is the measure of electrical resistance that headphones have to an audio signal. It is measured in ohms and can affect the overall sound quality and volume of headphones.

2. How does headphone impedance affect audio quality?

Headphone impedance can affect audio quality by causing distortion or muddiness in the sound if it is too high or too low. It is important to match the impedance of your headphones with the audio device you are using for optimal sound quality.

3. Can my Lloyd's Y691 headphones work with the Victor JA-S11?

It is possible for the Lloyd's Y691 headphones to work with the Victor JA-S11, but it depends on the impedance of both the headphones and the audio device. It is recommended to check the impedance ratings of both and make sure they are compatible for the best sound quality.

4. What is the ideal headphone impedance for the Victor JA-S11?

The ideal headphone impedance for the Victor JA-S11 is between 32-100 ohms. This range is suitable for most headphones and will provide optimal sound quality without causing any damage to the audio device.

5. How do I know if my Lloyd's Y691 headphones are compatible with the Victor JA-S11?

You can check the impedance rating of your Lloyd's Y691 headphones and compare it to the Victor JA-S11's recommended range of 32-100 ohms. If the impedance falls within this range, then your headphones should be compatible and work well with the audio device.
