Heat equation finite difference in c++

In summary, the conversation is about someone who is researching the efficiency of different programming languages and is looking for a simple code to solve a 1-dimensional heat equation using the Crank-Nicolson finite difference method. They mention that they are familiar with Matlab, Mathematica, and Excel but not C++, and are hoping to find a code that uses LU decomposition. The source book for the numerical analysis is also mentioned. The code for the Crank-Nicolson algorithm is provided and there is a function F(x) that needs to be created beforehand.
  • #1
I'm currently doing some research comparing efficiency of various programming languages. Being a user of Matlab, Mathematica, and Excel, c++ is definitely not my forte. I was wondering if anyone might know where I could find a simple, standalone code for solving the 1-dimensional heat equation via a Crank-Nicolson finite difference method (or the general theta method). Ideally, I will need it to solve using LU decomposition, but I can probably figure that much out myself if I have a starting point.

Thanks to anyone that can help.
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  • #2
Source Book: Burden R.L., Faires J.D. Numerical analysis

*   To approximate the solution of the parabolic partial-differential
*   equation subject to the boundary conditions
*              u(0,t) = u(l,t) = 0, 0 < t < T = max t
*   and the initial conditions
*               u(x,0) = F(x), 0 <= x <= l:
*   INPUT:   endpoint l; maximum time T; constant ALPHA; integers m, N:
*   OUTPUT:  approximations W(I,J) to u(x(I),t(J)) for each
*            I = 1,..., m-1 and J = 1,..., N.

#define pi 4*atan(1)
#define true 1
#define false 0

double F(double X);
void INPUT(int *, double *, double *, double *, int *, int *);
void OUTPUT(double, double, int, double *, double);

   double V[25], L[25], U[25], Z[25];
   double FT,FX,ALPHA,H,K,VV,T,X;
   int N,M,M1,M2,N1,FLAG,I1,I,J,OK;

   INPUT(&OK, &FX, &FT, &ALPHA, &N, &M);
   if (OK) {
      M1 = M - 1;
      M2 = M - 2;
      /* STEP 1 */
      H = FX / M;
      K = FT / N;
      /* VV is used for lambda */
      VV = ALPHA * ALPHA * K / ( H * H );
      /* set V(M) = 0 */
      V[M-1] = 0.0;
      /* STEP 2 */
      for (I=1; I<=M1; I++) V[I-1] = F( I * H );
      /* STEP 3 */
      /* STEPS 3 through 11 solve a tridiagonal linear system
         using Algorithm 6.7 */
      L[0] = 1.0 + VV;
      U[0] = -VV / ( 2.0 * L[0] );
      /* STEP 4 */
      for (I=2; I<=M2; I++) {
         L[I-1] = 1.0 + VV + VV * U[I-2] / 2.0;
         U[I-1] = -VV / ( 2.0 * L[I-1] );
      /* STEP 5 */
      L[M1-1] = 1.0 + VV + 0.5 * VV * U[M2-1];
      /* STEP 6 */
      for (J=1; J<=N; J++) {
         /* STEP 7 */
         /* current t(j) */
         T = J * K;
         Z[0] = ((1.0-VV)*V[0]+VV*V[1]/2.0)/L[0];
         /* STEP 8 */
         for (I=2; I<=M1; I++)
            Z[I-1] = ((1.0-VV)*V[I-1]+0.5*VV*(V[I]+V[I-2]+Z[I-2]))/L[I-1];
         /* STEP 9 */
         V[M1-1] = Z[M1-1];
         /* STEP 10 */
         for (I1=1; I1<=M2; I1++) {
            I = M2 - I1 + 1;
            V[I-1] = Z[I-1] - U[I-1] * V[I];
      /* STEP 11 */
      OUTPUT(FT, X, M1, V, H);
   /* STEP 12 */
   return 0;

/* Change F for a new problem */
double F(double X)
   double f; 

   f =  sin(pi * X);
   return f;

void INPUT(int *OK, double *FX, double *FT, double *ALPHA, int *N, int *M)
   int FLAG;
   char AA;

   printf("This is the Crank-Nicolson Method.\n");
   printf("Has the function F(x) been created immediately\n");
   printf("preceding the INPUT function? Answer Y or N.\n");
   scanf("\n%c", &AA);
   if ((AA == 'Y') || (AA == 'y')) {
      printf("The lefthand endpoint on the X-axis is 0.\n");
      *OK =false;
      while (!(*OK)) {
         printf("Input the righthand endpoint on the X-axis.\n");
         scanf("%lf", FX);
         if (*FX <= 0.0) 
            printf("Must be positive number.\n");
         else *OK = true;
      *OK = false;
      while (!(*OK)) {
         printf("Input the maximum value of the time variable T.\n");
         scanf("%lf", FT);
         if (*FT <= 0.0)
            printf("Must be positive number.\n");
         else *OK = true;
      printf("Input the constant alpha.\n");
      scanf("%lf", ALPHA);
      *OK = false;
      while (!(*OK)) {
         printf("Input integer m = number of intervals on X-axis\n");
         printf("and N = number of time intervals - separated by a blank.\n");
         printf("Note that m must be 3 or larger.\n");
         scanf("%d %d", M, N);
         if ((*M <= 2) || (*N <= 0)) 
            printf("Numbers are not within correct range.\n");
         else *OK = true;
   else {
      printf("The program will end so that the function F can be created.\n");
      *OK = false;

void OUTPUT(double FT, double X, int M1, double *V, double H)
   int I, J, FLAG;
   char NAME[30];

   printf("Choice of output method:\n");
   printf("1. Output to screen\n");
   printf("2. Output to text file\n");
   printf("Please enter 1 or 2.\n");
   scanf("%d", &FLAG);
   if (FLAG == 2) {
      printf("Input the file name in the form - drive:name.ext\n");
      printf("for example:   A:OUTPUT.DTA\n");
      scanf("%s", NAME);
      OUP = fopen(NAME, "w");
   else OUP = stdout;
   fprintf(OUP, "CRANK-NICOLSON METHOD\n\n");
   fprintf(OUP, "  I        X(I)     W(X(I),%12.6e)\n", FT);
   for (I=1; I<=M1; I++) {
      X = I * H;
      fprintf(OUP, "%3d %11.8f %13.8f\n", I, X, V[I-1]);
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Likes ranjini12d, lucas_rising and manoj@kumar
  • #3
do you guys have any source code of ADI method implemented in 2d diffusion problem in C/C++. I have developed one for generation pressure diffusion but facing some artefact's, so would be nice if somebody can help me.
  • #4
ahmedo047 said:
Source Book: Burden R.L., Faires J.D. Numerical analysis

That code looks more like c than c++.

http://www.nr.com/" might have the algorithms that you are looking for.
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  • #5
First Thanks for your reply, but I am afraid your hint could not help me. The book "Numerical Analysis by Burden" you recommended, I downloaded a soft copy of it, but nowhere I could find anything about ADI method (alternating direction implicit). If you sure there is ADI algorithm in this book, then would you pleas tell me the specific pages where you found that algorithm.
I too had look "Numerical recipes", but there they only gave some introduction about ADI, no alogorithm the same in some other books like "Finite Difference Methods in Financial Engineering".
  • #6
irfan20uk said:
I too had look "Numerical recipes", but there they only gave some introduction about ADI, no alogorithm the same in some other books like "Finite Difference Methods in Financial Engineering".

Hi Irfan,

The code here:


contains an implementation of the "innocent" ADI method from the book you mention
(if you mean Daniel Duffy's book). As noted in the code comments (and the book),
it doesn't give good results for an odd number of steps, but maybe it could give you
some idea of how to implement another ADI method that does. I'm actually trying to do
that at the moment.



FAQ: Heat equation finite difference in c++

1. What is the Heat Equation Finite Difference Method in C++?

The Heat Equation Finite Difference Method is a numerical technique used to approximate the solution to the heat equation, a partial differential equation that describes the flow of heat in a given system. In C++, the method involves discretizing the equation into smaller finite difference equations, which can then be solved using iterative methods.

2. What are the advantages of using C++ for the Heat Equation Finite Difference Method?

C++ is a high-performance programming language that is well-suited for scientific computing. It allows for efficient implementation of complex mathematical algorithms, making it a popular choice for solving partial differential equations like the heat equation. Additionally, C++ offers a wide range of libraries and tools that can aid in the implementation and optimization of the finite difference method.

3. How accurate is the Heat Equation Finite Difference Method in C++?

The accuracy of the finite difference method depends on the size of the discretization grid and the chosen time step. Generally, the smaller the grid and time step, the more accurate the solution will be. However, using smaller values also means longer computation times. It is important to strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency when using this method.

4. Can the Heat Equation Finite Difference Method in C++ handle complex boundary conditions?

Yes, the finite difference method in C++ can handle a variety of boundary conditions, including Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions. These conditions can be incorporated into the discretization equations, allowing for a more accurate representation of real-world systems.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Heat Equation Finite Difference Method in C++?

One limitation of the finite difference method is that it can only be applied to certain types of partial differential equations, such as the heat equation. It is not a universal method for solving all types of differential equations. Additionally, the method can be computationally expensive for large systems, requiring a significant amount of memory and processing power.
