Heat Transfer Rate Calculation: tube, ideal gas, pressure

In summary, to find the heat transfer rate in a tube, you need to use the equation provided by CFDFEAGURU and determine mass flow rate from standard fluid flow calculations.
  • #1
l have a tube. and air enters the tube at a certain temparature and pressure. the air is threated as an ideal gas. Also, we know the exit pressure of the gas. In additon to those, we know radious of the tube.. How do we find the heat transfer rate.?
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  • #2
There is a simple equation that could get you in the ball park.

Q = mCp(Delta T)

Q is the heat rate in Btu/hr

m is the mass flow rate in lbs/hr. The radius and the delta p (the pressure drop) will give you the velocity in ft/s

Cp is the specific heat of the air in Btu/lb-F. Simply assume that it is constant unless you know that it is changing and that change needs to be accounted for.

Delta T is the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet in F.

Hope that helps.

  • #3
thank u for answering.. in the problem, there is no mass for air. There is just enter velocity of air to the tube. Can we convert from velocity to the mass flow rate.?
  • #4
Look up the equation for a mass flow rate and use the properties of air in that equation to calculate the mass flow rate. If you want to you can calculate a volumetric flow rate and convert that to a mass flow rate.

Always, think, if I am not given the values that I need, how can I derive them from what I have.

Also, "thank u for answering", do not use the instant messenger speak on here. In this forum u is you.

  • #5
bhdrsc said:
l have a tube. and air enters the tube at a certain temparature and pressure. the air is threated as an ideal gas. Also, we know the exit pressure of the gas. In additon to those, we know radious of the tube.. How do we find the heat transfer rate.?
The equation provided by CFDFEAGURU gives the heat transfer rate if you already know the mass flow rate and temperature difference. If you are trying to find those things, then first you need to determine mass flow rate from standard fluid flow calculations (ie: Darcy-Weisbach or equal) and then determine heat transfer from the surroundings by determining convective heat transfer on the OD of the tube, ID of the tube and conduction through the tube wall.

Note that if there is significant pressure drop or heat transfer, you may need to solve numerically by breaking up the tube into sections and determining pressure drop/flow rate/heat transfer in each section.
  • #6
entering velocity 15 m/s and exit velocity 23 m/s. Also entering pressure 1,25 and exit pressure 1. Also, we have 15 *C temperature. Thus, we need to break up system sections, don't we.?
And we can do mass and energy balances??
  • #7
If you have cross sectional area, you might assume velocity is constant across that area and determine mass flow from that. No need to break it up into sections if you have that, just apply the above equation directly.

FAQ: Heat Transfer Rate Calculation: tube, ideal gas, pressure

1. How is heat transfer rate calculated for a tube?

The heat transfer rate for a tube can be calculated using the formula Q = U x A x ΔT, where Q is the heat transfer rate, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A is the surface area of the tube, and ΔT is the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the tube.

2. What is an ideal gas and how does it affect heat transfer rate calculation?

An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas that follows the gas laws at all temperatures and pressures. It does not have any intermolecular forces and its molecules are considered to be point masses. Ideal gases do not affect heat transfer rate calculation significantly as they do not have any specific heat capacity or thermal conductivity.

3. How does pressure affect heat transfer rate calculation?

Pressure does not have a direct effect on heat transfer rate calculation. However, it can indirectly affect it by influencing the density and specific heat capacity of the gas in the tube. These properties can affect the overall heat transfer coefficient used in the calculation.

4. What are the units for heat transfer rate calculation?

The units for heat transfer rate calculation are typically in watts (W) or British thermal units per hour (BTU/hr). However, other units such as calories per second (cal/s) or joules per second (J/s) may also be used depending on the system of measurement being used.

5. Can heat transfer rate calculation be used for other types of heat transfer besides convection?

Yes, heat transfer rate calculation can be used for other types of heat transfer such as conduction and radiation. However, the formula and factors used in the calculation may vary depending on the type of heat transfer being studied.
