How Do You Evaluate Complex Contour Integrals with Sinusoidal Functions?

In summary, the conversation discusses an integral involving a limit and a contour, and how it can be evaluated for different values of x. The approach involves splitting the integral into four parts and using Cauchy's theorem. However, the challenge lies in showing that three of the parts tend to 0 as T tends to infinity. The conversation also mentions the similarity to the Perron's integral and the use of Laplace inverse.
  • #1
greetings , we have the following integral :

[tex]I(x)=\lim_{T\rightarrow \infty}\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{\gamma-iT}^{\gamma+iT}\sin(n\pi s)\frac{x^{s}}{s}ds[/tex]

n is an integer . and [itex]\gamma >1 [/itex]

if [itex] x>1[/itex] we can close the contour to the left . namely, consider the contour :

[tex] C_{a}=C_{1}\cup C_{2}\cup C_{3}\cup C_{4}[/tex]

where :

[tex]C_{1}=\left [ \gamma-iT,\gamma+iT \right ] [/tex]

[tex]C_{2}=\left [ \gamma+iT,-U+iT \right ] [/tex]

[tex]C_{3}=\left [ -U+iT ,-U-iT \right ] [/tex]

[tex]C_{4}=\left [ -U-iT ,\gamma-iT \right ] [/tex]

and [itex]U>>\gamma [/itex]
then by couchy's theorem :

[tex] I(x)=I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3}+I_{4}=0[/tex]

if [itex] x<1[/itex], we can close the contour to the right via the following contour :

[tex] C_{b}=C_{1}\cup C_{2}\cup C_{3}\cup C_{4}[/tex]

[tex]C_{1}=\left [ \gamma-iT,\gamma+iT \right ] [/tex]

[tex]C_{2}=\left [ \gamma+iT,U+iT \right ] [/tex]

[tex]C_{3}=\left [ U+iT ,U-iT \right ] [/tex]

[tex]C_{4}=\left [ U-iT ,\gamma-iT \right ] [/tex]

then also by couchy's theorem :

[tex] I(x)=0[/tex]

the plan is to give an estimate of the integrals along the segments of the rectangular contour, and calculate [itex] I_{1}[/itex] in both cases via the result obtained by cauchy's theorem . however, i don't have the first clue on how to do that, hence the quest !
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  • #2
riemannian said:
then by couchy's theorem :
[tex] I(x)=I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3}+I_{4}=0[/tex]
I don't think you mean that. Yes, by Cauchy, [tex] I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3}+I_{4}=0[/tex], but the challenge is to show that three of these tend to 0 as T tends to infinity, and therefore the fourth (the one that tends to I(x)) does too.
I got stuck trying to put some bound on sin(s). When s = c+id has a large imaginary component, id, this grows like exp(d). I tried pairing up the negative imaginary points with the positive ones, e.g. doing C3 as the integral from -U to -U+iT of {f(s) - f(complex conjugate of s)}.dt, hoping to get some cancellation. No luck.
  • #3
haruspex said:
I don't think you mean that. Yes, by Cauchy, [tex] I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3}+I_{4}=0[/tex], but the challenge is to show that three of these tend to 0 as T tends to infinity, and therefore the fourth (the one that tends to I(x)) does too.
I got stuck trying to put some bound on sin(s). When s = c+id has a large imaginary component, id, this grows like exp(d). I tried pairing up the negative imaginary points with the positive ones, e.g. doing C3 as the integral from -U to -U+iT of {f(s) - f(complex conjugate of s)}.dt, hoping to get some cancellation. No luck.

yes, sorry .. it was a typo . and i was trying to do exactly the same , no luck :cry:

remark : the integral of question bears resemblance to the perron's integral, and could be thought of as a laplace inverse of [itex]\frac{\sin(n\pi s)}{s}[/itex], with [itex]\ln x [/itex] as the variable in the 'time' domain.
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FAQ: How Do You Evaluate Complex Contour Integrals with Sinusoidal Functions?

1. What is a complex integral?

A complex integral is a type of mathematical integral that involves complex numbers. It is used to calculate the area under a curve in the complex plane.

2. How do you solve a complex integral?

Solving a complex integral involves using techniques such as integration by parts, substitution, or contour integration. It also requires a good understanding of complex numbers and their properties.

3. What is the importance of complex integrals in science?

Complex integrals are used in a variety of fields in science, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are essential for solving problems involving complex variables, such as in electromagnetism and fluid dynamics.

4. How do you know when to use a complex integral?

A complex integral is typically used when the function being integrated involves complex numbers or when the path of integration is in the complex plane. It is also useful when solving problems that cannot be solved using real numbers alone.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when working with complex integrals?

One common mistake when working with complex integrals is forgetting to consider the path of integration, as it can significantly affect the final result. It is also important to be careful with the manipulation of complex numbers and follow the correct rules for their operations.

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