CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship: Is USB Device Recognition Impacted?

In summary, after replacing a CD-ROM drive with a new CD-RW drive and changing the master/slave relationship, the computer no longer recognizes any imaging devices connected to the USB ports. This may be unrelated, but the USB scanner is also picky about ports and may require a re-install of Windows to fix. One solution could be to use the CD-RW drive as a normal CD-ROM drive, but this may not be ideal for making CD copies. It is recommended to check for drivers and IRQ and HW Address conflicts to resolve the issue.
  • #1
Pauly Man
My CD_RW drive died last week and I just bought a new one. I made it the master, and the CD rom the slave. Since doing this the drive names have changed letters. I assume that is a normal thing. But also now my computer no longer recognises any imaging devices connected to my USB ports, including my mums new digital camera. Naturally this is really annoying. Do you think it is related to the altering of the CD-ROM/CD-RW master/slave relationship? Or is it unrelated? I think its unrelated, but not entirely convinced.
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  • #2

My USB scanner is picky about USB ports. If you plug it into a different port than what it is first plugged into it will cease working on any port. Really annoying and I've never been able to fix it without a re-install of windows.
  • #3
Pauly, why not just tank the cdrom? You can use the writer as your normal cdrom. I have a writer and a dvdrom and never set any master/slave stuff. Just hook them to the IDE cables and power cables and away you go.
  • #4
Thanx for the replies guys. Uni finishes next week, so I'll have time to have a long hard look at the problem.
  • #5
If he needs to make CD copies, tho, he'll want the CD-ROM in as well. Pain to write an image to your HD just to copy the CD...

If you have the drives jumpered as cable select, then you can just hook em up and they'll figure out the master/slave for ya. But you can't have two masters/two slaves, or it'll fail to detect either.

I agree with Russ on the USB. Mine have always been finicky as well.

What OS are you running? You can try and force it to scan for the devices, as well as check and see if it detected any of them with errors. There is a REMOTE chance that the CD-RW driver is conflicting with the USB device.
  • #6
I'm running Win XP.

I've got the camera working now. :smile:

I'll work on the scanner nextw eek, when I've got some free time.
  • #7
I'd check for XP drivers from the manufacturers for all devices; then I'd check for IRQ and HW Address conflicts.

(edit: added below)
P.S. Master/Slave or Cable-Select for the drives shouldn't matter, although I have historically found setting the Master/Slave jumpers more reliable than the Cable-Select.
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FAQ: CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship: Is USB Device Recognition Impacted?

1. What is a CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship?

A CD_RW (Compact Disc ReWritable) master/slave relationship refers to the way in which a computer recognizes and interacts with a CD_RW drive. In this relationship, the master device controls the communication between the computer and the slave device, which is the CD_RW drive. This allows the computer to read and write data to the CD_RW drive.

2. How does the CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship work?

The CD_RW master/slave relationship works by utilizing a specific cable, known as an IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) cable, to connect the CD_RW drive to the computer's motherboard. The master device is connected to the end of the IDE cable, while the slave device is connected to the middle connector. This allows for data to be transferred between the two devices.

3. Is USB device recognition impacted by the CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship?

No, USB device recognition is not impacted by the CD_RW master/slave relationship. USB devices use a different type of connection, and therefore, are not affected by the IDE cable and master/slave relationship used for CD_RW drives. USB devices are recognized by the computer through a separate process.

4. What happens if the CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship is not set up correctly?

If the CD_RW master/slave relationship is not set up correctly, the computer may have trouble recognizing or communicating with the CD_RW drive. This could result in the drive not being able to read or write data, or it may not appear as an available device on the computer. It is important to ensure that the master and slave devices are properly connected to the IDE cable to avoid any issues.

5. Can the CD_RW Master/Slave Relationship be changed?

Yes, the CD_RW master/slave relationship can be changed if needed. This can be done by adjusting the jumper settings on the back of the CD_RW drive. The jumper settings determine whether the device is set as the master or slave. However, it is important to consult the device's manual or seek professional assistance before making any changes to the jumper settings.
