Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand

In summary, Galron is a young nerd studying physics and his name is Vulcan. He recently joined a forum and is curious about others' favorite fish. He believes that physics is the key to life and is also a fan of Douglas Adams. He asks about a building and the lack of hats, and then references the importance of knowing where one's towel is in order to survive in the tough galaxy.
  • #1
I am a nerd, youngish, not old, studying teh Physics.

My name is Vulcan.

Says it all.

Posted a little to see if this forum was for me; seems so so far. :smile:
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome Galron! I'm sure you'll enjoy things here! :smile:

I'm just curious to whether you might have a favorite fish?

  • #3
Hey Galron! Welcome to PF.

What kind of fish do they like on Vulcan? :wink:
  • #4
micromass said:
Welcome Galron! I'm sure you'll enjoy things here! :smile:

I'm just curious to whether you might have a favorite fish?


That's an easy answer.

But you know what the Answer is Douglas Adams. :-p

The question too. :wink:

The meaning of lif...

The only thing I ask is...

"Has anyone noticed that building there before?"

"And people are not wearing enough hats? Why?"
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  • #5
It's a tough galaxy. You want to survive out here, you really got to know where your towel is.
  • #6

Welcome :biggrin:
  • #7
Welcome Galron! I think you'll like it here :smile:.

FAQ: Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand

What is the meaning of "Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand"?

The phrase "Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand" is a common greeting used to acknowledge one's understanding and appreciation of the complexities and mysteries of the universe. It conveys a sense of wonder and awe towards the vastness and beauty of our universe.

Who coined the phrase "Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand"?

The origin of the phrase is unknown. It is often used in casual conversations and in popular culture, but its original creator is not known.

What does the phrase "Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand" say about the person who uses it?

The use of this phrase suggests that the person is curious about the universe and has a deep appreciation for its complexities. They may also have a sense of humility and wonder towards the grandeur of our world.

Is there a deeper meaning behind the phrase "Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand"?

The phrase can hold different meanings for different people. Some may see it as a reminder to always be open to new knowledge and understanding, while others may interpret it as a reflection of our place in the universe and our connection to it.

Can the phrase "Hi nice to be in a Universe I understand" be applied to scientific research?

Yes, the phrase can be seen as a reflection of the pursuit of scientific knowledge and understanding. It acknowledges the vastness and complexity of the universe and the continuous effort to unravel its mysteries through scientific research.

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