High Energy Muon scattering - 4-momentum

In summary, the term "four-momentum transfer" refers to the momentum and energy lost or gained in a scattering process by the scattered particle. For a high energy muon scattering at an angle θ, the approximation for q^2 is given by 2E_iE_f(1-cos(θ)), where E_i and E_f are the initial and final values of the muon's energy. This approximation is justified when E_i and E_f are much larger than the particle's mass.
  • #1
Matt atkinson

Homework Statement

Explain what the term "four-momentum transfer ##q##" is
Show that for a high energy muon scattering at an angle ##\theta##, the value of ##q^2## is given approximately by;
where ##E_i## and ##E_f## are the initial and final values of the muon's energy. State when this approximation is justified.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The first part, four momentum transfer is just the momentum and energy lost/gained in a scattering process by the scattered particle?

And the second part, i know the approximation should be that ##E>>m## but i can't seem to work with 4-momentum.

What i tried to do was;
##q^2=(p_i-p_f)^2=|p_i|^2+|p_f|^2-2p_i\cdot p_f=|p_i|^2+|p_f|^2-E_iE_fcos(\theta)##
and i assume somehow i need to get ##|p_i|^2+|p_f|^2=2E_iE_f## but I am not sure how.

Would it be because the ##E>>m## then the ##p \approx E## but then that would just mean ##q^2=E_i^2+E_f^2-E_iE_fcos(\theta)##
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What about the energy component in the dot product?
  • #3
##2p_i \cdot p_f=2((p_{i_x},p_{i_y},p_{i_z},iE_i) \cdot (p_{f_x},p_{f_y},p_{f_z},iE_f))=-2E_iE_f+2((p_{i_x},p_{i_y},p_{i_z}) \cdot (p_{f_x},p_{f_y},p_{f_z})##
actually my momentum transfer would be this then;
##q^2=|p_i|^2+|p_f|^2+2E_iE_f-2((p_{i_x},p_{i_y},p_{i_z}) \cdot (p_{f_x},p_{f_y},p_{f_z})##
The subscript before just to symbolize that they are three vectors not the 4 vectors? not sure how to show that.

then using my assumption that ##E \approx p## for ##E>>m##;

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  • #4
You're not calculating the dot product of a 4-vector correctly. Try splitting the dot product into the energy component and the combined momentum components.

And remember that you're subtracting the two vectors and then taking the dot product of the result with itself.
  • #5
I think i managed it, if you could just check my working!

##q^2=|p_i|^2+|p_f|^2-2p_i\cdot p_f-E_i^2-E_f^2+2E_iE_f##
Now using my condition that if, ##E>>m## then ##p\approx E##;
##q^2=2E_iE_f-2p_i\cdot p_f##
  • #6
Yes, you just needed to get the dot product sorted out.
  • #7
Thank you!

FAQ: High Energy Muon scattering - 4-momentum

What is High Energy Muon scattering?

High Energy Muon scattering is a process in which a high energy muon particle collides with another particle, such as a proton or neutron, and scatters off in a different direction. This scattering process allows scientists to study the properties and interactions of subatomic particles.

What is 4-momentum in High Energy Muon scattering?

4-momentum refers to a mathematical concept that combines the energy and momentum of a particle into a single four-dimensional vector. In High Energy Muon scattering, the 4-momentum of the muon before and after the scattering event can be measured and used to determine the properties of the particles involved in the collision.

How is High Energy Muon scattering used in particle physics research?

High Energy Muon scattering is an important tool in particle physics research as it allows scientists to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions. By analyzing the data from these scattering experiments, scientists can test and refine their theories about the underlying structure of the universe.

What are the challenges of studying High Energy Muon scattering?

One of the main challenges in studying High Energy Muon scattering is the need for high-energy particle accelerators, which are expensive and complex to operate. Additionally, the scattering process itself is inherently unpredictable, making it difficult to precisely control and measure the outcomes of each collision.

How does High Energy Muon scattering contribute to our understanding of the universe?

High Energy Muon scattering allows scientists to probe the smallest scales of the universe, providing valuable insights into the fundamental particles and forces that make up our world. By studying the patterns and behaviors of these particles, scientists can gain a better understanding of the origins and evolution of the universe.
