Constructing an Egg Drop Contraption

In summary: I think your idea is good but you might want to try this tooIn summary, the egg broke when it was dropped from a high altitude. The student tried constructing a parachute out of tape, popsicle sticks, and paper, but the egg broke when it was dropped.
  • #1
In my Honors Physics class we were assigned to construct a egg drop contraption solely out of tape, popsicle sticks, and paper. The first time I constructed it I made a paper parachute and attached a paper cone to the parachute (to hold the egg). Unfortunately, the egg broke upon impact. Any ideas (note that all of the materials don't have to be used)?
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  • #2
You could try building a cube frame out of popsicle sticks and suspend the egg in the centre that way the frame might be able to absorb some of the impact and because the egg is suspended by the tape, the tape will absorb some of the impact too
  • #3
Thanks, we have to drop from about 3 stories high.
  • #4
Your Parachute idea was good big was it anyway...Btw what kind of paper are you supposed to use ?...
  • #5
We are only allowed to you printer paper/lined paper. I first constructed a small parachute out of 3/4 of a piece of paper (worked perfectly, but the contraption tilted as it went down) and my second parachute was the size of a round table (rather big). Unfortunately, the paper restrictions led to a heavy parachute, thus it did not work properly.
  • #6
you prof said lined paper right?.... like from a notebook?....
  • #7
Btw could you click a pic...
  • #8
Btw you said your first one tilted had a cone should probably make a small container the size of the egg out of popsicle sticks ,top-open, prevent it from tilting make it more pyramidal like the mayan pyramids...crush some paper and lay it under the egg as a cushion shred some paper and make another layer...cover open box with paper above...and make the parachute some what in between the two you said
  • #9
you are attaching the parachute with tape threads right... like twisting the tape into thread?
  • #11
the base of what you have is to narrow it woud not survive the landing...and there is no cushioning
  • #12
Do you think that it would work to make a popsicle box and cushion it on the inside?
  • #13
you should make 1.the parachute 2.A Popsicle box (broad base) and 3.cushioning
  • #14
Wouldn't the popsicle box weigh down the parachute?
  • #15
yeah it would that is why you have to make a parachute big enough not way big but egg breaks not because of the speed of the fall but because of its inablity to withstand the shock... so padding...
  • #16
and also increase the size ratio of the parachute to the box...

FAQ: Constructing an Egg Drop Contraption

1. What materials are needed to construct an egg drop contraption?

The materials needed will vary depending on the design of the contraption, but some common materials include: a container (such as a plastic cup or cardboard box), padding materials (such as bubble wrap or cotton balls), tape, and a parachute or other device to slow the fall of the egg.

2. How should the egg be protected in the contraption?

The egg should be surrounded by padding materials that will absorb the impact of the fall. This can include layers of bubble wrap, cotton balls, or foam. It is also important to make sure the egg is securely in place and will not move around during the drop.

3. What is the best design for an egg drop contraption?

There is no one "best" design for an egg drop contraption, as different designs may work better for different drop heights or materials. Some common designs include a parachute contraption, a cradle made of straws or popsicle sticks, or a container filled with cushioning materials.

4. How high should the egg drop be?

The height of the egg drop can vary depending on the purpose of the experiment or challenge. In a classroom setting, it is common for the drop to be around 10 feet. However, for a more challenging experiment, the drop height can be increased to test the durability of the contraption.

5. What is the purpose of constructing an egg drop contraption?

The purpose of constructing an egg drop contraption is to design a device that can protect an egg from cracking or breaking when dropped from a certain height. This experiment can teach about the laws of physics, engineering principles, and problem-solving skills. It can also be a fun and engaging activity for students to apply their knowledge and creativity.

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