How can I receive security codes overseas without a traditional phone number?

  • Thread starter Hornbein
  • Start date
  • #1
I'm a US citizen who lives overseas. I hardly ever call anyone on the telephone so I never had any use for a hand phone. At long last I am compelled to buy one in order to receive security codes. However this is not so simple.

I bought an Android telephone and a Skype number through which anyone can send me text messages. In order to download Skype I must have a telephone number that Google considers suitable for sending a security code. But Google won't send security codes to a Skype number. what? I need to get a permanent phone number to which Google will send security codes overseas. Should I get a contract with a USA cell phone company? Which one? Will I be able to receive texts while overseas? They should be few and far between, so expensive is OK. What should I do?
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  • #2
I have Verizon, and when I went overseas I could avoid international surcharges by just turning off the mobile data on my phone, and only letting it connect to wifi. Your phone can receive/send text messages and phone calls over wifi even if you don't have local cell service. I don't think there's anything special about Verizon for this. That said, it seems annoyingly expensive for your use case.

Looking on Google, there's some stuff like

I have no idea if these are actually safe/reliable though, just pointing out there are places that claim to offer the service you want.
  • #3
Office_Shredder said:
Looking on Google, there's some stuff like
I feel certain that if Google won't accept a Skype number for verification purposes then it also won't accept such services.

I was surprised Google wouldn't accept the Skype number. It's connected to a credit card so I'm identified.