How does diamagnetism originate?

In summary, according to Feynman, ferromagnetism occurs when there is an interaction between neighbouring magnetic moments, and it is strongest when the moments are aligned in the same direction. Antiferromagnetism occurs when the moments are oriented in opposite directions, and ferrimagnetism is in between.
  • #1
For AP Physics or Chemistry, how do we explain the origin of magnetism, and diamagnetism?
Saying that "Well, it's a quantum mechanical effect" or "it is a relativistic effect" isn't much help in explaining it's origin. Are there semi-classical explanations or analogies, that high school seniors could grasp?

Many responses I have received stated that the actual origin is so deeply rooted in QM and relativity that there are no useful analogies that can be made to high school students, as all analogies are highly misleading. Is that really so, or were these responses a bit cranky?

Can you suggest diagrams that clearly show the difference between: ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and ferrimagnetism?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Hmm, let me try
Diamagnetism occurs to certain degree in all materials and is a rather weak effect. Essentially, when you apply a magnetic field, you induce eddy currents that oppose the applied field. Thus, the net magnetic field inside diamagnetic material is somewhat smaller than the applied field (susceptibility < 0)
Paramagnetism occurs in materials where electrons have magnetic moments. The magnetic moments comes from electron spin and orbital angular momentum (i.e. little current loops).
In the presence of an applied field, these moments tend to orient in the direction of the applied field thus enhance it (susceptibility > 0). At the same time, thermal motion tends to de-stabilize the ordering and the paramagnetic effect is also weak and temperature dependent (Curie law).
Ferromagnets, ferrimagnets and antiferromagnets are materials where there is an interaction between the neighbouring magnetic moments strong enough to make them ordered, kind of ordering of atoms in a crystal.
In ferromagnetic material, all the neighbouring little magnetic moments are oriented in the same direction. Antiferromagnets are the materials where the ordering of magnetic moments are oriented in opposite direction. Ferrimagnets are materials in-between ferro and antiferromagnets.
The key to this class of materials is that the there are thousands or millions of little current loops ordered and thermal fluctuations can't de-stabilize the order.
In the presence of an applied field, all the little current loops react the same way to the applied field and magnetic susceptibilities of these materials is much, much larger than that of paramagnetic materials.
However, if the temperature is high enough (above Curie temperature), the ordering between the neighbouring current loops is destroyed (kind of melting, but not exactly) and ferromagnetic materials become paramagnetic.

Hope it helped
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FAQ: How does diamagnetism originate?

1. What is diamagnetism?

Diamagnetism is a property of all materials that causes them to create a weak magnetic field in opposition to an externally applied magnetic field. This means that when placed in a magnetic field, diamagnetic materials will be slightly repelled from the magnetic field.

2. How does diamagnetism differ from paramagnetism and ferromagnetism?

Diamagnetism is the weakest of the three types of magnetism and is caused by the orbital motion of electrons in an atom. Paramagnetism is stronger and is caused by the spin of unpaired electrons, while ferromagnetism is the strongest and is caused by the alignment of electron spins in a material.

3. What types of materials exhibit diamagnetism?

All materials exhibit some degree of diamagnetism, but it is usually very weak and can only be measured in certain conditions. Some common examples of diamagnetic materials include water, copper, gold, and silver.

4. How does diamagnetism originate?

Diamagnetism originates from the motion of electrons in an atom. When an external magnetic field is applied, the electrons in the atoms of a diamagnetic material will experience a slight force, causing them to orbit in a different direction. This results in a weak magnetic field that opposes the external field.

5. Can diamagnetism be used for any practical applications?

Diamagnetism is generally too weak to be used for practical applications, but it has been used in some specialized technologies, such as magnetic levitation, where diamagnetic materials are used to repel a strong magnetic field and create a levitating effect.

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