How Does the Double Slit Experiment Show Both Particle and Wave Behaviors?

In summary, when we shoot a small amount of electrons through the slits while observing, the observation interferes with the electrons and the quantum system, causing the wave function to collapse and the electrons to behave like particles and form a 2-slit pattern on the screen. However, when we shoot a whole beam through the slits, we still see an interference pattern on the wall because we are not observing the photons in a way that tells us which slit they went through. This allows the wave nature of the electrons to still be present, resulting in an interference pattern on the wall.
  • #1
From my shallow understanding, when we shoot a small amount of electrons through the slits while observing, the observation interfere with the electrons and the quantum system and thus collapse the wave function, making the electrons behave like a particle and form a 2-slit pattern on the screen. However, why would we still see an interference pattern aka electrons acting like a wave when we shoot a whole beam through the slits like we did in high school? Aren't we still observing the beam going through the slit? Why would the system not collapse?
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  • #2
dawningparadox said:
From my shallow understanding, when we shoot a small amount of electrons through the slits while observing, the observation interfere with the electrons and the quantum system and thus collapse the wave function, making the electrons behave like a particle and form a 2-slit pattern on the screen.

"observation interfere with the electrons and the quantum system " pl. explain clearly

"making the electrons behave like a particle and form a 2-slit pattern on the screen"
i understand that wave nature leads to interference.
  • #3
"Observing" here meaning to measure or detect through which slit the electron went.
If you do this (by putting detectors at each slit, for example) you destroy the interference pattern. The fact that someone is there "observing" the experiment is irrelevant. You cannot tell through what slit a specific electron goes. It does not matter if you keep your eyes open or closed. :)
  • #4
nasu said:
Observing" here meaning to measure or detect through which slit the electron went.
If you do this (by putting detectors at each slit, for example) you destroy the interference pattern.

Is it not logical as 'waves' interfere and give rise to a pattern -e.g. photons the light waves produce interference-
and as soon as you destroy the wave character by measuring 'electrons' as particles - must have disturbed the waves so -no interference pattern is there;
i am just asking why you wish to know 'through which slit' an electron went through?
If you know it then you must have used some device to gain information and the 'interaction" with the device must have changed the state of electrons!
  • #5
I did not say that you destroy the wave character. Whatever that means.
Yes, this is what I said, you must use a device.
I don't really understand what are you asking and why. I was replying to the question in OP.
  • #6
dawningparadox said:
However, why would we still see an interference pattern aka electrons acting like a wave when we shoot a whole beam through the slits like we did in high school? Aren't we still observing the beam going through the slit? Why would the system not collapse?

If you refer to electron beam in which a stream of electrons thousands per sec going through the slits you get an interference pattern- i think if undisturbed electrons behave like waves - using de broglie relation you can calculate the wavelength also which depends on the momentum of electrons- so this interference is due to wave nature of electrons.-
your earlier question is why the wave nature is lost when you catch the electrons and label them individually that 'this one went through the slit-1 and this other one went through slit -2... by doing such measurements the particle nature comes to the foreground and wave nature gets lost.
if you have some intro in QM-you can analyse it further using uncertainty principle.
  • #7
drvrm said:
If you refer to electron beam in which a stream of electrons thousands per sec going through the slits you get an interference pattern- i think if undisturbed electrons behave like waves - using de broglie relation you can calculate the wavelength also which depends on the momentum of electrons- so this interference is due to wave nature of electrons.-
your earlier question is why the wave nature is lost when you catch the electrons and label them individually that 'this one went through the slit-1 and this other one went through slit -2... by doing such measurements the particle nature comes to the foreground and wave nature gets lost.
if you have some intro in QM-you can analyse it further using uncertainty principle.
Sorry for the ambiguity in my question. I underdtand the observer effect. What I really was asking in my initial post is that why do the double slit experiment we did in high school - remember when we shot a laser beam through the slits and we could see a clear interference pattern forming on the wall - not correspond with the observer effect? Like technically when we were doing those rudimentary experiemnts we were still observing the whole process right? Why do we still see an interference pattern on the wall rather than a 2 slit pattern?
  • #8
dawningparadox said:
Sorry for the ambiguity in my question. I underdtand the observer effect. What I really was asking in my initial post is that why do the double slit experiment we did in high school - remember when we shot a laser beam through the slits and we could see a clear interference pattern forming on the wall - not correspond with the observer effect? Like technically when we were doing those rudimentary experiemnts we were still observing the whole process right? Why do we still see an interference pattern on the wall rather than a 2 slit pattern?

Because you aren't observing the photons in a way that tells you which slit they went through. You're simply seeing them after they reflect from the wall or screen after the slits.
  • #9
Drakkith said:
Because you aren't observing the photons in a way that tells you which slit they went through. You're simply seeing them after they reflect from the wall or screen after the slits.


Related to How Does the Double Slit Experiment Show Both Particle and Wave Behaviors?

1. What is the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is a fundamental experiment used in the field of quantum mechanics to demonstrate the wave-particle duality of light and matter. It involves shining a beam of particles, such as electrons or photons, through two narrow slits and observing the resulting interference pattern on a screen.

2. Why is the double slit experiment important?

The double slit experiment is important because it provides evidence for the wave-like behavior of particles at the quantum level. It also challenges our understanding of the classical concept of particles as solid, distinct objects, and highlights the concept of superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

3. What is the significance of the observer in the double slit experiment?

In the double slit experiment, the observer plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of the experiment. When the experiment is observed, the particles behave like solid, distinct objects, but when it is not observed, they exhibit wave-like behavior. This phenomenon is known as the observer effect and raises questions about the role of consciousness in determining reality.

4. How does the double slit experiment relate to the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle, proposed by Werner Heisenberg, states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously. The double slit experiment demonstrates this principle by showing that when the position of a particle is known, its momentum is uncertain, and vice versa. This further highlights the wave-particle duality of particles.

5. What are some real-world applications of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment has implications in various fields, including quantum computing, cryptography, and medicine. It has also been used to study the behavior of particles in different environments, such as in the presence of magnetic fields. Additionally, it has helped advance our understanding of the nature of reality and the fundamental laws of physics.

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