How does UV light pass a glass bulb?

In summary, the Photoelectric Effect can be demonstrated by charging a metal plate with electrons and observing the decrease in charge when exposed to UV light. However, when a pane of glass is placed in front of the metal plate, the charge remains constant due to the high energy photons from the UV lamp not passing through the glass. Further research revealed that quartz glass is used in the lamp bulb instead of normal glass to allow the UV light to pass through.
  • #1
A classic example in order to demonstrate the Photoelectric Effect, is to charge a metal plate (by electrons) connected to an electroscope and observe how the charge decreases when lightning by UV light. When put a pane of glass in front of the metal plate, we observe that the charge remains constant, i.e the high energy photons from the UV lamp do not pass the glass. But how do the high energy photons pass the lamp bulb, made of glass?
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  • #2
After some research through internet I found out they use quartz glass instead of normal one so the UV light can pass through it.

FAQ: How does UV light pass a glass bulb?

1. How does UV light pass through a glass bulb?

UV light passes through a glass bulb due to the unique properties of glass. Glass is transparent to most wavelengths of light, including UV light. This means that when UV light hits the surface of the glass bulb, it is able to pass through without being absorbed or reflected.

2. What type of glass is used in UV light bulbs?

The type of glass used in UV light bulbs is typically a special type of glass known as fused silica. This type of glass is specifically designed to be highly transparent to UV light, making it ideal for use in UV light bulbs.

3. Why doesn't the glass in a UV light bulb block the UV light?

The glass in a UV light bulb is specifically designed to be transparent to UV light. This means that the glass does not contain any impurities or defects that would block the UV light from passing through. Additionally, the thickness of the glass is carefully controlled to ensure that it does not block the UV light.

4. Can UV light pass through any type of glass?

No, UV light cannot pass through all types of glass. Regular glass, such as the type used in windows and drinking glasses, does not allow UV light to pass through. This is because regular glass contains impurities and additives that block UV light.

5. What happens to UV light when it passes through a glass bulb?

When UV light passes through a glass bulb, it continues to travel in a straight line until it reaches the other side. The glass does not alter the path of the UV light or change its wavelength. This allows the UV light to be emitted from the bulb and used for various applications, such as sterilization and tanning.

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