How is the invariant speed of light enocded in SL(2,C)?

In summary, the invariant speed of light is encoded in the Lorentz group SL(2,C). The group SL(2,C) includes representations of SO(3,1), but also representations of the covering group SL(2,C). When representations of the covering group are added, we get the four-dimensional Dirac-spinor representations and the two Weyl spinors these are made of.
  • #1
Gold Member
In quantum field theory, we use the universal cover of the Lorentz group SL(2,C) instead of SO(3,1). (The reason for this is, of course, that representations of SO(3,1) aren't able to describe spin 1/2 particles.)

How is the invariant speed of light enocded in SL(2,C)?

This curious fact of nature, is encoded in SO(3,1), because this is exactly the group that leaves the Minkowski metric invariant. In contrast, SL(2,C) is just the group of complex 2x2 matrices with unit determinant.
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  • #2
jakob1111 said:
representations of SO(3,1) aren't able to describe spin 1/2 particles

They aren't? SO(3,1) has spinor representations, doesn't it? SU(2) certainly does, and SO(3,1) is isomorphic to SU(2) x SU(2).
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
They aren't? SO(3,1) has spinor representations, doesn't it? SU(2) certainly does, and SO(3,1) is isomorphic to SU(2) x SU(2).

No, SO(3,1) has no spinor representations. It is the complexified Lie algebra of the Lorentz group so(3,1)C which is isomorphic to the Lie algebra su(2) x su(2). This process off complexification is a Lie algebra deformation and changes something fundamental. Other names for this complexification are Weyl's unitary trick or Wick rotation. We map the boost generators Ki to iKi and this way we get the Lie algebra so(4), which is isomorphic to su(2) x su(2).

When we then do representation theory of the complexified Lie algebra so(3,1)C or equivalently of su(2) x su(2) and use the exponential map to get the corresponding group representations, we do not only get representations of SO(3,1), but instead the representations of SL(2,C). Some of these representations are also representations of SO(3,1), but we get more than that. For example,the scalar and vector representation are also representations of SO(3,1), but the spinor represntations aren't.
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  • #5
Indeed the answer is given in the stackexchange posting.

Just to clarify the thing with spin 1/2. If you consider only rotations, the SO(3), the covering group is SU(2), and the fundamental representation of SU(2) describes spin 1/2. To extend this to representations of the, proper orthochronous Lorentz group, ##\mathrm{SO}(1,3)^{\uparrow}## you are led to its covering group ##\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})##. However, now there are two two-dimensional non-equivalent representations corresponding to two sorts of Weyl spinors.

To also be able to describe space reflections (parity) you have to add these two representations, which leads to the four-dimensional Dirac-spinor representations, and the two Weyl spinors these are made of are precisely the states of left and right-handed chirality. For details, see Appendix B of

FAQ: How is the invariant speed of light enocded in SL(2,C)?

1. How is the invariant speed of light encoded in SL(2,C)?

The invariant speed of light is encoded in SL(2,C) through the use of the Lorentz transformation matrix, which is a 2x2 complex matrix that preserves the speed of light in all reference frames. This matrix is a fundamental part of the special theory of relativity and is used to describe the relationship between space and time.

2. What is SL(2,C)?

SL(2,C) is a special linear group of 2x2 complex matrices with a determinant of 1. It is a mathematical group that is commonly used in physics to describe the symmetries of space and time. In the context of special relativity, it is used to describe the transformations between different reference frames.

3. How does SL(2,C) relate to special relativity?

SL(2,C) is closely related to special relativity as it is used to define the Lorentz transformation, which is a key concept in special relativity. The Lorentz transformation is used to describe how physical quantities, such as time and space, change between different inertial reference frames.

4. Can you explain the significance of the Lorentz transformation matrix in SL(2,C)?

The Lorentz transformation matrix in SL(2,C) is significant because it encodes the invariant speed of light. This means that the speed of light is constant and the same in all reference frames, regardless of their relative motion. This is a fundamental principle of special relativity and has been confirmed by numerous experiments.

5. Are there any other applications of SL(2,C) besides in special relativity?

Yes, SL(2,C) has many other applications in physics, particularly in quantum mechanics and representation theory. It is also used in other areas of science, such as computer graphics and signal processing. Additionally, SL(2,C) has connections to other mathematical concepts, such as Lie algebras and Lie groups.

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