How Much Does It Cost to Scent an Aircraft Hangar with Vanillin?

  • Thread starter mahachit
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In summary, to supply enough vanillin to aromathe human nose detect in a large aircraft hangar with a volume of 5.0 X 10^7 ft^3, 1.545 X 10^24 g/mL^2 of seawater would be needed.
  • #1
Homework Statement

1. Vanillin(used to flavour vanilla ice cream and other foods) is the substance whose aromathe human nose detects in the smallest amount. The threshold limit is 2.0 X 10^-11 g per liter of air. If the current price of 50g of vanilin is $112, determine the cost to suppply enough vanillin so that the aroma could be detected in a large aircraft hangar with a volume of 5.0 X 10^7 ft^3. (Leave our answer in dollars and cents)

The attempt at a solution

This is what I've done so far for #1 :

1ft^3 = 28.32 L
(5.0 X 10^7) X (2.832 X 10) = 14.16 X 10^8 L (volume of aircraft in L)
(2.0 X 10^-11) X (14.16 X 10^8) = 28.32 X 10^-3 (minimum amoun of vanillin needed)

This is the part where I got stuck; what do I have to do next?

Homework Statement

2. Magnesium (Mg) is a valuable metal use in alloys, in batteries, and in the manufacture of chemicals. It is obtained mostly from seawater, which contains about 1.3g of Mg for every kilogram of seawater. The total volume of seawater is 1.5 X 10^21 L. Its density is 1.03g/mL. Calculate the amount of seawater (in liters) needed to extract 8.0 X 10^4 tons of Mg, which is roughly the annual production in the United States. (1 ton= 2000 lb; 1lb = 453.6 g.)

The attempt at a solution find the mass i have to multiply the density and volume, right?

1.5 X 10^21 L = 1500 X 10^21 mL
(1.5 X 10^24) mL X 1.03 g/mL = 1.545 X 10^24 g/mL^2 (mass of seawater)

So now I have to multiply the mass by gravity...but what is the formula gravity? And what do I have to do after that?
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Physics news on
  • #2
It is all about units - for example, you have calculated amount of vanilin to be 28.32 X 10^-3 of what? Pounds? Stones? Moles? Atoms? Boxes?
  • #3
ok so the amount of vanillin I have calculated is in Litres...but what step should I do next?
  • #4
No, it is not in litres. Pay attention to your units. Write them explicitely.

FAQ: How Much Does It Cost to Scent an Aircraft Hangar with Vanillin?

What is the purpose of using chemistry math?

Chemistry math is used to perform calculations and solve problems related to chemical reactions, properties of substances, and other aspects of chemistry. It helps scientists make accurate predictions and understand the behavior of substances at the molecular level.

What are some common units used in chemistry math?

Some common units used in chemistry math include grams (g), moles (mol), liters (L), and molarity (M). These units are used to measure mass, amount of substance, volume, and concentration, respectively.

How do you convert between units in chemistry math?

To convert between units in chemistry math, you can use conversion factors. These are ratios that relate one unit to another and allow you to convert from one unit to another. For example, to convert from grams to moles, you can use the conversion factor 1 mol/gram.

What is the difference between empirical and molecular formulas?

Empirical formulas represent the simplest ratio of elements in a compound, while molecular formulas represent the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule. For example, the empirical formula for water is H2O, while the molecular formula is also H2O.

How do you calculate the molar mass of a compound?

To calculate the molar mass of a compound, you need to determine the atomic mass of each element in the compound and then multiply it by the number of atoms of that element in the compound. Finally, add the masses of all the elements together to get the molar mass of the compound.
