How to design algebraic function with particular ramified covering?

In summary, the speaker wishes to study algebraic functions with varied cycles at points other than the origin. They have found a function with a 1-cycle and 4-cycle at the origin, but are struggling to find one with higher cycles at points outside the origin. They ask for help in designing such a function and later provide a simple example with the desired ramification geometry.
  • #1

I wish to study (non-trivial) algebraic functions which have varied cycles at a few places other than the origin. It's not hard to search for a particular covering at the origin. For example, the function

[tex]f(z,w)=(8 z^2)\text{}+(-10 z-4 z^2-6 z^3)w+(-10 z)w^2+(-3 z^2-6 z^3)w^3+(-9 z^2+4 z^4)w^4+(6-5 z+z^3)w^5[/tex]

has a 1-cycle and 4-cycle at the origin. I just randomly searched for one. However, it seems it's not so easy to find one with higher cycles than a 2-cycle outside the origin or maybe I'm missing something. I'd like to find some with more than one such point. I can certainly make a translation say:


and now the function [itex]g(z,w)[/itex] will have a 1-cycle and a 4-cycle at the point z=1. But that's as far as I can go.

How would I design one with say two such cycle types say at the points -1 and 1?

I don't think just making the substitution g(z-1,w) would do it.

So is there a way to design an algebraic function [itex]f(z,w)[/itex] so that it will have a particular ramified covering at several points outside the origin or is there an easy way to search for ones other than just randomly?

Edit: Just thought of a more cioncise way of asking my question:

How can I find a non-trivial algebraic function of degree at least 5 in [itex]p_n(z)[/itex] and w so that it has a non-trivial ramified covering above several of it's non-zero singular points and by non-trivial, I mean coverings which are more ramified than a set of single-cover branches with one 2-cycle branch?

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  • #2
Hey guys. Turns out to be a trival matter. Let's take a simple example:

[tex]f(z,w)=p_0+p_1 w+p_2 w^2+p_3 w^3[/tex]

and suppose we wish to have it fully-ramify at the points [itex]z=1,-1[/itex]. A sufficient condition for full ramification of the translated function [itex]f(z\pm 1,w)[/itex], is for the lower Newton-leg of it's first polygon to have a slope of [itex]1/3[/itex]. Thus, one possibility is:


where each [itex]q_i[/itex] is a suitable polynomial in [itex]z[/itex]. Take [itex]p_0(z)=a+bz+cz^2[/itex]. Then one solution is: [itex]a+b(z\pm 1)+c(z\pm 1)^2=\alpha z+\beta z^2[/itex] or [itex]a\pm b+c=0[/itex]. Let's take b=0, a=1 and c=-1 so that for the first term, [itex]p_0(z)=1-z^2[/itex]. We can do the same for the others and arrive at a suitable function:

[tex]f(z,w)=(1-z^2)+(1-z^2)w+(1-z^2)w^2+z w^3[/tex]

with the desired ramification geometry at the points z=-1 and 1.

FAQ: How to design algebraic function with particular ramified covering?

1. What is a ramified covering in algebraic function design?

A ramified covering is a type of mapping between algebraic curves that preserves the branch points of the curves. It can be visualized as a branching structure where multiple points on one curve map to the same point on another curve.

2. How do you determine the degree of a ramified covering in algebraic function design?

The degree of a ramified covering is determined by the number of branch points on each curve and the number of points that map to each branch point. It can also be calculated using the Riemann-Hurwitz formula, which takes into account the genus (number of holes) of the curves.

3. Can a ramified covering have multiple sheets?

Yes, a ramified covering can have multiple sheets, which means that there are multiple points on the target curve that map to the same branch point on the source curve. The number of sheets is determined by the degree of the covering.

4. How do you ensure that a ramified covering is one-to-one?

To ensure that a ramified covering is one-to-one, the branch points on the source curve must be distinct and the number of points mapping to each branch point must be equal to the degree of the covering. Additionally, the target curve must have a higher genus than the source curve.

5. What are some applications of ramified coverings in algebraic function design?

Ramified coverings have various applications in mathematics and physics, including in the study of Riemann surfaces, Galois theory, and string theory. They also have practical applications in cryptography and error-correcting codes.

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