How to make a girl fall in love with you?

In summary, if you want to make someone like you, be yourself. You cannot make someone else love you. Love is a gift given freely and not by force. Being nice will get you a lot of attention, but it is not necessary for a relationship to work.
  • #36
Be nice. If you can't be nice, be nice anyway.
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  • #37
turbo said:
Be nice. If you can't be nice, be nice anyway.
Turbo, you may be suffering from what psychologists call "too much niceness". I recommend you go out and be mean. Talk a walk and call some trees bad names, kick rocks, give the finger to a squirrel.
  • #38
It's a combination of nice, confident, intelligent, humorous, and then the girl still has to find you physically appealing. But physical appearance in a true relationship comes after all of the above are considered.

Physical appearance comes first for one night stands, to show off to people, for shallow people not into a real lasting relationship.

Don't try to make a girl fall in love with you. Either the attraction is real or it's not.
  • #39
Evo said:
Either the attraction is real or it's not.

You're good with dreams. One girl I know told me she had a dream the night before in which she was in an empty ballroom, all alone except for her dance partner: a tall man whose face she couldn't make out. I asked her what the emotion was. She said it was very pleasant.
  • #40
My favorite pick up line 'I'm not really this tall, I'm sitting on my wallet.'
  • #41
21 is too young for 'love'...don't worry about THAT, just ask her out to do something you'll both enjoy...don't make it a big deal.

Watch FRIENDZONE on cable TV.

If these guys knew how to do what you ask, you think we'd
be hanging out here on PHYSICFORUMS...good grief man!
  • #42
Naty1 said:
21 is too young for 'love'.
Generally 21 may be too young. But generalizations should never overrule individual cases.
  • #43
To the OP:

Do what you do because you like to do it, not because you want to make a girl fall in love with you.

If you do what you do because you like to do it, and she falls in love with you, then you're golden.
  • #44
Once, I untied this astonishingly beautiful girl from the railroad tracks - just in the nick of time. She was about to express her gratitude in ways my mother would not have approved when I awakened.
  • #45
Propose to her and just put ur trust in 'the many world interpretation'... :p
  • #46
You don't. Thats naive to think you can make someone fall in love with you. If you have to make them do anything then its a waste of time.
  • #47
tell her you love her and always want to be with her then ask her out.

just kidding that never works, if she isn't interested there's nothing you can do besides watch pua videos and pretend to be someone you aren't.
  • #48
Just be yourself on a good day. There's not much point pretending to be something you're not, because if she happens to fall for that version of you, what happens when you reveal the true version?

I agree that being nice helps :)
  • #49
I find that talking about the Haar transform is a perfect pick up line.
  • #50
Dr_Scientist said:
So there is this girl I like. I want to make her love me. Can anyone teach me how to?

Okay if you want a serious answer.

1. When you meet her and keep in touch with her early on, keep a laid back and casual approach. Don't come off too strong or desperate. Don't call her everyday. Let her anticipate your call.

2. Be a gentleman, be polite, be chivalrous. But don't be too nice. Don't do her errands, buy her a lot of gifts, and don't shower her with too many compliments.

3. Don't be too stiff and uptight like a job interview. Use some humor and tease her a little bit.

4. be optimistic. smile. keep negativity to a low. no pity, excuses, complaining, whining, or "oh poor me's"

5. Don't expect her to love her. Just see her as one of thousands of women. Go in with no exptectations, and if it doesn't work with her, you can easily find better.