Human Flaws. Are we really that different?

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary: Originally posted by Zero Intolerance for the willfully ignotrant. Good one. I am extremely intolerant of people who don't try (at anything).Intolerance for typos (mine included).Intolerance for the willfully ignorant. Confirmation bias. Information that fits with our worldviews, we pay attention to; that which doesn't, we tend to dismiss.The fact that people will automaticaly see things in black/white terms, and ignore any other posibilities.In summary, humans are prone to exhibiting all of the following flaws: intolerance, hypocrisy, fear, and bias.
  • #1
Ignorance (sometimes willful).

I freely admit I have all of them.

Anyone care to add to the list or admit they are also human?
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  • #2
Intolerance for the willfully ignorant.
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  • #3
Originally posted by Zero
Intolerance for the willfully ignotrant.
Good one. I am extremely intolerant of people who don't try (at anything).
  • #4
Intolerance for typos (mine included).
  • #5
it all falls under the heading of imperfection; a.k.a., being human. :wink:
  • #6
how about the human flaw to look at what is wrong, rather then what is right?
  • #7
What about the tendency to ignore what is wrong, and focus on what it 'right'?
  • #8
Confirmation bias. Information that fits with our worldviews, we pay attention to; that which doesn't, we tend to dismiss.
  • #9
The fact that people will automaticaly see things in black/white terms, and ignore any other posibilities.
  • #10
Originally posted by Zero
What about the tendency to ignore what is wrong, and focus on what it 'right'?

hehe, you must be referring to politicians
  • #11
I don't think fear is a human flaw.
I think the inability of controlling fear is.

- intolerence for ignorance (including my own)
- weakness (lack of determination)
- hallucinations of very vile and violent acts
towards beuorocracy and beuorocrats
- superficial judgement
Originally posted by kyleb
it all falls under the heading of imperfection; a.k.a., being human. :wink:
- hating/not accepting imperfection

Live long and prosper.
  • #12
Originally posted by Kerrie
hehe, you must be referring to politicians
Well, this IS the Politics forum, isn't it?
  • #13
Originally posted by russ_watters
I freely admit I have all of them.

Anyone care to add to the list or admit they are also human?
It is quite telling (though wholly unsurprising) that EVERYONE who responded declined to address the second part of the last sentence I posted. So much for admitting faults.

I postulate that by definition, all humans are succeptible to all human flaws - its only a question of degree. But as I stated in another thread, admission of ones flaws (errors, etc.) is a very difficult flaw to overcome - maybe the most difficult for most people to address.
  • #14
I have to admit it, I'm not human, and therefore do not make mistakes. I am an advanced AI prototype designed by MicrosGeneral Protection Fault in module admit.vxd
  • #15

Originally posted by russ_watters
It is quite telling (though wholly unsurprising) that EVERYONE who responded declined to address the second part of the last sentence I posted. So much for admitting faults.

self-righteousness is another human flaw that i dislike...i don't think that admitting a fault is the problem, just being aware of when you are in the act of the flaw and not realizing that you are doing it is what's difficult...
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  • #16

Originally posted by russ_watters
It is quite telling (though wholly unsurprising) that EVERYONE who responded declined to address the second part of the last sentence I posted. So much for admitting faults.
Well, I was actually talking about myself.
EXCEPT, for the "superficial judgement" part
that is certainly NOT my flaw, it's just
one I happen to hate very much.
  • #17

Originally posted by Kerrie
self-righteousness is another human flaw that i dislike...i don't think that admitting a fault is the problem, just being aware of when you are in the act of the flaw and not realizing that you are doing it is what's difficult...
I will certainly admit to being self-righteous. And I also am quite aware of what I was doing here. This was a test and somewhat of a trap (though you had to close the door behind you and turn the key yourself to become trapped). But it was also an open invitation for people to prove without being specific that they are capable of self-criticism. It should have been easy and painless. I'm not surprised at the outcome, but maybe a little disappointed.
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  • #18
Hey, I posted 2 of mine!
  • #19
heck i pointed out that i am all around imperfect. well i pointed out that we all are, but that goes for me as well as any other mortal soul.
  • #20
an aside...

Many of these "human flaws" are also exhibited in other animals (e.g., fear, ignorance, bias, mistakes, etc.)

So what? Perhaps. But I just don't accept the mindset that the only thing wrong with the universe is Humanity or that Humans are only capable of wrong-doing. We are capable of good and bad...success and failure.
  • #21
sure, it goes for everything Phobos; there is no more a perfect man than there is a perfect diamond. this goes for any potion of the universe at any time. but that is not to say we are only capable of wrong-doing by any means, or the extremes of absolute success and failure either; only relative states in between.
  • #22
Originally posted by Phobos
Many of these "human flaws" are also exhibited
in other animals (e.g., fear, ignorance, bias,
strong desire to kill beurocrats,

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