Hydrogen atom:<K>,<V>,momentum distribution

In summary, the conversation is about a user's attempt to solve a quantum mechanics exercise involving the hydrogen atom in the ground state. They are trying to evaluate the expectation value of kinetic energy and potential energy, as well as the momentum distribution. They encounter difficulties in evaluating the integral and seek help from other users. One user provides guidance on how to properly use the Laplacian operator and the Fourier Transform to evaluate the momentum distribution. The conversation also includes discussions on the correct form of the spatial wave function and how to properly handle the integral.
  • #1
Hello to everybody! This is my first time in PF. I have problems with an QM exercise.

Homework Statement

About hydrogen atom in the ground state (n=1), evaluate:
<K>, <V> (expectation value of the kinetic energy and potential energy) and the momentum distribution ([tex]\varphi[/tex](p)).

The Attempt at a Solution

for now I treat only <K>:
see attachment 009 (<K>=<T>=kinetic energy)
but i know the exact solution so that I evaluate is not right.
where is my mistake??

please help me.



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  • #2
okay. maybe my attachment is not readble.

the wave function for the hydrogen atom in 1s state is:= [tex]\varphi(r)=\frac{exp(-r/a)}{\sqrt{\pi a^3}}[/tex]


a is the Bohr radius := [tex]a=\frac{\hbar^2}{m e^2}[/tex] ;
m is the electron mass ;
[tex]e=\frac{q^2}{4\pi\epsilon}[/tex] ;
q is the elementary charge ;


to find <K> (expectation value of kinetic energy) I have to evaluate:

[tex]\int \frac{p^2}{2m}\left|\varphi(r)\right|^2 r^2 sin\vartheta d\vartheta d\phi dr[/tex] from 0 to infinity

i.e. = [tex]\frac{(-i\hbar)^2}{2m\pi a^3} \int \partial^{2}/\partial r^{2}[exp(-2r/a)] r^2 sin\vartheta dr d\vartheta d\phi = \frac{(-i\hbar)^2}{2m\pi a^3} 4 \pi \int \frac{4r^2}{a^2} exp(-2r/a) dr = \frac{(-i\hbar)^2}{2m\pi a^3} 4 \pi a = \frac{(-2i\hbar)^2}{m a^2} = \frac{-2 \hbar^2 m^2 e^4}{m \hbar^4} = \frac{-2me^4}{\hbar^2} [/tex]

but the exact solutions found on Basdevant or Sakurai is:= [tex]K=\frac{+me^4}{2 \hbar^2} [/tex]

so...where is my mistake??
please, help me to find it!
  • #3
[tex]\nabla^2[/tex] is not [tex]\partial^2/\partial r^2[/tex] in spherical coordinates.
  • #4
ops...it's true...

I tried with:

[tex]<K>=\frac{1}{\pi a^3}\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m} \int \frac{1}{r^2} \partial/\partial r (r^2 \partial/\partial r) exp(\frac{-2r}{a}) r^2 sin\vartheta d \theta d \phi d r [/tex] from 0 to infinity



[tex]\frac{-2 \hbar^2}{m a^3} \frac{-2}{a} \int exp(\frac{-2r}{a}) (2r-\frac{2r}{a}) dr =

= \frac{-2 \hbar^2}{m a^3} \frac{-2}{a} [r^2 exp(\frac{-2r}{a})]^{inf}_{0} [/tex]

and here I can't have a finite solution...
is the integral correct?
how to have a finite solution for [tex] [r^2 exp(\frac{-2r}{a})]^{inf}_{0} [/tex] ?

thanks a lot
  • #5
[tex][r^2 exp(\frac{-2r}{a})]^{\infty}_{0} = 0[/tex]

and I don't think your interation is correctly.

you should end up with an integral like:
[tex] \int ^{\infty}_0(2r-2r^2/a)e^{-2r/a}dr [/tex]

And use the standard integral:
[tex] \int ^{\infty}_0r^ne^{-\alpha r}dr = (1/\alpha ^{n+1}) \Gamma (n+1) [/tex]

Useful properties of the gamma function:
[tex] \Gamma (m+1) = m\Gamma (m) [/tex]
[tex]\Gamma (1) = 1 [/tex]
[tex]\Gamma (1/2) = \sqrt{\pi} [/tex]
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  • #6
I check the solution of the integral with the software "Derive" and it's correct!

  • #7
[tex]\int {r^2} \partial/\partial r (r^2 \partial/\partial r) exp(\frac{-2r}{a}) r^2 d r = (-2/a)\int (2r-2r^2/a)e^{-2r/a}dr[/tex]

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  • #8
...and I tried also to solve with Gamma function but the integral = 0 !
  • #9
yes...it's the same of mine!
  • #10
ee no..

folgorant said:

[tex]\frac{-2 \hbar^2}{m a^3} \frac{-2}{a} \int exp(\frac{-2r}{a}) (2r-\frac{2r}{a}) dr =

= \frac{-2 \hbar^2}{m a^3} \frac{-2}{a} [r^2 exp(\frac{-2r}{a})]^{inf}_{0} [/tex]

thanks a lot
  • #11
folgorant said:
...and I tried also to solve with Gamma function but the integral = 0 !

  • #12
oh,iI'm sorry but it's only a writing-mistake...in my works I've what you've posted too...
  • #13
ok, but I think I know what the error is, you have done things in wrong order:

[tex]\int \psi (r) ^*\Delta\psi (r)r^2dr [/tex]


[tex]\int \Delta|\psi (r)|^2r^2dr [/tex]

if you know what I mean. This has to do with the definition of expectation value and general properties of derivative operators.

\Delta is the Laplacian Operator, which acts on everything to the RIGHT.
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  • #14
malawi_glen...you're great...i try to correct it right now!
thanks a lot...
  • #15
You shold not get 0 now, good luck!
  • #16
yes! the result is correct! thanks a lot!
  • #17
momentun distribution of the hydrogen atom in ground state

ok, now I'm trying to evaluate the momentun distribution of the hydrogen atom in ground state.

I should apply the Fourier Transform to the [tex]\psi (r)[/tex]

i.e. [tex]\varphi ( \textbf{p} ) = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{-\infty}_{+\infty} exp(-\textbf{r} /a) exp(i \textbf{pr} ) d^{3}r [/tex]

mmm..I'm not good in these -hard math works- ...

my problem is also about the -morevariables- integral...

I don't really know how to start...

Since the wave function depends only from r, I've just tried to do:

[tex]\varphi ( p ) = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{-\infty}_{+\infty} exp(-r /a) exp(ipr} ) dr =
\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{-\infty}_{+\infty} exp(\frac{-r}{a} + ipr) ) dr [/tex]

...but the result of the integral is something very strange...I think it's not the good way...

can you help me please?
  • #18
dude [tex] d\mathbf{r} = r^2sin \theta d\theta drd\phi[/tex] or this is even better in this case:
[tex] d\mathbf{r} = r^2 d(\cos \theta )drd\phi[/tex]

so that:

[tex]\varphi ( \textbf{p} ) = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \int \varphi (\textbf{r}) \exp(i \textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{r}) d^{3}r = [/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \int \varphi (\textbf{r}) \exp (i \textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{r}) r^2d(\cos \theta ) drd\phi [/tex]

And you integrate r from 0 to infinity, theta from 0 to pi (but you now have cos(theta) as integration variable, so be careful, and phi from 0 to 2*pi.
Use the forumla for dot-product:
[tex] \textbf{a} \cdot \textbf{b} = ab \cos \theta [/tex]

But you must use the SPATIAL wave function, just not the radial part. i.e
[tex] \varphi (\textbf{r}) = \varphi (r) \cdot Y_0^0 (\theta ,\phi )= \frac{\exp(-r/a)}{\sqrt{\pi a^3}}\cdot 1/(\sqrt{4 \pi}) [/tex]

I hope you get the picture, I might miss some constants etc, since I have not done this QM for 1 year, but the procedures I remember ;-) I hope
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  • #19
I did som crucial editing, my latex was wrong. Now it shold be more correct.
  • #20
my questions:

if [tex] d cos (\theta) / d\theta = -sin(\theta)[/tex] ,
so [tex] sin(\theta) d \theta = -cos(\theta) [/tex]...isn't true?

I check for the spatial wave function and the term [tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}[/tex] is included in the [tex]\varphi(r)=\frac{exp(-r/a)}{\sqrt{\pi a^3}}[/tex]...,no??

then, I tried to cumpute:
\varphi ( \textbf{p} ) = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int e^{-r/a -ipr cos \theta } r^2 sin \theta dr d\theta d\phi

= \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{\infty}_{0}\int^{\pi}_{0} \int ^{2\pi}_{0} e^{-r/a -ipr cos \theta } r^2 sin \theta dr d\theta d\phi =

[tex]\frac{2\pi}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{\infty}_{0}\int^{\pi}_{0} e^{-r/a -ipr cos \theta } r^2 sin \theta dr d\theta =

\frac{4\pi}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{\infty}_{0} \frac{e^{-r/a } r sin (pr)}{p} dr =

but now I can't solve this...

how can I do??

is what I wrote correct?
  • #21
use cos(/theta) as varible instead of theta, is is much easier and you will use this things in the future, so learn this trick now ;)

When you derive the volume element, you have the absolute value when you do the Jacobian etc, so dotn bother about that minus sign.

When theta runs from 0 to pi, cos(theta) goes from 1 to -1, it also quite often this is used in textbooks, so it's good to know both.

Ok I had no Idea that the spherical harmonic was included in your original wave function, great!

use standard integral tables, maybe you need to do some partial integrations etc.

I don't have time at the moment to check if you have done all steps correct, just try to evaluate the integral. If your answer is wrong, I'll give it a try tomorrow perhaps.

Good Luck!
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  • #22
here is a good integral for you:

[tex] \int_0^{\infty}xe^{-Ax}\sin (bx) dx = 2Ab/((A^2+b^2)^2) [/tex]

[ A > 0 ]
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  • #23
malawi_glenn: starting from [tex]\frac{4\pi}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \int^{\infty}_{0} \frac{e^{-r/a } r sin (pr)}{p} dr =[/tex]
...and using your integral I get:

[tex]\frac{4\pi}{(2 \pi)^{3/2}} \frac{1}{ \sqrt {\pi a^3}} \frac{2p}{(\frac{1}{a^2} + p^2)^2}[/tex]

..i am a little bit suspicious...can that form be a momentum wave function?
  • #24
its a function of p right?

What is the answer?

"my" integral? :-) can be found anywhere..

if you plot your phi(p), it looks quite nice.
  • #25
ops, sorry! of course that it could be...I hadn't seen it in the right way...so.. are you sure the it's the correct solution or could I try to obtain it in other ways??

anyway, thank you very much!
  • #26
Well, you had the answer to <K> ?

But I'll tell you this, the procedure is correct, I have not checked every little step you did but the result looks familiar.

Do you have classmates to compare with?
  • #27
no but...yes..I can try to evaluate <K> using phi(p) instead the phi(r) and should obtain the same result ,no?
can I ask you where are you from malawi?
  • #28
I meant you said you got the correct <K> then I wondered why did not have the answer for the momentum - wave function.

I am from Sweden.
  • #29
folgorant said:
no but...yes..I can try to evaluate <K> using phi(p) instead the phi(r) and should obtain the same result ,no?
can I ask you where are you from malawi?

Yes, you can calculate <K> directly in momentum space (it will be easier than in real space) and if you get the same answer as before, it will be a pretty convincing indication that you did everything right.
  • #30
hehe I forgot to aswer that Q ;-)
  • #31
ah,ok...yes,i have the solution for <k>...but not for phi(p)...neither in any book!
  • #32
ok, then you can check by evaluating <K> in momentum space, as KDV said, this is much easier than in positions space.

FAQ: Hydrogen atom:<K>,<V>,momentum distribution

1. What is a hydrogen atom?

A hydrogen atom is the simplest atom, consisting of one proton in its nucleus and one electron orbiting around the nucleus. It is the most abundant element in the universe and has the atomic number 1 on the periodic table.

2. What does represent in the context of a hydrogen atom?

In the context of a hydrogen atom, represents the kinetic energy of the electron. This is the energy associated with the movement of the electron around the nucleus.

3. What is the significance of in a hydrogen atom?

represents the potential energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom. This is the energy associated with the attraction between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron.

4. What is momentum distribution in a hydrogen atom?

Momentum distribution in a hydrogen atom refers to the probability of finding the electron in a specific momentum state. This is described by the quantum mechanical wave function of the electron.

5. How is the momentum distribution of a hydrogen atom determined?

The momentum distribution of a hydrogen atom can be determined through experiments or theoretical calculations based on the wave function of the electron. This distribution can also be visualized through diagrams such as the momentum space representation or the momentum probability density plot.

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