I can't seem to find an eigenvector for this 2x2 matrix

In summary, The conversation discusses finding eigenvectors for a given matrix in an ODE homework problem. The method taught for finding eigenvectors seems like guesswork and the attempt at a solution shows a mistake in the matrix used. The correct method is to solve Av = λv, which results in eigenvectors of the form <x, -2x> for the eigenvalue 1 and <x, x> for the eigenvalue 4.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm doing an ODE for homework and I can't find the eigenvector for this matrix (sorry, I don't know how to make matrices on here. Consider these as one matrix.):

[ 2 0] [v[itex]_{1}[/itex]] = [0]
[ 1 1] [v[itex]_{2}[/itex]] = [0]

Homework Equations

The only way he has taught us to find eigenvectors seems mostly like guesswork to me.

The Attempt at a Solution

2v[itex]_{1}[/itex] + 0v[itex]_{2}[/itex] = 0

v[itex]_{1}[/itex] + v[itex]_{2}[/itex] = 0

So 2v[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 0 =====> v[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 0

But v[itex]_{1}[/itex] + v[itex]_{2}[/itex] = 0, so v[itex]_{2}[/itex] = 0 as well. But eigenvectors cannot consist of all zeros?
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  • #2
wouldnt your eqn be more like

M * v = k * v where M is your matrix and k is some constant and v is your vector

2*v1 + 0*v2 = k * v1

v1 + v2 = k*v2
  • #3
Sorry maybe I didn't give the full background. (A-rI)v = 0

A =

[3 1]
[2 2]

one of the roots of the characteristic equation is r[itex]_{2}[/itex] = 1

Since r[itex]_{2}[/itex] = 1, (A-I)v=0


[ 2 0]
[ 1 1] v = 0
  • #4

Just found my mistake, I copied the matrix wrong!

This is embarrasseing...
  • #6
Found my mistake, I accidentally subtracted 1 from ALL the elements in the original matrix A, when I should have only subtracted 1 from a11 and a22
  • #8
Since you have found your error, expanding on jedishrfu's suggestion that you solve Av= v, that would be [tex]\begin{bmatrix}3 & 1 \\ 2 & 2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix}x \\ y\end{bmatrix}[/tex].
which gives the equations 3x+ y= x and 2x+ 2y= y, both of which are equivalent to y= -2x. That is, any eigenvector, corresponding to eigenvalue 1, is of the form <x, y>= <x, -2x>= x<1, -2>.

For the other eigenvalue, 4, we have [tex]\begin{bmatrix}3 & 1 \\ 2 & 2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y\end{bmatrix}= 4\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y\end{bmatrix}[/tex]
which gives the equations 3x+ y= 4x and 2x+ 2y= 4y, both of which are equivalent to y= x. That is, any eigenvector, corresponding to eigenvalue 4, is of the form <x, y>=<x, x>= x<1, 1>.

Of course, solving [itex](A- \lambda)v= 0[/itex] is equivalent to solving [itex]Av= \lambda v[/itex] but the latter is more closely connected to the definitions of "eigenvalue" and "eigenvector".

FAQ: I can't seem to find an eigenvector for this 2x2 matrix

1. Why is it important to find eigenvectors for a 2x2 matrix?

Eigenvectors are important because they provide information about the behavior of a matrix when it is multiplied by a scalar value, such as in a linear transformation. They also help to simplify complex calculations and can be used to solve systems of linear equations.

2. How do I determine if a 2x2 matrix has eigenvectors?

A 2x2 matrix will have eigenvectors if it is a square matrix, meaning it has the same number of rows and columns. You can also check if the matrix has distinct eigenvalues, which is a necessary condition for the existence of eigenvectors.

3. What is the process for finding eigenvectors for a 2x2 matrix?

The process for finding eigenvectors involves finding the eigenvalues of the matrix, which are the values that satisfy the equation Av = λv, where A is the matrix, v is the eigenvector, and λ is the eigenvalue. Once the eigenvalues are found, the corresponding eigenvectors can be determined using the equation (A - λI)v = 0, where I is the identity matrix.

4. Can a 2x2 matrix have more than one eigenvector?

Yes, a 2x2 matrix can have more than one eigenvector. In fact, most matrices have multiple eigenvectors associated with different eigenvalues. This allows for a variety of transformations and solutions to linear systems.

5. What should I do if I can't seem to find an eigenvector for a 2x2 matrix?

If you are struggling to find an eigenvector for a 2x2 matrix, there are a few things you can try. First, double check your calculations and make sure there are no errors. You can also try using different methods, such as diagonalization or Gaussian elimination, to find the eigenvectors. If all else fails, you can seek help from a math tutor or colleague.

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