How Does Being an INTP Woman Influence Perceptions in Tech and Art?

  • Thread starter elephantorz
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In summary, the Rocky Mountain region, an INTP/J, is interested in physics, loves to draw and design graphics, likes computer science and math, and is female.
  • #1
So I'm waving a hello to all of you here *waves*.

I'm in the Rocky Mountain region, an INTP/J, and interested in physics since an early age without knowing it.

I also love to draw and design graphics, if you're interested in looking at my gallery online just reply to this.

I'm into Computer Science too, and of course, I like math, even though I seem to understand abstract stuff much more better than the theoretical.

Oh yes, I am female, but most people think I'm male by the way I write, I find it amusing so I never prove them wrong! :D

So hello and this site is interesting, I will poke about.
Physics news on
  • #2
Good evening, elephantorz, and welcome to PF.

You've found the lounge, more specifically GD, which is the defacto Welcome hall.

Most folks jump into one of the discussion forums or HW forums.

I'm sure you'll find PF an interesting place.
  • #3
Thanks :].
  • #4
The real Rocky Mountain region, or the Yankee side? :biggrin:
Welcome to PF.
Pending Mentor approval, of course, you should post a link to your portfolio. I know that I'd be very interested to see it.
  • #5
Lots of new members lately :smile:. Welcome elephantorz!

P.S. Mind the fish :wink:
  • #6

There we go.

Thanks for the welcomes :D.
  • #7
Wow! That's some gorgeous art you have there! (Not so sure about the puppy in a fez, though... that seems a bit weird... :biggrin:)
Unfortunately, I got a 'page cannot be displayed' error the last time that I clicked on 'next'. :frown:
  • #8
Welcome to the forum elephantorz! What kind of fish do you like?
  • #9
Hi elephantorz! Welcome to PF.

Your art is great!
  • #10
Danger said:
Wow! That's some gorgeous art you have there! (Not so sure about the puppy in a fez, though... that seems a bit weird... :biggrin:)
Unfortunately, I got a 'page cannot be displayed' error the last time that I clicked on 'next'. :frown:

That will be unfortunately their server's issue, just keep reloading and that should make it work eventually, thanks though :D.

I like...colorful small fish, angel fish are they? I think so, I might have drawn one digitally now that I think about it...and I like big fish, dolphins, orcas, whales, actually, now that I think about it I like a lot of fish! Haha, including jellies, and even sharks, now I'm not too fond of eating them, unless they're fresh.

Thanks for the welcomes :D.
  • #11
You do realize that Dolphins and Whales are mammals? :wink:

You wouldn't want to be hit by one of those. Stick with the small ones. :smile:
  • #12
Kurdt said:
You do realize that Dolphins and Whales are mammals? :wink:

You wouldn't want to be hit by one of those. Stick with the small ones. :smile:

Yes yes, I do, but I still like them!
  • #13
I see that Moonbear fishwhacked you in another thread. :approve:
  • #14
Evo said:
I see that Moonbear fishwhacked you in another thread. :approve:

Oh, but in that thread s/he requested angelfish. We haven't had anyone choose jellyfish in a long time. Those have a really satisfying *splat* to go with the thwack. :biggrin:
  • #15
Hello and welcome to PF. There isn't a welcome subsection, it was decided it would be too small to swing any adequate sized fish, and besides GD is just as good.
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  • #16
I am ok with angelfish :P but yes I was already initiated.

Hey whatever works, this made me poke about here anyway :].
  • #17
elephantorz said:
I'm in the Rocky Mountain region, an INTP/J,

What's an INTP/J?

(added after a Google search) Looks like a classification from a Meyers-Briggs personality test. I don't know what mine is... I don't think my schools were into personality tests forty-odd years ago.
  • #18
jtbell said:
What's an INTP/J?

(added after a Google search) Looks like a classification from a Meyers-Briggs personality test. I don't know what mine is... I don't think my schools were into personality tests forty-odd years ago.

You can find your type here:"

There are a number of free tests but I really like that one, it is recommended you take more than one though.

For a description of an intp go here:


Something that is true for me:
INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them.

However, I have tested both INTP and INTJ, truth is I have a higher J percentage than most INTPs I have met [supposedly Einstein was an INTP], anyway, hope that helps!
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  • #19
Generally, I think the Meyers-Briggs test is pretty good at describing a person's temperment. The employer I had about 20 years ago would encourage employees to take the test and share the results.

I have to admit, it did help people with different temperments get along better. A little understanding goes a long way. For example, it helps to know a person is acting a certain way because of temperment, and not because they're purposely being a jerk.

But back then I was an ENTP, now when I take the test I'm an INFJ!
  • #20
lisab said:
Generally, I think the Meyers-Briggs test is pretty good at describing a person's temperment. The employer I had about 20 years ago would encourage employees to take the test and share the results.

I have to admit, it did help people with different temperments get along better. A little understanding goes a long way. For example, it helps to know a person is acting a certain way because of temperment, and not because they're purposely being a jerk.

But back then I was an ENTP, now when I take the test I'm an INFJ!

I believe people can change temperament, people change, things happen to them and they can test different.

  • #21
I'm an INFJ, if any of my admirers are wondering...
  • #22
elephantorz said:
lisab said:
...But back then I was an ENTP, now when I take the test I'm an INFJ!

I believe people can change temperament, people change, things happen to them and they can test different.


:rolleyes: Wow, Lisa had to wait some 2.5 years to get that reply. Meanwhile it seems that we are all have changed to INTJ now
  • #23
I got ENFJ
  • #24
Andre said:
:rolleyes: Wow, Lisa had to wait some 2.5 years to get that reply. Meanwhile it seems that we are all have changed to INTJ now

Yeah, life happens, sometimes.

And no, I am pretty much an intp still...>>.

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