Viewing PF from Brand New Safari Browser on Macbook

  • Thread starter G01
  • Start date
In summary: Firefox is definitely the way to go.In summary,G01 is now using Safari on her Macbook and is happy with it. PC users should download Firefox, while Mac users should reinstall Safari. Ubuntu is a good option for those who want a graphical installer and good hardware support.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
I am now viewing PF from my brand new Safari browser on my brand new Macbook!

I am so glad I got this. Loving it already!
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to the good side of the Force. :cool:
  • #3
Noooo Macs are the dark side... They should be banned :P
  • #4
Congrats G01 on seeing the light! :biggrin:
  • #5
I'm really happy for you, its so much fun to have new things.{mutters under breath} {even if it is a Mac}
  • #6
I wish i could afford a Mach book.
  • #7
Danger said:
Welcome to the good side of the Force. :cool:
The same.

One dark side of Safari is that it is not particularly good with web pages written by IT maroons who think that the internet is Internet Exploder and ActiveX. You might want to download Firefox. Many financial and medical web sites simply don't work properly with Safari. Most do work with Firefox. Some of those that don't work with Safari or Firefox do work with the Mac version of Exploder. For a select few you have two choices: use a PC or take your business elsewhere.
  • #8
One of of of us...

I like just walking around the house holding my MacBook. How did they make it simply feel so nice?
  • #9
PC ftw. You all can go take your virus free, however, interfacably challenged computers elseware. I'm happy with Vista. My computer is fast as lightning. I never get viruses. The GUI is amazing, and I have a build in fingerprint scanner.

Not a fan of Mac is the main point of my argument :biggrin:.
  • #10
Math Jeans said:
PC ftw. You all can go take your virus free, however, interfacably challenged computers elseware. I'm happy with Vista. My computer is fast as lightning. I never get viruses. The GUI is amazing, and I have a build in fingerprint scanner.
Phhff, forget Mac & Windows - bring on the Linux! Faster and more stable than Vista, with the added benefit of being virus free and highly customisable. Okay perhaps the interface isn't as pretty but it's far more usable than either Windows or Mac :-p
  • #11
Hootenanny said:
Phhff, forget Mac & Windows - bring on the Linux! Faster and more stable than Vista, with the added benefit of being virus free and highly customisable. Okay perhaps the interface isn't as pretty but it's far more usable than either Windows or Mac :-p

If I even knew where to start with it, I'd probably try it. Then again, the only reason I'm using a PC is because of that problem DH mentioned where not all ITiots set up sites compatible with anything other than Explorer on a PC (I fought that and at least got Firefox compatible sites at work...and FINALLY they unbroke the thing they broke that made it incompatible with Safari, so I can use Safari again when I'm at of the IT guys in the department I hope to move into is a major Mac fan, so I'm REALLY looking forward to being able to work in an office where there is Mac support again so I can rid myself of this clunky windows beast).
  • #12
Congrats! and I agree with D H about Firefox. I am absolutely FED UP with Safari, and if I get any down time this weekend I intend to download Firefox. Safari crashes my imac constantly. So is it the ultra thin one? huh? huh? huh? :D
  • #13
Ms Music said:
Congrats! and I agree with D H about Firefox. I am absolutely FED UP with Safari, and if I get any down time this weekend I intend to download Firefox. Safari crashes my imac constantly. So is it the ultra thin one? huh? huh? huh? :D

Funny, I've never had any problems with Safari other than the few incompatible sites, and they never crashed anything. You might want to just try reinstalling Safari...maybe something didn't install right or you have a software conflict of some sort. People have reported Firefox crashing their Macs over in the computer forum, though I haven't had that problem either.
  • #14
G01, did you get the super-thin one, the "Air" or whatever they call it?
  • #15
MIH, that 'Air' is one sweet machine. I chose the MacBook (rather than Pro or Air) primarily for financial reasons. I can't imagine ever needing the power of the Pro, and the Air doesn't have an optical drive.
  • #16
Moonbear said:
If I even knew where to start with it, I'd probably try it.
Ubuntu ( is probably the most user-friendly. Full graphical installer with very good hardware support. Go for it MB, come over to the dark side :wink:
  • #17
Hootenanny said:
Ubuntu ( is probably the most user-friendly. Full graphical installer with very good hardware support. Go for it MB, come over to the dark side :wink:

I'm afraid it's not likely to be any more compatible with our network servers than the Macs are. The moment our IT department gets overtaken by people who actually know what they're doing and set everything up to be fully compatible and offer support across platforms, I'll go for it (because if I screw it up, I can always go back to macs). I also still need Windoze for a government grants software package that can't keep up with Mac upgrades (I don't expect anything better from the government though).
  • #18
Danger said:
MIH, that 'Air' is one sweet machine. I chose the MacBook (rather than Pro or Air) primarily for financial reasons. I can't imagine ever needing the power of the Pro, and the Air doesn't have an optical drive.

I have the Yael Naim (she does the "New Soul" song) CD - that's as close as I'll be getting to a Mac. LOL

We did get one of the ASUS EEE PCs at work the other day for evaluation. That thing is SO tiny. I am going to test drive it around campus next week and see how good it is for taking notes and sending email.
  • #19
Math Is Hard said:
I have the Yael Naim (she does the "New Soul" song) CD

Never heard of her, but I'll pull it up on iTunes and check it out. :biggrin:
  • #20
Moonbear, I would consider you lucky! My Safari crashes DAILY. Literally. And it crashes the whole system about two times per month and have to reboot. But then I use my computer pretty hard. It is VERY normal for us to have a few web pages open, photoshop, itunes, and probably something else. So maybe in my house it is more user error? <giggle> But I *do* love my mac!
  • #21
That sounds a bit weird. I've had Safari on my last 2 Macs, and it has not crashed even once. I love it. My previous machines had IE, and it went down like a ton of bricks on a regular basis. The iBook that I used before this new MacBook had Firefox as well as Safari, but I never bothered using it. Greg (or Chroot?) once recommended Opera, but it wouldn't load onto the machine that I had at the time. Haven't tried it since.
  • #22
I like this version of the commercial. heh heh

even funnier..

and just twisted:
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  • #23
Ms Music said:
Moonbear, I would consider you lucky! My Safari crashes DAILY. Literally. And it crashes the whole system about two times per month and have to reboot. But then I use my computer pretty hard. It is VERY normal for us to have a few web pages open, photoshop, itunes, and probably something else. So maybe in my house it is more user error? <giggle> But I *do* love my mac!

I've had way more than that open at a time. The only thing that ever crashes my Mac is MS Office (I should have never let that MS contaminant on there, but what can you do, that's what everyone I work with uses, so I need to use it too). That's actually a pretty light workload for me. When I used Macs exclusively, I'd have safari and mail open all the time, iTunes usually, Photoshop definitely, sometimes Illustrator as well, Word, EndNote and Excel, and sometimes Powerpoint. Then, just to give it a challenge, I'd open up StatView in OS 9 (that's one thing I'm glad to have a PC for...the stats packages on Macs are pretty sad, though I haven't had a chance to try JMP yet because it's just so expensive).
  • #24
Math Is Hard said:
I like this version of the commercial. heh heh

  • #25
Math Is Hard said:
I like this version of the commercial. heh heh

:smile: Yeah, they lost me on the Air. I can't figure out anyone who would want a computer that can't play a CD.
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  • #26
Moonbear said:
The only thing that ever crashes my Mac is MS Office (I should have never let that MS contaminant on there, but what can you do, that's what everyone I work with uses, so I need to use it too).

I've got Neo Office, which is an open-source application along the same line as Gimp and Inkscape. The file formats are compatible with MS Office, and it doesn't have that hideous Microsoft stigma attached.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
I've had way more than that open at a time. The only thing that ever crashes my Mac is MS Office (I should have never let that MS contaminant on there, but what can you do, that's what everyone I work with uses, so I need to use it too). That's actually a pretty light workload for me. When I used Macs exclusively, I'd have safari and mail open all the time, iTunes usually, Photoshop definitely, sometimes Illustrator as well, Word, EndNote and Excel, and sometimes Powerpoint. Then, just to give it a challenge, I'd open up StatView in OS 9 (that's one thing I'm glad to have a PC for...the stats packages on Macs are pretty sad, though I haven't had a chance to try JMP yet because it's just so expensive).

Hmmmm, what versions? I have Tiger, and my Safari (I think) is current... I was actually online a few weeks ago for the ENTIRE WEEKEND trying to figure out why safari was crashing every THIRTY seconds. Hundreds of others were too. I can't even remember off the top of my head the program that was at fault, but it was something I had just downloaded. I thought Safari was extremely unstable. I am VERY curious as to why yours is just so darned good! :biggrin:
  • #28
Ms Music said:
Hmmmm, what versions? I have Tiger, and my Safari (I think) is current... I was actually online a few weeks ago for the ENTIRE WEEKEND trying to figure out why safari was crashing every THIRTY seconds. Hundreds of others were too. I can't even remember off the top of my head the program that was at fault, but it was something I had just downloaded. I thought Safari was extremely unstable. I am VERY curious as to why yours is just so darned good! :biggrin:

If you just downloaded some other program, you should suspect that one as the incompatible culprit. I used Tiger for years (ever since it first came out), and have recently switched to Leopard on one of my machines (I still have an older powerbook running Tiger because I'm not quite convinced it can handle Leopard). Basically, I've been using Macs since OS 9 and have used every version of OS X since without running into any problems like that. Which Mac do you have? Is it an issue of insufficient memory? I used to have problems with OS 9 on those old fruit-flavored iMacs because my mentor was too cheap to buy enough memory for them, so always max out on whatever memory I can get for the current model I'm buying (for applications like Photoshop, you have to have a lot of RAM...that's a memory hog and something I HAVE to use with high resolution images and other applications open).
  • #29
Math Is Hard said:
G01, did you get the super-thin one, the "Air" or whatever they call it?

Nah, I find that that isn't worth the money, considering you need an external CD drive, and I would break it within 10 minutes after getting it!:rolleyes:

I got the black version of the MacBook.

The one thing that is taking time to get used to is the inability to make windows full-screen. I do miss that sometimes, but I think "Spaces" and the ability to get on my school network in about half the time it takes to log on on a windows machine (you always have to download new virus protection updates before you log on on a windows machine) definitely make up for the loss of full screen windows.
  • #30
Ditto with the memory thing. I've had the original iMac (lime flavored), the G4 Half-Dome flat screen, and now the latest MacBook. The only persistent crashes on ANY of them, is with the first one, before I maxed out the memory.
And lately, the G4 has started to act up since Benny (my 3-year-old) knocked a full cup of coffee right into the motherboard. Now I get the gray death-screen if anything is plugged into the third USB port. Small price.

I've used MS Explorer, Netscape, Safari, and Firefox and all were stable. Firefox is the finest by inches over Safari. Explorer was the worst, by miles (who'd've thought that?)

Perhaps ironically, MS Office for Mac works better than Office for Windows, in my opinion. There are tiny subtle differences between them; perhaps I'm more used to the Mac version at home, rather than the Windows version at work.

Primarily I appreciate the Mac architecture, both the hardware and software. The "Mac vs PC wars" are silly and funny, but not worth the steam that some people get into.
  • #31
Hootenanny said:
Ubuntu ( is probably the most user-friendly. Full graphical installer with very good hardware support. Go for it MB, come over to the dark side :wink:

I also want to learn Linux and was told to start with Ubuntu. I think I am going to invest in VMWare fusion and get an Ubuntu Virtual Machine running on my Mac.
  • #32
G01 said:
I also want to learn Linux and was told to start with Ubuntu. I think I am going to invest in VMWare fusion and get an Ubuntu Virtual Machine running on my Mac.
I'm the other way round, I run Linux with Win XP inside a Virtual Machine. Ubuntu is excellent, I've never had any major problems with it. We're due for a new version at the end of the month (8.04) so you might want to hang off until then.
  • #33
Hootenanny said:
I'm the other way round, I run Linux with Win XP inside a Virtual Machine. Ubuntu is excellent, I've never had any major problems with it. We're due for a new version at the end of the month (8.04) so you might want to hang off until then.

Cool! I'll wait a bit then.
  • #34
Chi Meson said:
Perhaps ironically, MS Office for Mac works better than Office for Windows, in my opinion. There are tiny subtle differences between them; perhaps I'm more used to the Mac version at home, rather than the Windows version at work.

The main problems I have with Office on a Mac is that the version I have isn't fully compatible with the Macs with Intel processors, so runs painfully slow and crashes more often. There's a newer version out, but I haven't upgraded yet (every time I upgrade, EndNote doesn't work without an upgrade too, so I have to be prepared to upgrade both, and I'm not).

I'm running the newest version of Office on my PC, and it will drive one bonkers! There was a steep learning curve trying to find everything since they COMPLETELY rearranged the content and appearance of the toolbars/menus (I still struggle to guess where some things are, even after almost a year of using it), but the bigger problem are things that just don't work or don't stick or have weird defaults. There's a bug in the mailing labels can adjust the distance between labels until you're blue in the face, and it still formats them with no space between...I get around it by adding that dimension to the height of the label and printing a test page to make sure my text fits within the actual label size, but it's an added hassle for even standard size mailing labels. The other thing that drives me nuts on it is that there is a default setting that automatically adds a 10 point space between lines of text, making it look nearly double spaced even if you're single spacing. I've tried changing the default to 0 point spaces (I don't even know why someone would use that feature in addition to the line spacing which also would let you fix a set point size for spacing rather than just single, double, etc.), but it keeps changing it right back (I think it only changes the default for the current document, not for all documents, which isn't much of a default setting at all).

The older version had its issues too, but I don't remember them.

So, while the Mac version I have runs slow, it actually does everything I need it to do and I haven't encountered any bugs like that in really commonly used features yet.

But, that's not really a Mac vs PC issue as a Microsoft software quality issue.
  • #35
Here is something I never understood. Why are Windows machines called "PCs?"

I mean, Macs are still personal computers, so why does the term PC only apply to windows computers?

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