What Causes the Real Increase in Liquid Volume in Thermodynamics?

  • Thread starter mohamedsafy
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of real and apparent increase in volume of liquid in relation to thermo dynamics physics, with a specific focus on the definition of the universal gas constant R. The speaker also expresses confusion and seeks clarification on the topic.
  • #1
iam a new user here iam a student in engineering faculty there is something i don't understand in thermo dynamics physics in my book it is written that the real increase in volume of liquid= the apparent increase in volume of liquid+ the increase in volume of the container
my opinion is that the real increase in volume of liquid = the apparent increase - the increase in the volume of the container the problem is driving me crazy ca anyone help me and explain to me
and there is another point i need to know the definistion of the universal gas constant R anyone interesed to help me
thx alot
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  • #2
To understand the book's statement, study this exaggerated case: Say the container volume doubles, but the apparent volume of the liquid does not change. What must be the real increase of the liquid volume?

If that doesn't click, look at it backwards. Say that both the liquid and the container volumes doubled. What would the apparent volume increase of the liquid be?
  • #3

Hello there,

I am sorry to hear that you are facing difficulties with understanding thermodynamics in your engineering studies. I can certainly help clarify the concept for you.

The statement in your book is correct - the real increase in volume of a liquid is equal to the apparent increase in volume of the liquid plus the increase in volume of the container. This is because when a liquid is heated, it expands and takes up more space, but the container also expands slightly due to the heat. So, the total increase in volume is a combination of the liquid's expansion and the container's expansion.

As for the definition of the universal gas constant, R, it is a proportionality constant that relates the amount of substance, pressure, and temperature of an ideal gas. It is a fundamental constant in thermodynamics and is used in many equations, such as the ideal gas law. Its value depends on the units used, but it is commonly expressed in units of joules per mole-kelvin (J/mol-K).

I hope this helps clarify the concepts for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I wish you all the best in your studies.

FAQ: What Causes the Real Increase in Liquid Volume in Thermodynamics?

1. What is the difference between a physical problem and a medical condition?

A physical problem refers to any health issue or impairment that affects a person's physical ability or function. This can include injuries, disabilities, or chronic illnesses. On the other hand, a medical condition refers to a specific disease or disorder that can be diagnosed and treated by a healthcare professional.

2. How do physical problems affect daily life?

Physical problems can have a significant impact on a person's daily life, depending on the severity and type of problem. They can limit mobility, cause pain or discomfort, and affect a person's ability to perform daily tasks or activities. Physical problems can also have an emotional and psychological impact on a person, leading to feelings of frustration, isolation, or depression.

3. Can physical problems be prevented?

Some physical problems, such as injuries, can be prevented by taking precautions and practicing safety measures. However, other physical problems, like chronic illnesses, may not be preventable. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, can also help prevent certain physical problems.

4. What are some common treatments for physical problems?

The treatment for physical problems depends on the specific problem and its underlying cause. Some common treatments include medication, physical therapy, surgery, and assistive devices. In some cases, lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, can also help manage physical problems.

5. How can a person cope with a physical problem?

Coping with a physical problem can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help. These include seeking support from friends and family, joining a support group, practicing relaxation techniques, and maintaining a positive attitude. It is also essential to work closely with healthcare professionals to manage the physical problem and address any emotional or psychological effects it may have.
