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I have a two volume set of Differential and Integral Calculus textbooks by a well-known mathematician, his second edition (1959 printing) the last of twenty printings. This set was recommended by one of my math professors. Although it was my intention to read them it was not to be. Below is a quote from the preface to give a flavor of his approach which seems to contrast to his mentor's.
The books are in good condition considering their age. I wish to give them away to someone who can use them and will appreciate them. Those who wish to have this set should PM me with the name of the author. If more than one person provides the correct name I will randomly draw a name from those respondents. I will post the name of the winner.My aim is to exhibit the close connexion between analysis and the applications and, without loss of rigour and precision, to give due credit to intuition as the source of mathematical truth. The presentation of analysis as a closed system of truths without reference to their origin and purpose has, it is true, an esthetic charm and satisfies a deep philosophical need. But the attitude of those who consider analysis solely as an abstractly logical, introverted science is not only highly unsuitable for beginners but endangers the future of the subject; for to pursue mathematical analysis while at the same time turning one's back on the applications and on intuition is to condemn it to hopeless atrophy. To me it seems extremely important that the student be warned from the very beginning against a smug and presumptuous purism; this is not the least of my purpose in writing this book."
"The book is intended for anyone who, having passed through an ordinary course of school mathematics, wishes to apply himself to the study of mathematics or its applications to science and engineering, no matter whether he is a student of a university or technical college, a teacher, or an engineer. I do not promise to save the reader the trouble of thinking but I do seek to lead the way straight to useful knowledge, and aim at making the subject easier to grasp, not only by giving proofs step by step, but also by throwing light on the interconnexions and purposes of the whole."