If virtual particles can appear, can real particles disappear?

In summary, virtual particles can exist as long as they give back their energy within the time allowed by the uncertainty principle. It is possible for real particles to cease to exist for brief periods of time without violating conservation of energy. This process, known as photon splitting, is a common occurrence in the propagation of light. Some may argue that this concept is merely a mnemonic, but it can also be seen in the phenomenon of quantum tunneling where a real particle can transform into an antiparticle pair and then back into a particle again.
  • #1
So virtual particles are allowed to exist so long as they 'give back' their energy in the time alloted by the uncertainty principle. This might be a fairly naive question, but it occurred to me that maybe the opposite is true. Can 'real' particles cease to exist for brief flashes of time without violating conservation of energy?

Is such an occurrence prohibited by any of the laws of physics?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
jraj said:
So virtual particles are allowed to exist so long as they 'give back' their energy in the time alloted by the uncertainty principle. This might be a fairly naive question, but it occurred to me that maybe the opposite is true. Can 'real' particles cease to exist for brief flashes of time without violating conservation of energy?
Is such an occurrence prohibited by any of the laws of physics?

Certainly. A photon splitting into a virtual particle-antiparticle pair and again being
'restored' is a common process that contributes to its propogation. You might say that it 'disappears'.
However, I don't think of 'virtual' particles more than a mere mnemonic.
  • #3
It might be argued that quantum tunneling fits that description.
  • #4
kinda. What happens is that a real particle transforms into an antiparticle pair, which then annihilates into energy, which then becomes a particle again.

FAQ: If virtual particles can appear, can real particles disappear?

1. What are virtual particles?

Virtual particles are particles that appear and disappear in a vacuum, with their existence being allowed by the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. They cannot be directly observed, but their effects can be measured.

2. How do virtual particles appear?

Virtual particles can appear spontaneously when the vacuum fluctuates due to the uncertainty principle. They can also be created by high energy interactions, such as in particle accelerators.

3. Can virtual particles become real particles?

Yes, virtual particles can become real particles under certain conditions. For example, in the Hawking radiation process, a virtual particle near the event horizon of a black hole can become a real particle and escape, while its pair partner falls into the black hole.

4. Can real particles disappear?

Yes, real particles can disappear through a process called annihilation, where a particle and its antiparticle come into contact and convert their masses into energy. This process is commonly observed in high energy collisions.

5. How do virtual particles contribute to the stability of the universe?

Virtual particles play a crucial role in the stability of the universe. They constantly appear and disappear, contributing to the energy density of the vacuum and counteracting the effects of gravity. This allows for the universe to maintain its current state without collapsing in on itself.

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