If you don't get these, good. You're probably too young

  • Thread starter honestrosewater
  • Start date
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In summary, the speaker suggests that there is nothing to get, but that they can never have too many of whatever they fancy. They provide a list of various verbs and nouns that can be used to create these fancies, with examples of how to use them. The speaker also provides a few suggestions for how to make the game more fun.
  • #36
zanazzi78 said:
Whatever blunts your chisel
:smile: :smile: Wow. Nice.

Okay, I wanted some movie-inspired ones, but my coffee isn't working yet.

Whatever loosens your bullets. (Blazing Saddles)
Whatever extends your lightsaber. (Duh)

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Guess the movie :

1. Whatever handles your truth
2. Whatever hastas your vistas baby
3. Whatever guns your pocket
  • #38
Gokul43201 said:
Guess the movie :

1. Whatever handles your truth
2. Whatever hastas your vistas baby
3. Whatever guns your pocket

1. A few good men
2. terminator? i know its arnold
  • #39
2. Yes, it's from T2.
3. Mae West, but I don't know the movie.
  • #40
Whatever carpes your diem.
Whatever phones your home.
Whatever puts your lips together and blows.
Whatever rounds up your usual suspects.
Whatever sees your dead people.
Whatever puts Baby in your corner.
Whatever makes your day.
Whatever dirties your harry.
Whatever burns your rosebud.
Whatever smells your napalm in the morning.
Whatever wins one for your Gipper.
Whatever says 'hello' to your little friend.
Whatever franklies your dear. (I don't give a dam.)
  • #41
Whatever tickles your pickle.
  • #42
Whoever butts your toast.
  • #43
Whatever takes your Mum
Whatever bakes my bum
  • #44
Stop me if you've heard these.

Whatever rounds your robin.
Whatever hops your scotch.
Whatever jumps your jack.
Whatever kinks your slinky.
Whatever hulas your hoop.
Whatever bugs your bunny.
Whatever ups your doc.
Whatever elmers your fudd.
Whatever daffies your duck.
Whatever ducks your goose.
Whatever gooses your bump.
Whatever bumps your grind.
Whatever grinds your lolly.
Whatever lollies your pop.
Whatever pops your hood.
Whatever hoods your wink.
Whatever winks your nudge nudge, snap snap, know whatahmean, grin grin, know whatahmean, saynomore, saynomore, ay, ay?
  • #45
Whatever rots your gut.
Whatever shakes your tree.
Whatever gooses your gander.
Whatever ruins your ruins.
Whatever brings it on.
Whatever elicits your whatever elicits your whatever elicits your...
  • #46
Some of these might have been done already-- forgive me for not exhaustively backchecking this thread. :-p

Whatever gets your goat.
Whatever goats your tee.
Whatever rices your roni.
Whatever butters your fly.
Whatever forums your physics.
Whatever oogles your google.
Whatever downs your bear.
Whatever rips your torn.
Whatever rips your tide.
Whatever turns your table.
Whatever hops your grass.
Whatever roasts your beans.
Whatever jumps your cable.
Whatever lands your high.
Whatever ticks your tock.
Whatever sugars your coat.
Whatever coats your sugar.
Whatever kills your bee.
Whatever browns your charlie.
Whatever tickles your pickle.
Whatever bubbles your bubbly.
Whatever walks your Egyptian.
Whatever streams your consciousness.
  • #47
Whatever burns your fire
Whatever kills your death
Whatever tortures your pain
Whatever darkens your shadows
Whatever sharpens your sword
Whatever sullies your dirt
Whatever bleeds your blood
Whatever cries your tears
  • #48
hmm, this is fairly addictive.

Whatever mails your snail.
Whatever cools your mint.
Whatever drops your cough.
Whatever moons your bear.
Whatever loses your name.
Whatever seeks your ivan.
Whatever zoobies your shoe.
Whatever franks your zappa.
Whatever whitens your house.
Whatever pushes your pop.
Whatever gags your lolly.
Whatever fills your buster.
Whatever peels your paint.
Whatever colors you confused.
Whatever thorns your roses.
Whatever mashes your monster.
Whatever mashes your potatoes.
Whatever creams your ice.
Whatever lasers your jet.
Whatever nips your bud.
Whatever kittens your kaboodle.
Whatever fires your fox.
Whatever scans your tron.
Whatever sharpens your pencil.
Whatever scoobies your doo.
Whatever smurfs your smurf.
Whatever blows your glass.
Whatever turkeys your Thanksgiving.
Whatever greens your grass.
Whatever half-fills your cup.
Whatever oozes your booze.
Whatever clowns your class.
Whatever quakes your earth.
Whatever spans your wings.
Whatever ties your knot.
Whatever picks your nose.
Whatever cultivates your garden.
  • #49
Films, hmmm ….

Whatever phones you home
Whatever busts your ghost
Whatever raids your ark (whoever raids your ark!)
Whatever pokes your hontas
Whatever scratches your 7 year itch
Whatever fingers your gold
Whatever thunders your balls
Whatever rakes your moon
  • #50
hypnagogue said:
hmm, this is fairly addictive.
Too much so for anyone's good.

Whatever palms your pilot.
Whatever eyes your pod.
Whatever waffles your cone.
Whatever buries your hatchet.
Whatever shakes your spear.
Whatever paints your lily.
Whatever pays your piper.
Whatever bites your bullet.
Whatever nips your tuck.
Whatever spills your milk.
Whatever kicks your bucket.
Whatever knocks on your wood.
Whatever locks your stock and barrel.
Whatever inks your John Hancock.
Whatever let's your cat out of the bag.
  • #51
Whatever coo-coos your cachoo.
Whatever goo-goos your garabajabble.
Whatever hurdies your gurdy.
Whatever hums your bird.
Whatever wets your willie.
Whatever concatenates your string.
Whatever tic-tacs your toe.
Whatever backs your gammon.
Whatever spreads your sheet.
  • #52
Whatever kills your thread...
  • #53
yomamma said:
Whatever kills your thread...
Whatever bumps yomamma.
  • #54
I agree with Hyp...it's too much effort to check for repeats.
My ode to office supplies:

Whatever coats your pill.
Whatever caps your marker.
Whatever straightens your paperclip.
Whatever sticks your tape.
Whatever screws your bulb.
Whatever flicks your Bic.
Whatever rings your phone.
Whatever weights your paper.
Whatever sharpens your pencil.
Whatever stickies your note.

Edit: And before anyone asks, yes, over-the-counter analgesics are office supplies in my world.
  • #55
Sorry, someone just reminded me of these. Haha, I still love them. I need to make a master list, methinks. I have some additions from some friends.

Whatever gets your hose again.
Whatever shows you your money.
Whatever plays your Sam.
Whatever needs your bigger boat.
Whatever greens your soylent.
Whatever kings your world.
Whatever beast killed your beast.
Whatever tries to seduce your Mrs.
Whatever buds your rose.
Whatever attaches frickin' laser beams to the heads of your frickin' sharks.
Whatever fscks your hard drives.

[censored for lewdness]
Whatever defrags your hard drive.
Whatever catalyzes your reaction.
Whatever overrides your veto.
[censored for lewdness + lameness]
Whatever spans your eigenspace.

Whatever bobs your uncle.

Hahaha, so easily amused is me.
  • #56
Mk said:
English: Lehz Mizerabehles.
French: Lé Mizaral
Me: Lame as a robber.
  • #57
Entropy said:
Whatever tickles your pickle.

*SNORT* :smile: Best one in the thread. :biggrin:
  • #58
Whatever conjugates your verb
Whatever parses your sentence
Whatever tunes your engine
Whatever koshers your pickle
Whatever cuts your cheese
Whatever flips your flop
Whatever shifts your register
Whatever denaturizes your protein
Whatever oscillates your Colpitts.
Whatever pumps your heat
whatever passes your gas
Whatever Jollies your roger
Whatever Checks your mate

Whatever feels your force
Whatever Kings your Kong
Whatever silences your run
Whatever forbids your planet
Whatever makes your Earth stand still
Whatever flashes your Gordon
Whatever bucks your Rogers
Whatever runs your blade
Whatever mystifies your island
Whatever returns your king.
Whatever yellows your submarine
Whatever sinks your Bismark
Whatever battles your bulge
Whatever runs your Logan
  • #59
Whatever blows your skirt up.

(I am so not gellin')