If you had superpowers what would they be?

  • Thread starter X-43D
  • Start date
In summary: I'm not talking about The Matrix. In summary, the conversation is about discussing the best superpowers and their potential uses. Some suggestions include invulnerability, intangibility, super-strength, flight, superhuman intelligence, teleportation, shape-shifting, and the ability to manipulate thoughts and time. One person suggests the ability to control money, while another mentions the idea of being able to control the universe as a dream. The conversation also touches on the topic of the limitations of superpowers and the concept of reality.
  • #71
the power to stop idiotic threads.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
mathwonk said:
the power to stop idiotic threads.

But then some threads would appear idiotic compared to others, making the process of selection never ending.
  • #73
X-43D said:
I want the powers of invulnerablility, intangibility and immortality

Immortality is seriously the worst thing possible. Out of EVERYTHING. Imagine a TRILLION years from now, you would maybe be floating somewhere in space... knowing that you will NEVER DIE. A googol years pass by, and you're still there. Effing Graham's number of years pass and YOU'RE STILL THERE!EDIT: The one about being able to change matter. The one Gale keeps raving about, would be awesome. Also along with it I'd have a supercomputer to do the calculations for whatever.
  • #74
Flight and the ability to defy gravity would be awesome, not being connected to the ground all the time. Being confined to the Earth has major disadvantages. One cannot go to where one wants to go without an aircraft. But not all people are permitted to fly in an aircraft. You must have a valid passport and you must pay for the airline ticket if you want to fly in an aircraft. Being able to fly would defy and bypass all that.

Super-speed (being able to move at light speed or even at superluminal speed) would be also great. With super-speed i can go and arrive in a matter of seconds to wherever i want to be on earth. I could bypass border security and the government and no one would even know I'm there. I could run so fast that i would become intangible and no one could see me, chase me, catch me or put me in prison.
  • #75
The ability to spontaneously generate a nice cup of tea or any soft drink at any time and be able to drink it in a relaxed manner in any circumstance from my house to world war III. That and infallibility, to never be wrong about anything would annoy the hell out of people, but the tea making powers would calm the most ardent of foes. I don't mean self proclaimed ability to never be wrong either, I don't want to be The Pope, his outfit is a bit dull and I bet he sucks at making tea.

Let's sum up

Spontaneous matter generation (limited)
Infallibility (in word or deed)
Superhuman poise/unflappability.

Let's keep it fairly real even Superman had his limits.
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  • #76
I like to keep things simple so I would simply be God.

Bart Simpson: Wow, cool, God is so in your face!
Homer Simpson: Yeah, he's my favorite fictional character.
  • #77
I would like to have superpower zaniness!

  • #78
i would never make a minus sign mistake.
  • #79
Intangibility is the best power. The Invulnerable man cannot escape a prison. He can be captured and caged. The Intangible man cannot be caught, cannot be caged and cannot be touched. When I'm intangible no one could see me, touch me, hurt me or imprison me. I can be everywhere i want and no one could see me or do to me anything.
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  • #80
X-43D said:
Intangibility is the best power. The Invulnerable man cannot escape a prison. He can be captured and caged. The Intangible man cannot be caught, cannot be caged and cannot be touched. When I'm intangible no one could see me, touch me, hurt me or imprison me. I can be everywhere i want and no one could see me or do to me anything.

What if you fall and break your leg? Nobody would be able to help you. What if you get sick?

Seems like it'd be lonely too. ;)
  • #81
I would imagine when an intangible person falls, their leg may go through the ground and not break >.<

EDIT: Can anyone tell me what my post count is called? They have a number for numbers where if you reverse the digits and get the same number..I can't remember though :(
  • #82
make 6 more posts. then you'll be 1337, like me.
  • #83
I believe the word you are looking for is "Palindrome"
  • #84
BoredNL said:
What if you fall and break your leg? Nobody would be able to help you. What if you get sick?

Seems like it'd be lonely too. ;)

When an intangible man falls, their leg would not break but it would phase through the ground. When you're incorporeal, you would not interact with the material world and hence it's impossible to get sick as well.
  • #85
Super-intelligence would be also useful. With super-intelligence i could achieve a doctorate degree in less than 1 year. Mind reading would be useful also. With mind reading i could connect to the mind of geniuses and share their knowledge.
  • #86
The power to manipulate the donuts of the world and make a giant donut twice the size of the planet Earth... and eat it all...
  • #87
I'm with you on the donuts. We could put the Earth in the middle of the giant donut and then call Earth "The Magnificent, Giant Donut Hole." It only seems appropriate, seeing as how the moon is cheese.
  • #88
I really could use superpowers right now. I want to go to live in Canada but the government won't let me. I need a superpower which will allow me to bypass the government or make it outright irrelevant.

Flight, teleportation and intangibility would be great. With flight i won't need an airplane. I could just fly using pure willpower to whatever place on Earth i want to without the need of an airplane or any other flying machine. With teleportation i could teleport to whatever place on Earth i want to be in. For example i could teleport from Israel to Canada. I could also teleport out of a prison or out of a closed psychiatric unit. With intangibility i could phase through solid and liquid matter. For example i could phase out of a prison, have handcuffs go through my arms, and have bullets and knives harmlessly transit my body. With intangibility i could bypass border police without them being able to see me or catch me. I could be everywhere without anyone being able to see me, catch me, imprison me or deport me.
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  • #89
wish i could be a PF mentor and put a stop to this silly thread...lolzzz
  • #90
Super-speed would be also great. Kind of reminds me of the Flash. With super-speed i could move so fast as to be invisible to the naked eye. I could steal things from the supermarket at superspeed without being caught.
  • #91
The ability to inhabit anybody any time any where and controll you. that would be cool. Be anyone you can see...
  • #92
The power to survive without money and physical needs because without money it is impossible to acquire needs. I'd also like the power of intangibility so that i won't interact with the physical world. it won't be possible to see, harm, touch, trap or confine me.
  • #93
The idea of superpowers is that it is supposed to help you catch criminals. By virtue of his name, and the fact that he was the first superhero, Superman grabbed most of the super powers. Even so, he left room for niche players. There's elastic man, flame man and extraordinarily hasty man, etc. Also, there are superheroes that don't even have super powers like Batman. There are even some who have handicaps instead of powers like the Hulk. Unfortunately, as the years have progressed, most of the niche superpowers have been taken. Now there's a guy whose superpower is that he can ride a surf board. I guess he concentrates on maritime crime. You can sense that the next generation of superheroes will be fighting over scraps. The route I would take is high-tech. This has been hot for decades now, but I don't know if any would-be superheroes are keeping up with the technology. For instance, e-mail spam is in the news a lot. Is there a Spam-Blocker Man (TM) to take advantage of this niche? For myself, I might go for touch-typist man. I haven't taken this yet because I don't see how it could be used in the criminal justice system. However, I can see some personal benefit to being able to type faster and especially to catch my own typos. The drawback is one that I have seen in other peoples' suggestions. Namely, I could become touch-typist man anytime I want. It just takes doing it. Kind of embarrassing really, to want something, to be able to do it, and yet to let it slip away.
  • #94
Superman is part of the justice league, along with Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter. The team has also included Green Arrow, Atom, Hawkman, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, Plastic Man and dozens of others.

  • #95
Stop time.
  • #96
I need teleportation, intangibility and freeze vision. With these powers i could teleport to Canada without government permission and without being caught, deported and put in prison by the government. If the police will be after me i could simply freeze them with freeze beams from my eyes. I could also become intangible so that they could not see me, touch me or confine me.
  • #97
We all have super powers. We've just been told differently and we just believe what we're told.

For instance, when Superman was first published ('29 or ?) we had no supersonic planes, no CTscans, barely any elevators or cars, etc. Today, with a little inspiration from fiction and science, we can fly, see through walls, stay underwater for extended periods, use lazers for surgery and cutting, walk through a hail of bullets, and so on.

Pretty super, humans.:wink:
  • #98
Arthur C. Clarke once said that a sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  • #99
of course the ability to manipulate time and space , then I can determine what events shall take place, past , present and future. In addition, I be the most powerful person in the universe, unless I have competition.
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  • #100
I like the ability to teleport to any location on earth, without government permission. For example i could teleport from Israel to Canada. I also like the ability to become intangible, so that no one could see me, touch me, catch me or deport me. I could also phase through bullets or through any other weapon or physical attack. I won't need government permission because i could just teleport to wherever i want. I would also like to be reincarnated after i die.

I also liked Darkseid Omega Effect, a form of energy that he fires from his eyes. It is not only a relentless attack, but it is also capable of teleporting the target to any location Darkseid chooses and recall them later or erase the target from the universe and similarly reform them. Darkseid has pinpoint control over his Omega Beams, and his unerring aim allows it to travel in straight lines or bend, twist, or curve around corners. The Omega Effect can apparently pass through matter and energy. I also liked Superman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_vision" , electromagnetic beams which he projects from his eyes.
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