If you think you've seen it all how about winged cats?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: Toadaly: In summary, there have been reported cases of winged cats with furry wing-like appendages, but the reality is that this is a medical condition rather than a mystical one. Some people may want to believe in flying cats, similar to the mythical "cabbit," but it is likely due to poor grooming or an uncommon hereditary condition. Despite some photos showing cats with wings, it is not yet proven that cats have the ability to fly.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
How can anyone not find humor in this?

Over the years there have been reports of winged cats, some of whom flapped their wings. Is this a new mutation of cats allowing them to take to the air after feathered prey or does the answer lie in poor grooming or an uncommon hereditary condition affecting the skin? As with the mythical "cabbit" (half-cat-half-rabbit) many would like to believe in winged cats which can fly. There are many authentic cases on file of cats with furry wing-like appendages, and in some cases the ability to move their wings, but as with so many freaks of nature, the reality is medical rather than mystical.[continued with pictures]


I have no idea...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
eh what? is that for real?
  • #3
What do you think? :rolleyes:

  • #4
They're really baby dragons.

Actually, most of those pictures look like a simple bad fur day.
  • #5
Hurkyl said:
They're really baby dragons.

So it seems that we all know which side Hurkyl favors in the heated "could dragons have existed" debates. :biggrin:
  • #6
ahah! I knew they could fly! How else do you explain the missing cereal from on top of the fridge?
  • #7
Winged cats? What next, birds with claws?
  • #8
Chronos said:
Winged cats? What next, birds with claws?

Yep, just saw one chasing a jackalope over by the unicorn pen.

btw, it's snipe season; got your flashlight ready? :biggrin:
  • #9
Thats sweet... ::petting catt(aww u cute lil creature hat is not smarter then me^^YAY^^) oh ****! aaa wings!
  • #10


The Rev

Related to If you think you've seen it all how about winged cats?

1. What are winged cats?

Winged cats are a fictional creature that have the body of a cat and wings of a bird, giving them the ability to fly.

2. Do winged cats actually exist?

No, winged cats are not real. They only exist in mythology, folklore, and fiction.

3. Where did the idea of winged cats come from?

The concept of winged cats can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt and China, where they were depicted in artwork and mythology.

4. Can cats really fly with their wings?

No, cats do not have the physical anatomy or strength to fly with wings. However, in the fictional world, winged cats are often portrayed as being able to fly effortlessly.

5. Are there any real animals that resemble winged cats?

While no animals have both a cat's body and wings, there are some animals that have similar features, such as flying squirrels and gliding possums.
