Impact on glass and consequences of said impact

In summary, a small, smooth rock propelled by a weed-eater at a fast enough speed can cause a small hole in a windshield. The initial damage is clean, but the rock can cause a star-like scratch if it is hit at a different angle.
  • #1
El Psy Congroo
Hello everyone!

I happen to read this forum a lot, but I've never posted/became a member since I didn't have a specific question that wasn't already asked before or because I did not feel I had anything relatively original to contribute. So, I have a question to which I cannot seem to find an answer to and hope that someone with the knowledge can answer it.

So my situation is as follows:

I am driving down a road at about 40 mph when suddenly a small crack on my windshield appeared. The crack then spread to about 6-8 inches within minutes. Someone was cutting the grass using an edge trimmer on the sidewalk where I drove by.

I would like to know if it is possible for a small, smooth pebble/rock to be propelled from the ground with the weed-eater at a fast enough speed to make a small, clean hole a few mm in length without having a star-like-crack effect on the glass, and only perforating the first glass layer of the windshield? Conversely. if the same rock was flying at much lower speed, would that then cause a messier/star-like crack instead of a clean little hole? Additionally, only the first outer layer of the windshield is damaged.

My take on it, is that it is definitely possible for this to happen, because if you look close enough, the rock seems to have made a bit of an "oscillation/ripple" effect as it was leaving the area of impact in the direction it was heading. I believe the rock came from the right side (from the driver's perspective), and headed off toward the left side (again from the driver's perspective).

What's your take on this situation?
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  • #2
Automotive (safety) glass is a composite material- layers of tempered glass separated by a plastic film. What you observe us likely due to the tempered glass- the residual stress energy means cracks form very easily.
  • #3
El Psy Congroo said:
I would like to know if it is possible for a small, smooth pebble/rock to be propelled from the ground with the weed-eater at a fast enough speed to make a small, clean hole a few mm in length without having a star-like-crack effect on the glass, and only perforating the first glass layer of the windshield?
Definitely, although I would probably call anything that didn't perforate through all the layers a "chip" rather than a "hole".

Regarding whether the initial damage is clean or messy, I am not sure what causes that. I would think that lots of details are involved including the mass and composition of the projectile.
  • #4
I am no expert either, but love to speculate...

...I was going to say that the clean-cut vs star-like scratch probably has to do with the angle of impact or in other words, the component of the velocity perpendicular to the plane of the windshield...if you are driving along the side walk and a pebble is launched by the lawn mower, chances are the impact is going to come from a rather small angle with the pebble almost going by opposed to be driving on the highway and hitting a pebble that has been lifted into the air right in front you, this is more of a frontal impact.
  • #5
As expected--good responses guys, gave me a bit to think about. Thank you!

FAQ: Impact on glass and consequences of said impact

What happens when glass is impacted?

When glass is impacted, it can shatter or crack depending on the force and location of the impact. This is because glass is a brittle material and does not have the ability to bend or absorb impact like other materials.

Can impact on glass cause injuries?

Yes, impact on glass can cause injuries if the glass shatters and produces sharp fragments. These fragments can cause cuts or lacerations on the skin. Additionally, if the glass is part of a larger structure or object (such as a window or mirror), the impact can cause the entire structure to collapse and potentially cause more serious injuries.

Can impact on glass cause damage to surrounding objects?

Yes, depending on the force and location of the impact, glass can cause damage to surrounding objects. For example, if a car window is impacted, the glass may shatter and cause damage to the interior of the car. Additionally, if the glass is part of a larger structure, the impact can cause damage to the structure itself.

What factors can affect the consequences of impact on glass?

The consequences of impact on glass can be affected by various factors such as the type and thickness of the glass, the force and location of the impact, and the surrounding environment. Thicker glass is generally more resistant to impact, while a stronger force can cause more severe damage. The location of the impact can also play a role, as glass is more vulnerable at its edges and corners. Additionally, environmental factors like temperature and pressure can also influence the outcome of the impact.

Are there any ways to prevent or minimize the impact on glass?

There are some ways to prevent or minimize the impact on glass. For example, using laminated or tempered glass can make the glass more resistant to impact. Placing a protective film on the glass can also help absorb the impact and prevent shattering. Additionally, avoiding placing glass in high-risk areas or reinforcing the glass with additional support can also reduce the impact and potential consequences.

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