Finding the Second Derivative Using Implicit Differentiation

Substitute the value x = 4 into the original equation. You will get this: \sqrt 4 + \sqrt y = 1In summary, the conversation is about checking the correctness of the second derivative for a given function and finding a discrepancy in the values obtained. The conversation also includes a discussion on simplifying the second derivative and using values to check for accuracy.
  • #1
Can someone check my answer (I am trying to find the second derivative) for any mistakes?
I have looked it over many times, and I've realized that my second derivative is not correct, but I cannot figure out why. Thank you.
[tex]\sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y} = 1[/tex]
[tex]\frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}} + \frac{1}{2\sqrt{y}}(y') = 0[/tex]
[tex]y' = (\frac{-1}{2\sqrt{x}})(\frac{2\sqrt{y}}{1}) = \frac{-2\sqrt{y}}{2\sqrt{x}} = \frac{-\sqrt{y}}{\sqrt{x}}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{(\frac{-y'}{2\sqrt{y}})(\sqrt{x}) + (\sqrt{y})(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}})}{(\sqrt{x})^2}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{\frac{-y'\sqrt{x}}{2\sqrt{y}} + \frac{\sqrt{y}}{2\sqrt{x}}}{x}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{-y'\sqrt{x}\sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y}\sqrt{y}}{2x\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{-(\frac{-\sqrt{y}}{\sqrt{x}})\sqrt{x}\sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y}\sqrt{y}}{2x\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{\sqrt{y}\sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y}\sqrt{y}}{2x\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = (\frac{\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}+y}{2x\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}})(\frac{\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}}{\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}})[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{xy + y\sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}}{2x^2y}[/tex]
[tex]y'' = \frac{x + \sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}}{2x^2}[/tex]
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  • #2
Your first derivative is correct, but I don't see what you mean with 0y' then... You also appear to have a lot of equal-signs, it seems a bit weird...

So we have:
[tex]\left( {\sqrt x + \sqrt y } \right)^\prime = \frac{1}{{2\sqrt x }} + \frac{{y'}}{{2\sqrt y }}[/tex]

Now, the second derivative is doing just the same, just a bit longer:
[tex]\left( {\frac{1}{{2\sqrt x }} + \frac{{y'}}{{2\sqrt y }}} \right)^\prime = \left( {\frac{1}{{2\sqrt x }}} \right)^\prime + \left( {\frac{{y'}}{{2\sqrt y }}} \right)^\prime = \cdots [/tex]
  • #3
I don't understand your first function. Is that supposed to be the second derivative?
  • #4
And I have a lot of equal signs because I'm trying to simplify my second derivative. I think that's where I made the mistake... in simplifying.
  • #5
My first line is the first derivative, the second line is the beginning of the second derivative. Since it's linear, I already split it for you. The first term will be easy since it only depends on x, the second will be a bit longer.
  • #6
Well that's what I did, starting in my fourth line. I used the quotient rule on my simplified form of the first derivative, to find the second derivative. Shouldn't both methods result in the same answer?
  • #7
Ok, I wasn't aware of the fact it was an equation at first.
It's much clearer now you've adjusted your initial post.

Line 6 seems to be correct, then:

[tex]y'' = \frac{{ - y'\sqrt x \sqrt x + \sqrt y \sqrt y }}{{2x\sqrt x \sqrt y }} = \frac{{y - y'x}}{{2x^{3/2} \sqrt y }}[/tex]
  • #8
How about after line 6?
Is the whole thing correct? Right up to the last line?
  • #9
I took over after line 6 but I didn't realize you substituted y' again.
Anyway, it seems to correct (at least your solution, I didn't carefully check every step). It's possible to 'simplify' it one last bit, although it doesn't really matter a lot anymore:

[tex]y'' = \frac{{x + \sqrt x \sqrt y }}{{2x^2 }} = \frac{{\sqrt x + \sqrt y }}{{2x^{3/2} }}[/tex]
  • #10
This makes sense, however...

When I substitute a value of x, y, & y' into my equation on line 4 (the first y''), I get a different value for y'' than when I substitute the exact same values into my last equation for y''.

Why is that?
  • #11
You realize that in line 4, the first derivative y' is still present in the expression for y''?
  • #12
  • #13
Yes I know.
  • #14
I used my values as:
x = 4
y = 1
y' = 1/2
  • #15
Huh? Your initial equation was [itex]\sqrt x + \sqrt y = 1[/itex] but [itex]\sqrt 4 + \sqrt 1 \ne 1[/tex]...
  • #16
You are right.

I know why now...
I rearranged that formula to put it in the graphing calculator.
But I forgot to consider the fact that squares can be positive or negative. ... Well at least I think that's my mistake.
Do you know what the graph of this function looks like?
Is it a circle? Or not?
  • #17
Never mind that...

Substitute x = 4 into the original equation and solve for y.

You will get the value "1" .
That's what I just got.

This is odd...

FAQ: Finding the Second Derivative Using Implicit Differentiation

What is implicit differentiation?

Implicit differentiation is a mathematical technique used to find the derivative of an equation that is not explicitly written in the form of y = f(x). It is commonly used to find the slope of a curve at a given point.

When is implicit differentiation used?

Implicit differentiation is used when an equation cannot be easily solved for y in terms of x. It is often used in calculus to find the derivative of curves that cannot be expressed explicitly as y = f(x).

How is implicit differentiation performed?

To perform implicit differentiation, the chain rule is used to find the derivative of each term in the equation with respect to x. The resulting derivatives are then rearranged to solve for dy/dx, which represents the slope of the curve at a given point.

What are the advantages of using implicit differentiation?

Implicit differentiation allows for the calculation of derivatives for equations that cannot be solved explicitly. It is also useful in finding the derivatives of inverse functions, as well as in optimization problems.

What are some common applications of implicit differentiation?

Implicit differentiation is commonly used in physics, engineering, and economics to analyze relationships between variables that cannot be explicitly solved for. It is also used in finding extreme values and inflection points of curves, as well as in solving related rates problems.
