Finding Complex Roots of Implicit Hyperbolic Equations

In summary, the conversation discussed a mathematical problem involving a tri-diagonal matrix and the search for complex roots. Various suggestions and attempts were made, including the use of implicit derivatives and simplifying the equation by substitution. Ultimately, the equation was simplified to tanh(ny) = cosh(y), which was found to have expected roots but could not be inverted. Further suggestions were given to rewrite the equation as a polynomial and analyze the bounds of the solutions.
  • #1
Hi all,

In studying the eigenvalues of certain tri-diagonal matrices I have encountered a problem of the following form:

{(1+a/x)*2x*sinh[n*arcsinh(x/2)] - 2a*cosh[(n-1)*arcsinh(x/2)]} = 0

where a and n are constants. I'm looking to find n complex roots to this problem, but isolating x is troublesome. I attempted to use the implicit derivatives to obtain an expression for x in terms of a and n but it didn't lead me anywhere.

Is there a general approach to finding the roots of equations of this type? If not, can one find any general properties of the roots, e.g. if they belong to a certain half-plane etc.

The problem may be simplified somewhat if we choose a=-2 and try to find x as a function of n but even here the roots are hard to find.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
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  • #2
hi ekkilop! :smile:

have you tried simplifying it by putting x = 2sinhy (and maybe a = 2b) ?
  • #3
Hi tiny-tim,
Thanks for your reply.
I did try this and it cleans things up a bit. In particular it becomes clear that a=-2 is a convenient choice since we get

0 = (4+2a)sinh(n*y)sinh(y) + 2a[sinh(n*y) - cosh(n*y)cosh(y)]

after expanding cosh((n-1)y). However, it is not clear to me how to proceed from here. Is there perhaps some other substitution that would make life easier? Or maybe there's a standard form to rewrite sinh(n*y) and cosh(n*y). My attempts from here just seems to make things more complicated...
  • #4
hi ekkilop! :smile:
ekkilop said:
0 = (4+2a)sinh(n*y)sinh(y) + 2a[sinh(n*y) - cosh(n*y)cosh(y)]

the only thing i can suggest is to divide throughout by cosh(n*y)cosh(y),

and get tanh(ny) = a function of tanh(y) and sech(y)
  • #5
This is not a bad idea. All in all I can boil things down to

tanh(ny) = cosh(y)

which has the expected roots (found numerically). Solving for n is straight forward but inverting seems impossible, at least in terms of standard functions.
If n is a positive integer, what can be said about y?
Thank you for all your help!
  • #6
i don't think we can go any further than that :smile:
  • #7
ekkilop said:
This is not a bad idea. All in all I can boil things down to

tanh(ny) = cosh(y)

which has the expected roots (found numerically). Solving for n is straight forward but inverting seems impossible, at least in terms of standard functions.
If n is a positive integer, what can be said about y?
Thank you for all your help!

In this particular case that you have simplified to, perhaps the best you could do now is rewrite this equation as a polynomial. If you set ##x = e^y##, you can rearrange the equation into a degree 2n+2 polynomial, which you could then perhaps study to see if you can say anything useful about the roots for different n. (Remember that since x = exp(y), only positive valued x's are valid solutions to the polynomial, the rest are erroneous).

You should be able to write down a polynomial for the case ##a \neq -2## as well, but I'm not sure how helpful that will ultimately be, as you will have to vary both a and n.
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  • #8
Hi Mute!
Thanks for your reply. The problem is actually a result of a polynomial of degree n, which has been rewritten in it's present form. The coefficients of all n+1 terms are non-zero integers dependent on a, except for the leading term. I could probably do a more thorough analysis on the bounds of the solutions though, so thank you for the inspiration!

FAQ: Finding Complex Roots of Implicit Hyperbolic Equations

1. What is an implicit hyperbolic function?

An implicit hyperbolic function is a mathematical expression that relates two variables, typically x and y, through an implicit equation. This means that the relationship between x and y is not explicitly stated, but can be determined through solving the equation.

2. How is an implicit hyperbolic function different from an explicit function?

An explicit function explicitly defines the relationship between x and y, while an implicit function does not. In an explicit function, y can be expressed in terms of x, while in an implicit function, the relationship between x and y is hidden within the equation.

3. What are some examples of implicit hyperbolic functions?

Some common examples of implicit hyperbolic functions include the hyperbolic sine (sinh), hyperbolic cosine (cosh), and hyperbolic tangent (tanh) functions. These functions are often used in physics and engineering to describe various processes and phenomena.

4. How are implicit hyperbolic functions used in real-world applications?

Implicit hyperbolic functions are used in many real-world applications, such as modeling heat transfer, analyzing population growth, and describing the motion of a pendulum. They are also commonly used in economics, finance, and statistics to model various relationships between variables.

5. What are the key properties of implicit hyperbolic functions?

The key properties of implicit hyperbolic functions include being odd or even, having a domain of all real numbers, and being continuous and differentiable on their respective domains. They also have specific relationships with other trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, such as the Pythagorean identity and the double angle formulas.

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