In PF forum, some people are more equal than others ?

  • Thread starter jobyts
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discussed the unequal treatment of members in the PF forum and the importance of building up a reputation and recognition over time. The conversation also touched on the disappearance of a long-time member and the concern expressed by other members. The original poster clarified that their question was not meant to be unfriendly, but rather a sarcastic reference to the corporate world. The conversation ended with the understanding that the question was overdue and should be addressed.
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  • #3

As to your question, of course different members have different worth (to different members), according to their particular merits, personalities and how familiar they are to each other.

Just like you might hate your nextdoor neighbour but love your charming old landlady.

PF is not a court of law, neither is your neighbourhood, nor should you apply the standards of a court of law where they do not belong

In particular, if you are offended, or scared, by the thought, that fewer people here at PF might think of you as an "internet friend" with your less-than-200-posts than they think of Danger who has around 7000 posts, then you should, perhaps, re-evaluate your membership.

Alternatively, you could do the constructive thing, namely to stay here and gradually work up the reputation and recognition you want to have at PF.
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  • #4

Yes, some people are more equal than others, both on this forum and in life in general.

Also, there is no Santa Claus. Or Tooth Fairy.

And I don't even know Danger, but I'm glad he's OK.
  • #5

Jobyts, I neither asked for nor deserve the sort of loyal friends and respect that have been granted me by this forum, and both are things that I will never take for granted.
Arildno's last line should be taken to heart. Be friendly, help when you can, and don't post anything stupid outside of GD (or, if you do, as I have occasionally, back off when you are corrected by someone more knowledgeable). You seem to be well on your way in that direction already, so just be patient.
KMFKAN64, thanks for the good wishes.
  • #6

What's life without a little Danger? :rolleyes:

Seriously, people that have many thousands of posts have obviously been here a long time and have naturally built up a history with others on the forum. What is wrong with that? Evo expressed concern about a long time member who suddenly went missing. Should she express the same concern about the many new members each day that pop up, ask a single question, and are never heard from again? Of course not.

Those of us with a few hundred posts are at the beginning of our time on the forum. We have shown dedication that lasts a few months or so - whether we last longer than that, remains to be seen. However, we shouldn't expect anyone to freak out if we suddenly went missing for a month. I can only imagine the number of 200ish post members Evo and the others have seen disappear, never to be heard from again.

As arildno stated, reputation and recognition are built up gradually. I wouldn't dream of seeing myself as anyone's long-lost friend after such a short time.
  • #7

Thanks Evo for the clarification. When I read the locked thread about some member, It had sounded to me as we are not supposed to ask about other members. In fact, I had noticed much earlier that Danger was not posting much recently. I wanted to ask about that, but didn't do after reading your response. In fact I enjoy reading Danger's posts a lot - I used to silently admire his openness in admitting his lack of higher education.

So, I was not complaining or offended or anything or that sort. I just meant a clarification on the PF policy. The subject line I put may have given an unfriendly tone. It's just a sarcastic usage we do in the corporate world while talking about the upper management.
  • #8

Danger said:
Jobyts, I neither asked for nor deserve the sort of loyal friends and respect that have been granted me by this forum, and both are things that I will never take for granted.
Arildno's last line should be taken to heart. Be friendly, help when you can, and don't post anything stupid outside of GD (or, if you do, as I have occasionally, back off when you are corrected by someone more knowledgeable). You seem to be well on your way in that direction already, so just be patient.
KMFKAN64, thanks for the good wishes.

Darling Danger.
I managed to get disliked by posting stupid stuff ONLY in GD.
But then I have that gift. :biggrin:
  • #9

Danger said:
Jobyts, I (neither ask for) nor deserve the sort of loyal friends and respect that have been granted me by this forum,
Yes you do deserve them.
and both are things that I will never take for granted.
That is a main factor why you deserve them.
  • #10

jobyts said:
So, I was not complaining or offended or anything or that sort. I just meant a clarification on the PF policy. The subject line I put may have given an unfriendly tone. It's just a sarcastic usage we do in the corporate world while talking about the upper management.

On the other hand, I was possibly suffering an allergic reaction.
It has passed now, and had mainly subsided when I wrote the last sentence. :smile:
  • #11

jobyts said:
So, I was not complaining or offended or anything or that sort. I just meant a clarification on the PF policy. The subject line I put may have given an unfriendly tone. It's just a sarcastic usage we do in the corporate world while talking about the upper management.

arildno said:
On the other hand, I was possibly suffering an allergic reaction.
It has passed now, and had mainly subsided when I wrote the last sentence. :smile:

Achoo! :-p

Glad to see that we were misinterpreting your meaning.
  • #12

jobyts said:
The subject line I put may have given an unfriendly tone. It's just a sarcastic usage we do in the corporate world while talking about the upper management.
I'm unfamiliar with the corporate world, obviously, but I swear to you that I took no offense from the question that you posed. In fact, it is something that has perhaps been overdue for being addressed.
When I first joined PF (long before I became a Contributor), I thought of everyone as just an avatar and/or a signature. Within one day Brewnog took me under his wing and suggested that my particular take upon things might be better suited to the GD sub-forum. I became the 'class clown'. They laughed at me, but not because of my overall ignorance which they would have had every right to do. No... they laughed when a couple of my incessant jokes happened to strike them as humourous. Scientifically, my primary interest was astrophysics. It soon became very evident to me, thanks to the likes of Brewski, that I'm actually a mechanical engineer by nature (although not by education). I'm pretty much from the Red Green school of engineering; anything can be fixed with the proper combination of a hammer, Vise-Grips, and a roll of duct tape. (I like to add a smidge of C-4 to the mix once in a while, but that's just a personal kink.)
Anyhow, when I had been here for just a wee while, there was a big to-do about a member who had passed away. He'd posted only a few times after I joined, and not in sub-forums that I normally looked at in those days, so I never got to know him. His user name was Boulderhead. I went back into the forum archives to check out his history of posts, and it didn't take long to realize why he was so beloved and missed here. I went from "who the hell is that?" to "Damn, but I wish I'd known him better" in the course of a few hours. There are a couple of others in the same category, but that happens to be the one that first comes to mind.
You are already valued here, and that will only become more pronounced as you continue your presence.

Lacy33 said:
Darling Danger.
I managed to get disliked by posting stupid stuff ONLY in GD.
But then I have that gift. :biggrin:

My dear... were your husband not so large and burly, I would attempt to leap upon you for such a post. :wink:

And thank you, Arildno, for your kind words.
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  • #13

Danger said:
My dear... were your husband not so large and burly, I would attempt to leap upon you for such a post. :wink:

Edit: "Silence is attractive on the wise, how much more so on the foolish?"
(took down my post)
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  • #14

And then there are those that could be here forever and never make a friend. I put myself in that category. I'm here for education and prefer to make friends in real life.

But then again, it's not as though I've never made any friends online. I've made plenty of friends in games with guys my own age. Most veteran members on PF are well into their adulthood and I simply couldn't relate to them. I'm just that annoying little brat that would annoy the neighbours with footballs flying over the yard fences daily, with the persistent "can you throw it back over" remark without a greeting, apology or thanks.

So it obviously doesn't bother me to know that if I suddenly left, no one would notice :-p
  • #15

Mentallic said:
And then there are those that could be here forever and never make a friend.
Friends on PF are sort of like burrs; they accumulate as you traipse around, without you actually noticing until the time comes when you have to sit down and start picking them out of your socks. Friendship in this context doesn't necessarily entail regular correspondence, exchange of true identities, or anything else that is associated with the physical world. In its basic form, it consists of mutual respect and trust, along with an appreciation of each other's contributions, that builds gradually through continued interaction. Sometimes a PM or two will result from that, and in rare cases that messaging might result in something more intimate. It is something to be treasured when it happens rather than something that one should actively strive for.
I'm sure that if you check closely, you'll find a couple stuck to the bottom of your pants legs.
  • #16

Danger said:
Friends on PF are sort of like burrs; they accumulate as you traipse around, without you actually noticing until the time comes when you have to sit down and start picking them out of your socks. Friendship in this context doesn't necessarily entail regular correspondence, exchange of true identities, or anything else that is associated with the physical world. In its basic form, it consists of mutual respect and trust, along with an appreciation of each other's contributions, that builds gradually through continued interaction. Sometimes a PM or two will result from that, and in rare cases that messaging might result in something more intimate. It is something to be treasured when it happens rather than something that one should actively strive for.
I'm sure that if you check closely, you'll find a couple stuck to the bottom of your pants legs.

This is just RICH ML!
  • #17

Well put Danger. A wonderful set of analogies. And you wonder why people would miss you. :smile:
  • #18

Boulderhead, he was awesome, may he RIP. I'm sorry that so many people have not had the pleasure of reading his posts.

Danger, you'd better find some way of becomming immortal!

And now zooby has taken off again without saying a word.

Mentallic, I think the people in GD tend to bond more because it is more conversational. We talk about ourselves, our lives, and families. We do consider people as friends and get worried when they disappear.
  • #19

Hrm. Do I need to go on a Zooby hunt? I have more to go on with him than I did with Danger. Although people like Borg did some excellent sleuthing work.

Edited to add: Zooby's last activity on PF was June 30. I doubt there's need to start beating the bushes just yet. :smile:
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  • #20

GeorginaS said:
Hrm. Do I need to go on a Zooby hunt? I have more to go on with him than I did with Danger. Although people like Borg did some excellent sleuthing work.

Edited to add: Zooby's last activity on PF was June 30. I doubt there's need to start beating the bushes just yet. :smile:
:blushing: Thanks, Georgina. Glad to help. I'm just glad that he wasn't in any danger. (pun intended) :rolleyes:

Let me know if you need any more help in your next case. :-p
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  • #21

Evo said:
Boulderhead, he was awesome, may he RIP. I'm sorry that so many people have not had the pleasure of reading his posts.
And Self Adjoint was a blessing to have here, so knowledgeable, ever helpful, and always curious.
  • #22

GeorginaS said:
Hrm. Do I need to go on a Zooby hunt? I have more to go on with him than I did with Danger. Although people like Borg did some excellent sleuthing work.

Edited to add: Zooby's last activity on PF was June 30. I doubt there's need to start beating the bushes just yet. :smile:

If we do have to go look for him, do we need special licenses or training? Could be hazardous. It would be tragic to lose a bunch of PFers on a Zooby hunt.
  • #23

I really thought Zoobyshoe was a female.
  • #24

GeorginaS said:
Edited to add: Zooby's last activity on PF was June 30. I doubt there's need to start beating the bushes just yet. :smile:

I saw a show about him on Discovery Channel last week, so he's probably just lying low until he's sure that all of the camera crews have left.
  • #25

lisab said:
If we do have to go look for him, do we need special licenses or training? Could be hazardous. It would be tragic to lose a bunch of PFers on a Zooby hunt.

I hear tell that Zooby hunting can be tricky if not approached properly. What with their usual habitats being all brambled and coffee laden and stuff.

It's always the "stuff" you have to watch out for.

FAQ: In PF forum, some people are more equal than others ?

What is meant by "some people are more equal than others" in the PF forum?

This phrase refers to the fact that certain individuals in the forum may hold more influence or power compared to others. They may have a higher status, more followers, or be seen as more knowledgeable in discussions.

Why do some people seem to have more authority in the PF forum?

This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as their length of time in the forum, their level of activity and contribution, or their expertise in a particular topic. It could also be influenced by the community's perception and recognition of their contributions.

Is it fair that some people are more equal than others in the PF forum?

It depends on one's perspective. Some may argue that it is natural for certain individuals to have more influence due to their experience and contributions. Others may feel that it goes against the principle of equality and fairness in a community-driven platform.

How can we promote equality in the PF forum?

One way is to encourage and recognize diverse perspectives and contributions from all members, regardless of their status or influence. Moderators can also ensure that all members are given equal opportunities to speak and be heard. Additionally, creating a supportive and respectful community culture can help promote equality among members.

What impact does this "more equal than others" dynamic have on the PF forum?

This dynamic can potentially create a divide between members and lead to unequal opportunities for participation and engagement. It can also discourage new members from joining and participating in discussions. However, it can also bring valuable insights and expertise from those who are more influential in the forum.
