Can You Boost Your Self Confidence?

In summary, this article discusses the difference between confidence and self-esteem, and how one can be developed. It also discusses how self-belief has a profound effect on our confidence levels, and how it can help us to overcome obstacles.

Are these kind of courses useful?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • It's worth to give them a try!

    Votes: 14 46.7%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Gold Member
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  • #2
Lisa! said:

I voted give them a try, what's to loose other than time.
  • #3
I don't think it could hurt, more so if you lack self-esteem
  • #4
No, you'll end up with less self-esteem when you realize how you were simply fooled into thinking there's more to you then there really is :D
  • #5
I didn't vote because I honestly don't know the answer. People are so various, and what wouldn't work for me might be a lifesaver for someone else. I mean even the screwiest new age things seem to give some people a boost.
  • #6
Easy to echo that sentiment ... surprisingly some really seem to get something out of courses like this one.
  • #7
Unless of course your one of those people whos sole purpose in life seems to be to put themselves down. Then again with my experiences witht hose people in mind, i don't see how a course would change that.
  • #8
selfAdjoint said:
I didn't vote because I honestly don't know the answer. People are so various, and what wouldn't work for me might be a lifesaver for someone else. I mean even the screwiest new age things seem to give some people a boost.
What is certain is that it won't work for those who don't believe it.For the rest, I think it could be kind of self-hypnosis.
  • #9
I'd say give it a try as long as it's free. I don't honestly think self-help things like that are sufficiently individualized to really help someone with the cause of their self-esteem issues, but maybe for some people it would work, even if not for all of them.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
I'd say give it a try as long as it's free. I don't honestly think self-help things like that are sufficiently individualized to really help someone with the cause of their self-esteem issues, but maybe for some people it would work, even if not for all of them.

Here is your free self help zone...

check it out"

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  • #11
I think it's just a way of convincing yourself.
  • #12
it really worked on me... from a shy person to a person who has self esteem

" I believed in myself, i choose to have a great attitude about life & i will
develop self-confidence so that i can experience positive change in a culture of excellence"

no man is an island
  • #13
I voted that it's worth a try, but honestly, these things hardly work...and usually contain some person rambling on about how listening will make you feel better...
  • #14
I voted for "it's worth a try", but reading the link, I am not so sure about that particular program.

Under "self esteem facts", there is a link to too "high self esteem" and the following:

Some characterstics of people with high self esteem are:
* Being prone to self satisfied boasting
* Tending to be smug and superior
This seems more to do with egotism or egoism, than self-esteem. Esteem is a manifestation of regard -- high esteem = high regard.

I don't see people who boast or feel superior necessarily hold themselves in high regard, but perhaps some do. :rolleyes:

Self esteem = a confidence and satisfaction in oneself : SELF-RESPECT, although it can apparently be used to describe - SELF-CONCEIT - which is an exaggerated opinion of one's own qualities or abilities, synonymous with VANITY.

I tend to agree with yomamma's point. One could simply end up listening to someone ramble on about the exceedingly obvious.

The point is for one to think about one's self and develop a positive self-realization - that comes from within, not without.
  • #15
Give it a try, but only if it doesn't involve handing over money.
  • #16
1st step in increasing self steam: You can increase your self steam if you really want that. No need to some silly links and articles. Eh? am I being too sure of myself here? Perhaps... but that's the way I feel!:wink: Although I think it's not a bad idea to get help and suggestion from some experts and experienced people.

3trQN said:
Give it a try, but only if it doesn't involve handing over money.
They always say it's free but you need to buy that CD,.. if you want that works!:zzz:
  • #17
On our confidence and on the quality of our lives, self-belief has a profound effect. If a person considers that to solve problems, he lacks basic skills, then he may lose heart and give up. On the contrary, a person who has less abilities but who believes in himself stands a much better chance of being successful. This is for the reason that his self-belief gives him the confidence to try.

  • #18
Confidence can be learned, I think, but esteem cannot. This is because esteem is dependent on what other people say about you and your work, how much your work benefits people, and so forth. Confidence is dependent only on you and how you manage your decisions.

This is just my opinion, of course. I have had problems with self-esteem, but I don't have any problems with confidence! :smile:
  • #19
Penn and Teller did one of their "Bull****!" shows about this. Wasn't interesting to me, but bring on the scams!:****
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  • #20
I'd say give it a try.

The stuff usually doesn't work for me, since I'm a pompous ass already
  • #21
selfAdjoint said:
I didn't vote because I honestly don't know the answer. People are so various, and what wouldn't work for me might be a lifesaver for someone else. I mean even the screwiest new age things seem to give some people a boost.

this was my stance too, but I decided "give it a try" was the best way to summarise the opinion.
  • #22
Don’t be affected by what people say or are likely to say about you. More important, you should not be worried about failure. Believe in the old saying that you cannot be victorious always. Irrespective of your best efforts, there are bound to be failures, and setbacks in life. Take them in your stride. If there may be necessity, sleep over your failures. You will wake up feeling good, and confident. Don’t hesitate to let others know that you can manage your affairs. This will develop your self-confidence.
  • #23
Why do they call it "self help" if you're being helped by someone else?
I don't believe in this new age thing to make people think they're incomplete, that they lack something in their lives and that they need something.
It's in all the motivational books. They insist that you have a problem until they break you down and amaze you with their advices.

Yes, motivational / self help / increase self-confidence / personal growth / bla bla books word.
If you manage to become immune them and find them boring, then they have accomplished their mission :)

This is my general speech. I subscribed to their newsletter to be fair-play, experimentally-wise.
  • #24
I heard opinio that the high selfconfidence can hide a lower seflfesteem.
People like those like the other people to need them because they are skilfull in something, but they cannot be the best friends or to make a commitment in their life.
All they need is to be needed to help other.

I am not sure how it works.

FAQ: Can You Boost Your Self Confidence?

What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is a belief in one's own abilities, skills, and worth. It is a positive attitude towards oneself and an inner sense of self-worth and self-belief.

Why is self-confidence important?

Self-confidence is important because it allows individuals to trust in their own abilities and decisions, take on challenges and risks, and handle setbacks and failures. It also contributes to one's overall well-being and happiness.

Can self-confidence be improved?

Yes, self-confidence can be improved through various techniques such as positive self-talk, setting and achieving goals, facing fears and challenges, and surrounding oneself with supportive and encouraging people.

How can I boost my self-confidence?

Some ways to boost self-confidence include practicing self-care and self-compassion, setting achievable goals and celebrating small successes, challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with positive affirmations, and taking on new challenges and learning new skills.

Is it possible to have too much self-confidence?

Yes, having too much self-confidence can lead to overconfidence and arrogance, which can be detrimental to relationships and success. It is important to have a healthy balance of self-confidence and humility.

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