Inequalities with the Unknown Denominator.

In summary, the conversation discusses different methods for solving inequalities, specifically using cross-multiplying and multiplying by a square. The conversation also touches on the importance of considering different cases and being careful with zero solutions.
  • #1
I am having trouble solving these type of problems for some reason. I can't get to the answer. If anyone could care to explain to me it would be greatly appreciated.

Example 1: 1/x < 1/4

Example 2: 1/x-3 > 2
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  • #2
The only thing you need to remember is that when multiplying an inequality through you keep the same > or < if it's a postivie number and reverse it for negatives.

If Y is some unknown and you're multiplying through then you need to do it case by case for when Y is positive and when Y is negative. Remeber that at the end you must put together all of the information, that is if you assume Y is postive do some manipulation and determine that this implies Y is greater than -1 then you can't have a positive number between -1 and 0 so in fact all positive Y is the answer, ie you must combine the fact that Y>0 and Y>-1 to get Y>0, similarly if you assume Y is positve do the manpulation and get that Y<4 then it must be that 0<Y<4.
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  • #3
Hybr!d said:
I am having trouble solving these type of problems for some reason. I can't get to the answer. If anyone could care to explain to me it would be greatly appreciated.
Example 1: 1/x < 1/4
Example 2: 1/x-3 > 2

Try cross-multiplying.

1/x < 1/4
x*4 < 1*1
4x < 1

1/x-3 > 2
1/x-3 > 2/1
2*(x-3) > 1*1

I never did cross-multiplying in inequalities, but it should work out.
  • #4
nazgjunk said:
Try cross-multiplying.
1/x < 1/4
x*4 < 1*1
4x < 1
1/x-3 > 2
1/x-3 > 2/1
2*(x-3) > 1*1
I never did cross-multiplying in inequalities, but it should work out.

This does not work

For example:
[tex]\frac{1}{x} < \frac{1}{4}[/itex]
has the solution:

Instead do something like this:
[tex]\frac{1}{x} < \frac{1}{4}[/tex]
Muliply both sides by [itex]4[/itex]
Split into three cases:
[itex]x>0[/itex], [itex]x<0[/itex] and [itex]x=0[/itex].
Clearly the [itex]x=0[/itex] case is no solition since the left side is undefined.
Now, assuming that [itex]x>0[/itex] we can multiply both sides by x to get:
[tex]4<x \rm{and} x>0 \Leftrightarrow x>4[/tex]
Assuming that [itex]x<0[/itex] we get
[tex]4>x \rm{and} x<0 \Leftrightarrow x<0[/tex]
  • #5
Oh. In that case, sorry. As i said, i never combined cross-multiplying and inequalities, but since it works in equalities, i reckoned it would. I am working it out on paper now, however.
  • #6
OH GOD, ****.

My maths teacher will have to spank me for this. I said cross-multiplying, which means in
[tex]\frac{1}{x} < \frac{1}{4}[/tex]
that x*1>1*4. What i did was multiplying both denominators etc. That was indeed one hell of a stupid mistake. It also turns out that when cross-multiplying in a case like this, i need to swap the < to a >. Geez. OK, my teacher never told me *that*, but now i do know.

And of course it is true x can also be smaller than 0.

I guess i should just stop thinking about things my teacher never told me.


/me slaps himself around a bit with a large trout
/me slaps himself around a bit with his maths textbook

I apologise,

  • #7
Thanx for the information guys. Now I clearly get it.
  • #8
In addition to the "splitting into cases" method that Matt mentions there is another method that is often usful for this type of problem. This method involves always multiplying by a square so that you know that it's non-negative.

As an example take the inequality : x/(3-x) > 2

Mult both sides by (x-3)^2 : 3x - x^2 > 18 - 12x + 2x^2

Rearrange all terms to one side of the inequation: 3x^2 -15x + 18 < 0

Simplify : x^2 - 5x + 6 < 0

Now factorize (or any other method) to find the zeros and note that since this is an "upward" parabola then the region between to two zeros will be where the curve is less than zero.

(x - 2) (x - 3) < 0, therefore 2 < x < 3 is the solution.

This is a good method to use if have covered (or are currently studying) parabolas and quadratic equations. Just be a little careful about the multiply by zero case, that is x=3 in the above example. Be aware that x=3 wouldn't be in the solution even if the original inequation had a "greater than or equal" instead of the straight "greater than" as given.
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FAQ: Inequalities with the Unknown Denominator.

1. What is an inequality with an unknown denominator?

An inequality with an unknown denominator is an inequality in which the denominator is not explicitly stated or known. This means that the value of the denominator could vary and the inequality would still hold true.

2. How do you solve an inequality with an unknown denominator?

To solve an inequality with an unknown denominator, you must first isolate the variable on one side of the inequality. Then, you can multiply both sides of the inequality by the assumed value of the denominator to eliminate it. Finally, solve for the variable as you would in a normal inequality.

3. Can an inequality with an unknown denominator have multiple solutions?

Yes, an inequality with an unknown denominator can have multiple solutions. This is because the value of the denominator is not fixed, so there are multiple possible values that could make the inequality true.

4. How do you know if a solution to an inequality with an unknown denominator is valid?

To determine if a solution is valid, you must plug the value of the variable back into the original inequality and see if it satisfies the inequality. If it does, then the solution is valid. If not, then the solution is not valid.

5. Can an inequality with an unknown denominator be graphed?

Yes, an inequality with an unknown denominator can be graphed. The graph would represent all the possible solutions to the inequality, as it is not limited to a single value for the denominator. The resulting graph would be a shaded region on the number line.

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