How can the inequality hold for an injective function?

In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove the inequality A_0 \subset f^{-1}(f(A_0)) holds if f is injective. The conversation suggests two possible proofs and emphasizes the importance of starting from the given definitions. It is also clarified that the inclusion relation holds regardless of the injectivity of f, but can be written as an equality if f is injective. The confusion about the direction of the proof is also mentioned and resolved.
  • #1
This is something I understood before, but for some reason I forgot it. How do you prove this inequality holds, if f is injective?

[tex] A_0 \subset f^{-1}(f(A_0)) [/tex]
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Mathematics news on
  • #2
If x is not in A, then f(x) is not in f(A) (injectivity) so x is not in f^-1(f(A))
  • #3
waht said:
This is something I understood before, but for some reason I forgot it. How do you prove this inequality holds, if f is injective?

[tex] A_0 \subset f^{-1}(f(A_0)) [/tex]
Proofs of set algebra identities tend to be rather formulaic. If you look at the definition of "subset", then two proofs should immediately suggest themselves:
Let x be an element of A_0 ... Therefore x is in f^{-1}(f(A_0))​
Suppose x is not an element of f^{-1}(f(A_0)) ... Therefore x is not in A_0​

And from there, you simply have to fill in the missing steps. And again, the missing steps are usually obvious from unwinding the definitions.
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  • #4
waht said:
This is something I understood before, but for some reason I forgot it. How do you prove this inequality holds, if f is injective?

[tex] A_0 \subset f^{-1}(f(A_0)) [/tex]

Nolen Ryba said:
If x is not in A, then f(x) is not in f(A) (injectivity) so x is not in f^-1(f(A))
Yes, but that doesn't say anything about what happens if x IS A, which is the whole point.

waht, the standard way of proving "[itex]A\subset B[/itex] is to start "If x is in A" and then conclude "then x is in B".
If x is in A_0, you know that f(x) is in f(A_0). Now, what does the fact that f is injective say about x and f-1(f(A_0)).
  • #5

I'm not sure what you mean. I showed [tex] f^{-1}(f(A_0)) \subset A_0 [/tex] which is the other half of the equality waht was asking for.
  • #6
Nolen Ryba said:

I'm not sure what you mean. I showed [tex] f^{-1}(f(A_0)) \subset A_0 [/tex] which is the other half of the equality waht was asking for.

Yes, I understood that. That was why I said, "If x is in A_0"- because that's the direction you want to prove.
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
Yes, I understood that. That was why I said, "If x is in A_0"- because that's the direction you want to prove.

Am I reading this incorrectly?

waht said:
How do you prove this inequality holds, if f is injective?
  • #8
waht said:
This is something I understood before, but for some reason I forgot it. How do you prove this inequality holds, if f is injective?

[tex] A_0 \subset f^{-1}(f(A_0)) [/tex]

I'll assume you're starting from: f:A -> B and A_0 is a subset of A.

The inclusion relation you've written holds regardless of whether f is injective or not.
However, if f is injective, then the relation can be written as an equality.
Proof is nothing more than working the definitions, as has already been suggested.
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  • #9
Finally, it dawns on me. I was reading the whole thing backwards. I thought the question was to prove that if f is injective, then... Sorry, everyone.
  • #10
Thanks I get it now,

I should have been more clearer.

FAQ: How can the inequality hold for an injective function?

1. What is an injective function?

An injective function is a type of mathematical function where each element in the domain has a unique corresponding element in the range. In other words, no two elements in the domain map to the same element in the range.

2. What is the purpose of proving a function to be injective?

Proving a function to be injective is important in mathematics because it allows us to determine whether the function has an inverse. Additionally, injective functions are useful in many applications, such as cryptography and data compression.

3. How do you prove that a function is injective?

To prove that a function is injective, you must show that for any two distinct elements in the domain, their corresponding elements in the range are also distinct. This can be done using a direct proof, a proof by contradiction, or a proof by contrapositive.

4. What are some common methods used in injective function proofs?

Some common methods used in injective function proofs include using the definition of an injective function, using algebraic manipulations to show that the function is one-to-one, and using logical arguments to show that distinct elements in the domain have distinct corresponding elements in the range.

5. Can a function be both injective and surjective?

Yes, a function can be both injective and surjective. This type of function is called a bijective function, and it means that each element in the domain has a unique corresponding element in the range, and every element in the range has at least one corresponding element in the domain.

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