Interpreting operators in second quantization

In summary, the conversation discusses the interpretation of operators in second quantization and how they relate to single-particle quantum mechanics and superconductors. The conversation also clarifies the difference between creation and annihilation operators for fermions and bosons and their effects on Fock states.
  • #1
Hi guys

When working with operators in second quantization, I always imagine


as denoting the "good old" matrix element [itex]\left\langle {i}
\mathrel{\left | {\vphantom {i j}}
\right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
{j} \right\rangle [/itex]. But how should I interpret an operator given by e.g.

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  • #2
Wouldn't it be the good old product of two bras?
  • #3
In single-particle QM, one can write the Hamiltonian as

H=\sum H_{ij} |i \rangle \langle j|

In second quantization, the single-particle operator is

H'=\sum H_{ij} c_i^{\dagger} c_j,

so one can make the identification [tex] c_j \leftrightarrow \langle j|[/tex], as long as the Hilbert space is simply the space of single particles. Both Hamiltonians H and H' have, after all, the same matrix elements in this space.

The operator [tex] c^\dagger_i c_j^\dagger [/tex], on the other hand, does not even conserve the number of particles, so in my opinion, it makes no sense to identify the operator as any combination of bras and kets.
  • #4
Hi Niles,

It wouldn't make sense to interpret [tex] c_i^+ c_j [/tex] as the matrix element [tex] \langle i | j \rangle [/tex] since one is an operator and the other is a number. Indeed, if the single particle states i and j are orthogonal then the matrix element is just zero, but the operator you wrote is definitely not zero. The meaning of [tex] c_i^+ c_j [/tex] is that is turns the state [tex]| j \rangle [/tex] into the state [tex]| i \rangle [/tex]. It destroys a particle in the single particle state labeled by j and creates a particle in the single particle state labeled by i. Similarly, [tex] c^+_i c_j^+ [/tex] destroys no particles and creates a particle in state i and a particle in state j.

These kinds of operators are relevant in superconductors, for example, where the particle number can fluctuate coherently.
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  • #5
Physics Monkey said:
The meaning of [tex] c_i^+ c_j [/tex] is that is turns the state [tex]| j \rangle [/tex] into the state [tex]| i \rangle [/tex]. It destroys a particle in the single particle state labeled by i and creates a particle in the single particle state labeled by i. Similarly, [tex] c^+_i c_j^+ [/tex] destroys no particles and creates a particle in state i and a particle in state j.

I'm a little confused. Have you treated the c's as a's?
  • #6
George Jones said:
I'm a little confused. Have you treated the c's as a's?

Sorry, what are the "a's"?
  • #7
Physics Monkey said:
Sorry, what are the "a's"?

By convention, the "c's" are the creation/annihilation operators for *fermions*. The "a's" are the analogous operators for bosons. The c's change occupation numbers of fermions in a Fock state vector ... due to the PEP, those occupation numbers can only ever be 0 or 1.

The a's change occupation numbers for bosons, which do not have the PEP restrictions, and so can assume arbitrarily large values (e.g. high-photon density in an intense EM field).

EDIT: So, I guess George Jones' confusion came from the fact that if you apply a c+ creation operator twice to the same state, it simply returns that state to its original configuration with no net effect. Therefore, you cannot say (as you did) that applying the ci+ operator will create a particle in the ith state, because if that state is initially occupied, then it will actually annihilate the particle in that state.
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  • #8
SpectraCat said:
By convention, the "c's" are the creation/annihilation operators for *fermions*. The "a's" are the analogous operators for bosons. The c's change occupation numbers of fermions in a Fock state vector ... due to the PEP, those occupation numbers can only ever be 0 or 1.

I suppose this is a fairly common convention, but it wasn't clear to me that the OP was interested only in fermions.

EDIT: So, I guess George Jones' confusion came from the fact that if you apply a c+ creation operator twice to the same state, it simply returns that state to its original configuration with no net effect. Therefore, you cannot say (as you did) that applying the ci+ operator will create a particle in the ith state, because if that state is initially occupied, then it will actually annihilate the particle in that state.

Perhaps this is what George was talking about. Of course you're right that if I apply the fermionic creation operator to an already filled state then I don't add a fermion. However, I think you meant to say that applying the same fermionic creation operator twice annihilates the state (rather than returning the state to its original form) I was implicitly thinking about adding particles to the vacuum, but thanks for clarifying this point.
  • #9
Physics Monkey said:
I suppose this is a fairly common convention, but it wasn't clear to me that the OP was interested only in fermions.

Perhaps this is what George was talking about. Of course you're right that if I apply the fermionic creation operator to an already filled state then I don't add a fermion. However, I think you meant to say that applying the same fermionic creation operator twice annihilates the state (rather than returning the state to its original form) I was implicitly thinking about adding particles to the vacuum, but thanks for clarifying this point.

Yes, you are correct ... I was thinking that the application of the ci+ operator just destroyed the fermion in the ith-state, but of course it must annihilate the entire Fock state according to the PEP. Thanks for catching that! (it's been a while since I had to think about this stuff, and I am a bit rusty.)

FAQ: Interpreting operators in second quantization

What is second quantization?

Second quantization is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of a large number of quantum particles. It is based on the concept of creation and annihilation operators, which represent the creation and destruction of particles in a quantum system.

What is the role of operators in second quantization?

Operators in second quantization are used to describe the behavior of quantum particles in a system. They represent physical quantities such as position, momentum, and energy, and can be used to calculate the probability of a particle being in a certain state.

How are operators in second quantization different from those in first quantization?

In first quantization, operators act on individual particles to describe their behavior. In second quantization, operators act on a quantum field, which represents a large number of particles. This allows for a more efficient and accurate description of systems with a large number of particles.

What is the importance of interpreting operators in second quantization?

Interpreting operators in second quantization is crucial for understanding the behavior of quantum particles in a system. By understanding the physical meaning of these operators, scientists can make predictions and calculations about the behavior of a quantum system.

What are some common applications of second quantization in science?

Second quantization is used in many areas of physics, including quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and condensed matter physics. It is also used in chemistry and materials science to describe the behavior of electrons in molecules and solids. Additionally, it has applications in fields such as particle physics, nuclear physics, and cosmology.

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