Inverse functions for f:R^m->R^m , or f:X^m->Y^m

In summary, when given a function f:R^m-->R^m , it is difficult to find a "pointwise" inverse. Conditions for f need to be (the equiv.) f_1,...,f_n are 1-1 for f to be 1-to-1. If f_i is 1-1, then f_i(x_i)=f_i(y_i) . However, if f_i is not 1-1, then f_i(x_i) may not equal f_i(y_i) .
  • #1
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Inverse functions for f:R^m-->R^m , or f:X^m-->Y^m

This is , I guess a technical question:

Given f:R^m --->R^m ; f=(f_1(x_1,..,x_m),...,f_m(x_1,...,x_m))

Then I guess f^-1 (of course, assume f is 1-1.). Is given by a "pointwise" inverse ,

(right?) i.e.,

f^-1 =(f_1^-1 (x_1,..,x_m) ,...,f_m^-1(x_1,..,x_m)) ?.

Is there some theorem on existence of inverses if we only know f to be
continuous ( I think there is no known test for whether a function into R^m
is onto )?

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  • #2

Conditions for f should have been (the equiv.) f_1,...,f_n are 1-1.
  • #3

Can you give an example of a continuous function R^m->R (like you f_i) that is 1-to-1? I am not sure such a function exists for m>1.
  • #4

Yes, it seems difficult, I will think about it. I also realized that the condition that the f_i
are 1-1 is not equivalent to f:R^m-->R^m being 1-1; f :(x,y) = (Pi_1(x,y),Pi_2(x,y) )=
(x,y), with Pi_1, Pi_2 the projections is a counterexample. Life seems to become weird
outside of the safety of functions f:R-->R. Ontoness on each variable does not guarantee
ontoness of f:R^m-->R^m , with the dramatic example of f:R^2-->R^2 :
f_1(x,y) =x =f_2(x,y).

P.S: Sorry for the wordiness of my last post on bdry. of a manifold.
  • #5

I was wrong again here : If we have f:R^n-->R^n (or f:X^n -->Y^n )

and _just one_ of the f_i's is 1-1 , then f is 1-1 f(x_1,..,x_n)=f(y_1,..,y_n) , (x_1=(x_1i,

etc.)then f_i(x_i)=f_i(y_i) , which cannot happen if f_i is 1-1. Rest is still tricky,

but possible: there are continuous bijections f:X-->Y that are not homeomorphisms

( I need to look it up in my 'Counterexamples in Topology' book).

These product spaces can be confusing (at least to me).
  • #6

Hi, yyat:

I remembered the answer to your followup on existence of continuous functions
f:R^m-->R :

the answer is no, by k-connectivity: if h:R^m -->R is continuous, then so is

h': R^m-{x} -->R-{h(x)} . But R^m-{x} is connected, and R-{h(x)} is not.

I don't think that there is a nice answer for functions f:R^m-->R^k without

using algebraic topology , i.e., fundamental groups. I will think about this, please

let me know if you come up with some ideas.

Another thought about ontoness of maps f:R^m-->R^m ; maybe not too deep,

but I still think useful: given f=(f_1,..,f_n) , the functions f_i cannot be linearly

dependent, e.g., if f_1(x,y)=x and f_2(x,y) =nx , then f will only hit points in the

(linear) subspace (x,nx), and will miss every point (x+a,nx+b) for (a,b)=/(0,0) ; a,b in R.

This is necessary, together with the ontoness of each f_i ( if , say, f_k misses

y_k , then f will miss RxR..xRx{y_k}xRx..xR ) , but I don't know if these two conditions

together are sufficient to guarantee ontoness.

FAQ: Inverse functions for f:R^m->R^m , or f:X^m->Y^m

1. What is an inverse function?

An inverse function is a function that "undoes" the action of another function. In other words, if a function f takes an input x and produces an output y, the inverse function of f takes y as an input and produces x as an output.

2. Why is it important to find the inverse function?

Finding the inverse function of a given function can be useful in solving equations or systems of equations. It can also help in understanding the relationship between different variables in a problem.

3. How do you determine if a function has an inverse?

A function has an inverse if it passes the horizontal line test, meaning that no horizontal line intersects the graph of the function more than once. This ensures that each input has a unique output, which is necessary for an inverse function.

4. Can all functions have an inverse?

No, not all functions have an inverse. For a function to have an inverse, it must be one-to-one, meaning that each input has a unique output. Functions that fail the horizontal line test, such as y = x^2, do not have an inverse.

5. How do you find the inverse function of a given function?

To find the inverse function of a given function f, you can follow these steps:

1. Write the function in the form y = f(x).

2. Swap the positions of x and y so that the equation becomes x = f(y).

3. Solve for y in terms of x.

4. Replace y with f^-1(x) to get the inverse function.

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