Is it weird talking to inanimate objects?

  • Thread starter Niode
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In summary, Evo is frustrated with her computer, car, and other inanimate objects. She talks to them to try and get them to do what she wants, but they usually frustrate her. Evo also talks to objects when she's angry.
  • #1
Seriously, though! Have you ever been flicking through the channels on your television and just been like, "Don't you have ANYTHING good to show me?!" or if you're driving your car, have you ever been like, "C'mon baby, three more miles to the gas station, don't you dare die on - NOOOO! How could you, you evil evil creature! I oughta..." And so on and so forth.

I tend to talk to things like this when I'm frustrated. Mainly computers, I think (i.e. Come ON you blasted thing, can't you hurry up with the loading?!). I mean, do we have issues here? Or is this... normal?

PS. Is it possible to edit my post title? I can't believe I misspelled "objects"...
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  • #2
It's only weird if you expect them to answer, or worse still, if you think they actually do.
  • #3
I yell at my computer at work. I also talk to my car. They may not "speak", but they let you know if they feel mistreated. :rolleyes:
  • #4
Evo said:
I yell at my computer at work. I also talk to my car. They may not "speak", but they let you know if they feel mistreated. :rolleyes:

This one is a bit of a borderline case :-p
  • #5
I some times give my little 106 car a pat, i don't look after it much, but it just
keeps going for me. :smile:
  • #6
matthyaouw said:
This one is a bit of a borderline case :-p

It seems that way, but she's got a good point! Whenever I get angry at an object, it seems to try and frustrate me further, and it usually succeeds in doing so.

Is that what you meant, Evo?
  • #7
matthyaouw said:
This one is a bit of a borderline case :-p

I think Evo needs to talk to her mechanical devices, other wise they have
domino catastrophic break downs. :smile:
  • #8
I talk to inanimate objects all the time. Perhaps all, like me, have yet to let go of the idea we have the power to influence inanimate objects by sheer willpower. It's like a form of casting spells. "With these words I compel you to continue at constant speed until we reach the vicinity of the petroleum emporium." That's the way I say it, anyway.

Talking in your head... that's the real problem for me. When you find yourself wondering whether you just thought "My God, now that's a large lady" or whether you did actually say it. So you stare at the lady to see if she looks angry or startled, and she does, but you don't know if it's because you spoke out loud or whether it's because you're staring at her in a weird way. She puts down the size 16 dress and walks out of the shop unnerved, or upset. You look around you and you realize everyone is staring at you now, but is it because of something you said, or is it because you're sweating profusely? Or is it because you are a man standing alone in a ladieswear shop, fondling a basque?

Yep, we've all been there.
  • #9
Niode said:
It seems that way, but she's got a good point! Whenever I get angry at an object, it seems to try and frustrate me further, and it usually succeeds in doing so.

Is that what you meant, Evo?
Yep, they will get their revenge. :devil:

I agree with Wolram, you need to give a little pat to your car and thank it once in a while, a happy car will work harder. :biggrin:
  • #10
El Hombre Invisible said:
I talk to inanimate objects all the time. Perhaps all, like me, have yet to let go of the idea we have the power to influence inanimate objects by sheer willpower. It's like a form of casting spells. "With these words I compel you to continue at constant speed until we reach the vicinity of the petroleum emporium." That's the way I say it, anyway.
You're my kind of guy. :smile:
  • #11
Evo said:
You're my kind of guy. :smile:
That's what I've been trying to tell you. :wink:
  • #12
Niode said:
It seems that way, but she's got a good point! Whenever I get angry at an object, it seems to try and frustrate me further, and it usually succeeds in doing so.
Cooking. That's the killer for me. I'm a good cook, and I know in the end everything will come out okay, but something doesn't go quite right then I'm wringing that spatula's neck shouting: "You evil B/\ST/\RD!" I guess in the absence of humans we look for something inanimate to blame, support us, etc.

Worst case of talking to an inanimate object:

ME: You love it like that, don't you...

  • #13
i talk to my math homework a lot. "do you think that if i subtract this and find the common denominator... hmm, maybe if i simplify here and integrate with respect to... no, maybe you'd like it if i just substituted in... no, god, what do you want from me!?"

it doesn't talk back per se, but I've noticed my homework has a sort of maniacle chuckle... i swear i hear it! "hehehe, you'll never solve me!"
  • #14
El Hombre Invisible said:
Cooking. That's the killer for me. I'm a good cook, and I know in the end everything will come out okay, but something doesn't go quite right then I'm wringing that spatula's neck shouting: "You evil B/\ST/\RD!" I guess in the absence of humans we look for something inanimate to blame, support us, etc.

Oh MAN, I forgot about the food... I can recall a time when a friend and I actually gave sympathies to something we tried to prepare (quite unsuccessfully). It was egg something-or-other, and it was supposed to poof up in the oven. It looked okay for a while, even while it was cooking. When the timer went off, we opened the oven door with eager hands, proud of our success. But then... they kinda... well, they deflated. It was pretty sad. We were cooing over them and poking them with forks.
  • #15
Niode said:
Oh MAN, I forgot about the food... I can recall a time when a friend and I actually gave sympathies to something we tried to prepare (quite unsuccessfully). It was egg something-or-other, and it was supposed to poof up in the oven. It looked okay for a while, even while it was cooking. When the timer went off, we opened the oven door with eager hands, proud of our success. But then... they kinda... well, they deflated. It was pretty sad. We were cooing over them and poking them with forks.
Do you ever talk to your food? "Mmmm, you are good."
  • #16
El Hombre Invisible said:
Do you ever talk to your food? "Mmmm, you are good."

Nope. Sometimes I'll say something like, "Daaaang, this is really good!" to a friend while I'm eating, but I don't talk directly to my food. I've never even considered the act of doing it, actually. If I start talking to my food today, I'll know who to hunt down and whack with a pool noodle. :-p
  • #17
Niode said:
Nope. Sometimes I'll say something like, "Daaaang, this is really good!" to a friend while I'm eating, but I don't talk directly to my food. I've never even considered the act of doing it, actually. If I start talking to my food today, I'll know who to hunt down and whack with a pool noodle. :-p
Uh... :rolleyes: ... no... neither do I. :rolleyes:
  • #18
El Hombre Invisible said:
Worst case of talking to an inanimate object:
ME: You love it like that, don't you...
Oh? I thought it would be

YOU: You love it like that, don't you...
  • #19
honestrosewater said:
Oh? I thought it would be
YOU: You love it like that, don't you...
I don't get it but it sounds horrible. :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #20
I don't get it either, but I have an idea. :-p
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  • #21
I just remembered a buddy 'o' mine who gets very, VERY verbal with his video games. Do you guys think yelling at the characters in the game counts?
  • #22
matthyaouw said:
It's only weird if you expect them to answer, or worse still, if you think they actually do.
Unless it's a furby.

Of course, if you own a furby, you're probably a little weird anyway. Those things were evil. :rolleyes:
  • #23
Talking? No. Screaming, yelling and swearing...:blushing: maybe. :shy: :rolleyes:
  • #24
honestrosewater said:
Oh? I thought it would be
YOU: You love it like that, don't you...

That's why they include patch kits with those...:rolleyes: at least that's what I've heard.

BTW - I talk to my bike all the time.
  • #25
honestrosewater said:
Oh? I thought it would be
YOU: You love it like that, don't you...

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #26
El Hombre Invisible said:
then I'm wringing that spatula's neck
Spatulas have necks? :confused:

Niode said:
We were cooing over them and poking them with forks.
If your demonstrations of sympathy including poking the subject with forks, remind me not to get ill near you. :bugeye:

El Hombre Invisible said:
Do you ever talk to your food? "Mmmm, you are good."
Define 'food'. :devil:

honestrosewater said:
Oh? I thought it would be
YOU: You love it like that, don't you...
:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #27
Danger said:
If your demonstrations of sympathy including poking the subject with forks, remind me not to get ill near you. :bugeye:

Well, we were being sympathetic by cooing. . . And then we realized it wasn't responding, so we began our poking in an attempt to revive it. Didn't do much good, though. Only made it deflate more. At least it still tasted good.
  • #28
honestrosewater said:
Oh? I thought it would be
YOU: You love it like that, don't you...
I didn't have time to get this cus I was leaving work. Then I got it. I was glad it wasn't actually what I thought. No, the inanimate object was an entirely in jest statement about my girlfriend's lack of enthusiasm about my sweet, sweet lovin' and not in reference to anything I might utilise in her absense. I wonder if anyone here ever has... Hmmmm... could be poll time.

FAQ: Is it weird talking to inanimate objects?

What is the reason behind talking to inanimate objects?

The main reason people talk to inanimate objects is for comfort and companionship. It can also serve as a coping mechanism for loneliness or stress.

Is it normal to talk to inanimate objects?

While it may seem strange to some, talking to inanimate objects is a common behavior. It is estimated that up to 60% of people talk to objects at some point in their lives.

Can talking to inanimate objects be beneficial?

Yes, talking to inanimate objects can have psychological benefits. It can provide a sense of control and can also help with problem-solving and decision-making.

Is talking to inanimate objects a sign of mental illness?

No, talking to inanimate objects is not considered a sign of mental illness. However, if it interferes with daily functioning or becomes excessive, it may be a symptom of a larger issue.

How can I stop talking to inanimate objects?

If you feel like talking to inanimate objects is becoming problematic, it may be helpful to find alternative coping mechanisms and to engage in activities that provide a sense of companionship and connection with others.

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