Is OpenGL too old for computer graphics programming?

In summary, the person is new to computer science and has some knowledge of C and OOP. They want to learn computer graphics and have found a book on OpenGL from 1990, but are wondering if it is too outdated. Other platforms for computer graphics are mentioned, including DirectX and OpenGL. It is recommended to start with 2D before moving on to 3D graphics, and there are many tutorials available for learning. The person also shares their own experience with using SDL and glut for OpenGL programming.
  • #1
I am new to the world of computer science. I learned C language last year in my university. I also have a basic knowledge of OOP concepts and C#

I want to learn Computer Graphics. I found this book named "Computer Graphics Using OpenGL by F.S. Hill" in the Library. The copyright year of the book is 1990. I was wondering, would the info in this book be too old for today? Also, is OpenGL an old software? Is it still used? What are other platforms for computer graphics apart from OpenGL?
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  • #3
It pretty much comes down to OpenGL (most platforms) and DirectX (Windows only). DirectX is very popular because Windows is a popular gaming platform, but don't be fooled, OpenGL is very capable and robust.

I think you could learn either one and transition to the other without too much fuss, although there is a steep learning curve to learn that one the first time, especially for 3d graphics.

There's only one real way to figure these things out and that's start making things. Might I suggest you have a go at something 2d first, and not a game, just draw and get your head around that. The game can come later. When it comes to 3d, you need a bit of maths. Not that much, the library handles most of the complicated transformations for you, but you best know what a frustum is, and your trig, some basic calculus and matrices.

Anyway, one step at a time, go draw something! There's thousands of tutorials around. The time to figure out what the market wants is after you've been playing for a while and have some perspective.

For what it's worth, my first foray towards graphics programming was with the SDL library and these tutorials. Once I had a few basics down, I took a class at uni and we used which is a library for writing OpenGL programs
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  • #4
Going off of what's already been said,

It depends a lot on what you want to use it for- directX tends to be a bit more polished, plus it comes with sound functions as well. It is only available on windows, however, as it is Microsoft. Also, used in X-box coding (direct X, X box, that's where it got its name)

OpenGL is simpler, and much more portable, It had been in a lull for the past few years but I think a come back is due!
  • #5

As a scientist with a background in computer graphics programming, I can say that while OpenGL may be considered "old" in terms of its initial release in 1992, it is still widely used and relevant in the field of computer graphics programming. In fact, it is still the standard for many graphics applications and is regularly updated with new features and capabilities.

While the book you mentioned may have been published in 1990, the fundamentals and principles of computer graphics have not changed significantly since then. Therefore, the information in the book can still be valuable and applicable to current graphics programming.

That being said, it is important to also learn about other platforms and technologies in computer graphics, as the field is constantly evolving. Some other popular platforms for computer graphics include DirectX, Vulkan, and Unity. It is always beneficial to have a diverse knowledge of different tools and platforms in order to stay current and adapt to different projects and industries.

In summary, while OpenGL may be considered "old" in terms of its initial release, it is still widely used and relevant in the field of computer graphics programming. The book you found can still provide valuable information, but it is also important to continue learning and exploring other platforms and technologies in order to stay current in this constantly evolving field.

FAQ: Is OpenGL too old for computer graphics programming?

1. Is OpenGL still relevant in modern computer graphics programming?

Yes, OpenGL is still widely used in modern computer graphics programming. While there are newer graphics APIs such as Vulkan and DirectX, OpenGL remains a popular choice for many developers due to its cross-platform compatibility and ease of use.

2. Can I use OpenGL for advanced graphics programming?

Yes, OpenGL is capable of handling advanced graphics programming techniques such as 3D rendering, lighting, and shading. It also has support for newer features like tessellation and compute shaders.

3. Are there any limitations to using OpenGL for computer graphics programming?

While OpenGL is a powerful graphics API, it does have some limitations. For example, it is not as low-level as other APIs like Vulkan, which may limit its performance in certain scenarios. It also does not have built-in support for features like multithreading.

4. Is it worth learning OpenGL for computer graphics programming?

Yes, learning OpenGL can be a valuable skill for anyone interested in computer graphics programming. It provides a good foundation for understanding graphics concepts and can be easily applied to other graphics APIs if needed.

5. Will OpenGL become obsolete in the future?

It is unlikely that OpenGL will become completely obsolete in the near future. While newer APIs may gain more popularity, OpenGL is still widely used and supported. It is also constantly evolving, with updates and new versions being released regularly to keep up with modern graphics programming needs.

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