Is Our Universe the Creation of Intelligent Aliens?

In summary, the conversation suggests the idea that our universe could have been created by highly intelligent aliens in a laboratory with precise calculations. There is also the possibility of infinite parallel universes and the anthropic principle. Some suggest that we ourselves may be able to create a universe in a laboratory, while others joke about being just a small "farticle" in someone else's universe. However, this speculation seems too far outside the realm of science to prove or disprove in the foreseeable future.
  • #1
can it be possible, our universe is made in laboratory of high intelligence aliens, they have made our complete universe there, there is all calculated mathemetics, from speed of light to mass of electron, number of quarks to size of quasars, i know this idea looks little silly and childish but i think it can be happen, they have made like the process that we can't know the beyond the boundary, every thing is calculated like gravitational constant to Planck's constant.
or are there infinite parallel universes all over, one can't predict boundary, and they are inter connected because of law of conservation of energy.
Which idea looks more mathematical, more near to anthropic principle?
Space news on
  • #2
Maybe we're just a big supercomputer, created to calculate the question of Life, the Universe and Everything!
  • #3
It's possible, but it's currently so far outside of the realm of science that we could never prove or disprove it in the foreseeable future.
  • #4
pavi_elex said:
can it be possible, our universe is made in laboratory of high intelligence aliens, they have made our complete universe there, there is all calculated mathemetics, from speed of light to mass of electron, number of quarks to size of quasars, i know this idea looks little silly and childish but i think it can be happen,
A response in jest might suggest that in plenty of religions you're describing God.

The question to ask is that even if it is the case, is there any way of us ever knowing? And so is there any point in asking thinking about it? :)
  • #5
pavi_elex said:
can it be possible, our universe is made in laboratory of high intelligence aliens, they have made our complete universe there, there is all calculated mathemetics, from speed of light to mass of electron, number of quarks to size of quasars, i know this idea looks little silly and childish but i think it can be happen, they have made like the process that we can't know the beyond the boundary, every thing is calculated like gravitational constant to Planck's constant.
or are there infinite parallel universes all over, one can't predict boundary, and they are inter connected because of law of conservation of energy.
Which idea looks more mathematical, more near to anthropic principle?

I think you should read the works of:
John Archibald Wheeler on participatory principle.
Robert Dicke on anthropic (or man-related) principle.

I think you will love it.
  • #6
pavi_elex said:
can it be possible, our universe is made in laboratory of high intelligence aliens, they have made our complete universe there, there is all calculated mathemetics, from speed of light to mass of electron, number of quarks to size of quasars, i know this idea looks little silly and childish but i think it can be happen, they have made like the process that we can't know the beyond the boundary, every thing is calculated like gravitational constant to Planck's constant.
or are there infinite parallel universes all over, one can't predict boundary, and they are inter connected because of law of conservation of energy.
Which idea looks more mathematical, more near to anthropic principle?

this only leads to a other question, who created them and where are they from ect,
  • #7
cosmicpencil said:
this only leads to a other question, who created them and where are they from ect,

My guess: pandimensional beings which manifest themselves as mouse.
  • #8
There are papers suggesting that we ourselves may be able to create a universe in the laboratory, I can provide a link or you can google 'baby universe' to find the published papers. It has to do with monopoles and such, interesting stuff. Such a baby universe after nucleation would sepperate from our universe into it's own existence and we would have no way of interacting with it after that. Presumably we might find a way to "leave a message" in some of the physical constants of that universe for it's future inhabitants if any. But only their physicsts would be able to read it.
  • #9
TalonD said:
There are papers suggesting that we ourselves may be able to create a universe in the laboratory, I can provide a link or you can google 'baby universe' to find the published papers. It has to do with monopoles and such, interesting stuff. Such a baby universe after nucleation would sepperate from our universe into it's own existence and we would have no way of interacting with it after that. Presumably we might find a way to "leave a message" in some of the physical constants of that universe for it's future inhabitants if any. But only their physicsts would be able to read it.

If the physics of that baby universe were/would be the same as ours. They may go from the big bang to the big crunch all in 5 mins.
  • #10
CompuChip said:
My guess: pandimensional beings which manifest themselves as mouse.

Maybe out universe was created in one of their particle accelerators. Their perception of time could be very different to ours.

Or maybe it was sneezed into existence.
  • #11
Belzy said:
If the physics of that baby universe were/would be the same as ours. They may go from the big bang to the big crunch all in 5 mins.

big crunch? but what about rarefation? that seems more in style than the big crunch.
  • #12
I know I probably shouldn't say this but...
maybe we are just a small... farticle in someone els'es universe?

and yes the 'f' is on purpose...

ok, that's a geek joke if ever there was one.

I hope some one 'gets' it !
  • #13
Yes that really would suck, but maybe there just farticles in a bigger universe.
  • #14
This has gone on long enough. Its far too speculative.

Related to Is Our Universe the Creation of Intelligent Aliens?

1. What is the actual position of the universe?

The actual position of the universe is constantly changing and expanding. It is believed that the universe began with the Big Bang and has been expanding ever since. However, the exact position of the universe is not known and cannot be determined due to its vast size.

2. How do scientists determine the position of the universe?

Scientists use various methods to study and determine the position of the universe, such as measuring the redshift of distant galaxies, analyzing the cosmic microwave background radiation, and observing the movement of celestial objects. However, these methods can only provide estimates and cannot pinpoint the exact position of the universe.

3. Is the universe at the center of anything?

No, the universe is not at the center of anything. The idea of the universe having a center or an edge is a common misconception. The universe is constantly expanding and has no fixed center or edge.

4. Can we ever know the actual position of the universe?

It is highly unlikely that we will ever be able to know the exact position of the universe. The universe is vast, and our current technology and understanding of the universe are limited. As it continues to expand, it becomes increasingly difficult to determine its precise location.

5. Does the actual position of the universe affect us?

The actual position of the universe does not have a direct impact on our daily lives. However, studying the position and movement of the universe can help us understand the origins of the universe and the laws of physics that govern it. This knowledge can have significant implications for our understanding of the world and our place in it.

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