Is poincare group simply connected?

In summary, Wald (General Relativity, 1984) says that the Poincare group is not simply connected, beacuse in particular for a rotation of LaTeX Code: 2\\pi about an axis - say z - such a function F does not exist.
  • #1
(I posted this in Particle Physics too)

We call a group G "simply connected" if every curve C(t) in G which is closed (that is, C(0) = C(1) = I) can be continuously deformed into the trivial curve C'(t) = I (where I is the unit element in G). This is formalised saying that, for each closed C(t), there exists a continuous function F: [0, 1]x[0, 1] -> G such that

1) F(0, t) = C(t), for all t
2) F(1, t) = I, for all t
3) F(s, 0) = F(s, 1) = I, for all s

Now, Wald (General Relativity, 1984) says that the Poincare group is not simply connected, beacuse in particular for a rotation of LaTeX Code: 2\\pi about an axis - say z - such a function F does not exist.

My question follows.
Consider the function

F(s, t) := sI + (1 - s)C(t),

where C(t) is the closed curve in Poincare group G associated to a rotation of LaTeX Code: 2\\pi about z, that is,

C(t) =
(1 0 0 0)
(0 cos2\pi t -sin2\pi t 0)
(0 sin2\pi t cos2\pi t 0)
(0 0 0 1)

with t in [0, 1].
This F seems to verify (1)-(3)... where is my mistake?

I thank you for your help, and apologize for the "matrix" above...
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  • #2
It seems like your formula for F could be used to prove that *any* closed curve can meet the requirements; you've set it up so that all three conditions are automatically satisfied if C(0) = C(1) = I. Since there are certainly groups which are not simply connected, you must be leaving something out. I suspect what you're leaving out is that F, for the C(t) you've given, is not continuous.
  • #3
Is [itex]t\mapsto F(s,t)[/itex] a curve in the Poincaré group for every s in [0,1]?

Think about a closed curve around a torus for example. If your "deformed curve" isn't required to be a curve in the torus, then you can obviously shrink it to a point by cutting through the torus. This only indicates that [itex]\mathbb R^3[/itex] is simply connected, not that a torus is.

I recommend that you don't post in two places, and that you use tex or itex tags for the Latex next time.
  • #4
Ok, problem solved (in Particle Physics): I idiotically thought that if I and C(t) were in G, then also a linear combination such as sI + (1 - s)C(t) would be in G. This is false, since we are talking of a GROUP, not of a linear space! In fact, even sI is not in G (if s is not 1), since its determinant is not 1 (and hence it is not a Lorentz transformation)! The function F must be constructed using only matrix product between poincare transformations - i.e., using the group-product of G.
Sorry for my stupidity, and thanks anyway.

About the post, i put it in both the places since it concerned both the subjects, Special Relativity and Quantum Field Theory (the fact that poincare group isn't simply connected justifies the introduction of spinors).
About Latex, i tried to use it, but "advanced tools" such as "\begin{array}" (for matrices) were not accepted...
  • #5
andrea.dapor said:
About Latex, i tried to use it, but "advanced tools" such as "\begin{array}" (for matrices) were not accepted...
You probably just forgot the annoying "cc" syntax:

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{cc}a & b\\ c & d\\ e & f\end{array}\right)[/tex]

I prefer \begin{pmatrix} for matrices.

FAQ: Is poincare group simply connected?

1. What is the Poincaré group?

The Poincaré group is a mathematical concept in physics that describes the symmetries of space and time. It includes all possible translations, rotations, and boosts (or transformations between reference frames) that leave physical laws unchanged.

2. What does it mean for the Poincaré group to be simply connected?

A group is simply connected if any loop in that group can be continuously shrunk to a single point without leaving the group. In the context of the Poincaré group, this means that any transformation can be smoothly and continuously deformed into the identity transformation without leaving the group.

3. Why is the simply connected property important for the Poincaré group?

The simply connected property of the Poincaré group is important in physics because it allows for the smooth and continuous transformation of physical states without encountering any topological obstacles. This makes it a useful tool for describing the symmetries of physical systems.

4. How is the simply connected property of the Poincaré group related to the concept of gauge invariance?

Gauge invariance is a principle in physics that states that the laws of physics should remain unchanged under certain transformations. The simply connected property of the Poincaré group ensures that these transformations are smooth and continuous, making it a useful tool for describing gauge symmetries in physics.

5. Are there any physical systems that violate the simply connected property of the Poincaré group?

The simply connected property of the Poincaré group is a fundamental mathematical concept and is not violated in any physical systems. However, there are physical systems that do not exhibit Poincaré symmetry, such as systems with non-inertial reference frames or systems with external forces acting on them.

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