Can we travel back and forward in space?

In summary: Space travel is possible (or not) not more than time travel is.In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of space travel and time travel. It concludes that while we can only travel forward in both space and time, the high velocities involved make it impossible to travel back in either direction. The conversation also mentions the small variances in velocity being more noticeable in space due to the speed of light. It suggests focusing on space travel before considering time travel. The final comment jokes about being stuck in 2-D space and unable to go back home.
  • #1
Space travel is possible (or not) not more than time travel is.

Do you thing that you can travel back and forward in space? You may THINK that you can, but you can't.
We all travel with earth, and Earth travels with sun, and sun travels... etc.
The final velocity is too high to reach with any technology, so we can't cancel it or reverse it.
It's impossible to go back in space! As it is impossible to go back in time.

- We ALL travel only forward in space and time.

- The small variances in our velocity is more noticeable in space than in time
(this is due to the very high speed the light has according to our perception).

- Forget about time traveling and think about space traveling first!

Any comment?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
You mean that when I leave home to go to work in the morning, I can't go back?
  • #3
mathfigure said:
Space travel is possible (or not) not more than time travel is.

Do you thing that you can travel back and forward in space? You may THINK that you can, but you can't.
We all travel with earth, and Earth travels with sun, and sun travels... etc.
The final velocity is too high to reach with any technology, so we can't cancel it or reverse it.
It's impossible to go back in space! As it is impossible to go back in time.

- We ALL travel only forward in space and time.

- The small variances in our velocity is more noticeable in space than in time
(this is due to the very high speed the light has according to our perception).

- Forget about time traveling and think about space traveling first!

Any comment?
I take it, then, that you have no idea what "relative velocity" means!
  • #4
This is pretty much nonsense. It does not belong in the Relativity fourm, perhaps GD is a better place for it. Moved.
  • #5
mathfigure said:
Space travel is possible (or not) not more than time travel is.

Do you thing that you can travel back and forward in space? You may THINK that you can, but you can't.
We all travel with earth, and Earth travels with sun, and sun travels... etc.
The final velocity is too high to reach with any technology, so we can't cancel it or reverse it.
It's impossible to go back in space! As it is impossible to go back in time.

- We ALL travel only forward in space and time.

- The small variances in our velocity is more noticeable in space than in time
(this is due to the very high speed the light has according to our perception).

- Forget about time traveling and think about space traveling first!

Any comment?

...what are you smoking, man?
  • #6
You mean the sandwich I brought to work is stuck in the refrigerator forever? But I'm so hungry. I'll have to wait until I get home to eat.

Wait. I can't go home either. I'm doomed to roam the Earth for the rest of my life, without home or love. :(

You win this time, unidirectional, apparently 2-D Space.
  • #7
No comprende.

FAQ: Can we travel back and forward in space?

1. Is it possible for humans to travel to other planets?

Yes, it is possible for humans to travel to other planets. NASA has already sent multiple missions to other planets, such as Mars, and plans to send astronauts to Mars in the near future. However, this type of space travel requires advanced technology and extensive planning.

2. How do astronauts survive in space?

Astronauts survive in space by wearing special suits that provide oxygen and protect them from the extreme temperatures and lack of air. They also live and work in a spacecraft or space station that is equipped with the necessary life support systems, such as air, water, and food.

3. Can spaceships travel faster than the speed of light?

No, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, it is currently believed that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. However, scientists are constantly researching and experimenting with ways to increase the speed of space travel.

4. How does gravity affect space travel?

Gravity plays a crucial role in space travel. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the sun and for the moon orbiting around the Earth. In space, gravity also helps keep astronauts and space objects in a stable orbit. However, it can also make it difficult for spacecraft to enter or exit the orbit of a planet.

5. Will humans ever be able to travel to other galaxies?

At this point in time, it is impossible for humans to travel to other galaxies. The nearest galaxy to our own is over 2 million light years away, which would take an unimaginable amount of time to reach with our current technology. However, as technology advances, this may become a possibility in the distant future.

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